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my friend ignores me when she hangs out with other people, i feel like the fifth wheel!?

okay. my best friend i have known for about 4 years now is acting different. accually she always has acted kinda like this. she is my BEST friend though i cant just not be frinds with her. okay now the issue, when she is around other people, or "cooler" peopl that are more important than i am or that she wants to be friends with and look cool with, she ignores me and puts me down and makes me feel like the fifth wheel and out of place. i try to stay in their little group. even if the girl she is hanging out with is my friend too. like today i had them both over, when she had to leave, she hugged my other friend and walked away, she is a ***** around me when she is with other people. sometimes she will act like shes my best friend and other times like she doesnt know me. i cannot confront her because then she will be like omg you are so dramatic and wont believe me or, make me feel stupid. i dont want to fight with her but i think i should just not invite her over anymore and see what happens, or i wont hang out with her. AHHH HELP ME !!!!!!! and believe me it is not like she wants to hang out with the cooler crowd, she is younger than me. and bosses me around. i hope that makes sense! help me it is a tough situation.


she almost just acts likes shes better than me all the time.

Update 2:

sometimes she does it when i am over her house, then i cant escape! what do i do then

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yeah, my best friend does that too. She thinks sooo highly of herself - she determines her self worth by how many people she's hanging out with, and it's really shallow and annoying. Because she acts like she's better than me just because she texts more people or has more facebook friends or whatever. I told her exactly what she was doing and to stop doing it, and it just made it worse. I think that by confronting her, she doesn't sound like the sort of person that would think alot about your feelings, so that would just make her even meaner about it.

    I think you've got to decide that since she's your best friend, you have to suck it up and be the *much* better person. It's going to be really, really tough, but it's a tough situation.

    Good luck. I really hope your best friend is better than mine.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is so tough to go through. I know what its like. Im in 8th grade and my friend did this to me this year. She started hanging out with troublemakers. She would sometimes ignore me and act like i didnt exsist or sometimes she would be like following me everywhere when her crowd of jerks werent there. It got really annoying and it made me feel really sad.I dont really talk to her that much anymore and have made new friends.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like this good friend of yours isn't actually your friend at all. She shouldn't ever be embarrassed of you and she also shouldn't act like you don't exist. My best advice would be just to not talk to her about it, but if she unwilling to even hear your peace, then your best bet is just to stop being friends with her. Try picking friends that actually treat you like a friend next time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    SCREW HER. she's being a total *****! honestly if I were you I would just go on and move on in life and do my own things with other friends. Forget her, if she's acting like that then why should you be nice to her?

    just do what you want, and don't forget karma baby what goes around comes around <3 Goodluck!

    Source(s): life
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  • 1 decade ago

    I think you cherish the friendship more than she does. No true friend would treat you like a fifth wheel and ignore you around other people like that.

  • I know what you mean.If I were you I would just start acting the way she does and she how she will react,and hun you are important no one is more important than you so just fiit in more be more loud and outgoing and make your self alive and not just the person standing there..hope i helped

    answer mine?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    forget her then! you shouldn't bother with a friend that doesn't even act as a friend towards you. a friendship is a two-sided relationship, both people have to contribute.

    good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    you should be friends with some one else and ignore her when shes around and if she says some thing tell her she was doing the same thing to you!

    Source(s): me myself and i
  • 1 decade ago

    well i have that type of experience with my cousin and dont try to talk 2 her cuz she would be like (wtf watever) so just try to ignore her and hang wit someone better and try acting a little more mature in front of her doing that might help nice answering and rate please rate good but if you dont like it then rate bad doesnt really matter okay

    Source(s): me myself and i
  • 1 decade ago

    please get a hold of yourself..this girl treats u like ****.. dump her and find another friend..tell her or i will because there is no reason for a human being to treat u like tht,,,u should embarass her infront of her friends and leave,,,good luck

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