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Steve-O asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 1 decade ago

Is every male "family-first" republican banging someone besides their wife?

Now it's Mark Sanford. What is it with these guys?


O.K.--He was definitely having an affair, which he admitted today. He might not be the most high and mighty of the religious righters, not like Promise Keeper John Ensign, but still...

Update 2:

Ryde-On. You're right of course that liberal politicians have their affairs as well. But it seems to me that the Republican party, especially the Southern conservative wing of it, has made a career out of running on personal morality, religion, etc. etc.,

I mean--if you vote for a Kennedy, you almost expect the affair. That' s half of the charm.

This is like Haggard and Ensign and all of those others. It's shocking how hypocritical and ironic it always is.

Update 3:

Yo Ryde--Barney Frank never said he wasn't gay, never called for prejudice against gay people, and never claimed he was celibate.

And it was his housemate and lover who was running the gay escort service.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    One would certainly be lead to that conclusion, given the number of occurrences and the media reporting of the whole sordid affair.

    So much for honesty, decency and integrity from those who claim to champion such concepts.

  • 1 decade ago

    Probably not EVERY one, but I would suspect it is way more of them than we know about.

    Politicians on BOTH sides of the political fence seem to have a tendency to consider themselves above the laws they make for others to live by.

    Sure, it seems at least somewhat more reprehensible for those who run on platforms of honor and integrity. If you are going to represent yourself as an honorable and trustworthy person, then you need to ACTUALLY BE honorable and trustworthy.

    The democrats aren't entirely without blame, either, though. They more or less set a really nasty social precedent when they flocked to defend Clinton's moronic sexual escapades. The idea was promoted hot and heavily that it was OKAY to lie, cheat, and betray the trust of others - AS LONG AS it was about sex. If it was about anything ELSE, then it was still wrong, but if it was about SEX, then it was perfectly OKAY!

    Because all the cheaters "out there" saw this as a legitimizing of and justification for their dishonorable activities, the idea caught on - BIG TIME! ! ! ! ! (You should have heard or read some of the filthy hate-stuff that was going around the media against that prosecutor, Kennith Starr - just because he was trying to hold Clinton to the same standards of honor and decency that our society SHOULD be promoting for EVERYONE! The man's very LIFE was vehemently threatened - YES, even publically on TV talk shows - by famous celebrities - and he was villified in virtually EVERY branch of the liberal-dominated media!)

    When it comes to politics, BOTH sides of the fence are EQUALLY corrupt and dishonorable. They just go about exercising their negative qualities in different ways.

    All in all, I have to agree with the definition of "politics" that I found in a book by Richard Lederer:

    poli, from poly which means "many"

    tics, from ticks which means "blood-sucking, parasitic insects"

    Source(s): observation and UNBIASED memory
  • 1 decade ago

    LOL. It is the "do as I say, not as I do" thing with bigots and hypocrites that call themselves Republican holier than though politicians. It really is pathetic that they have absolutely no other issue left to hold over our heads but family values, and they had to mess it up as well. Republican Party in USA these days is like an unfortunate little puppy, that can't stop crapping all over itself no matter what you say or do.

    And FYI, my bitter Republican friends, yes Democrats do behave just as badly from time to time, but they don’t pretend to be saints and don’t condemn everything in site for being evil, while dropping their pants and acting a fool as their Republican peers do.

  • xoxoxo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Probably...although it's not limited to just them. Seems like lots of politicians all over the world regardless of their political stances are messing around. Look at that media circus about the Italian Prime Minister...all that he said/she said mess.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hardly. I think a lot of the attention has to do with their "fall from grace", their inability to practice what they preach. Hypocrisy is always an attention catcher and so is human fallibility.

  • 1 decade ago

    You see, when you ask for perfection in others God or the universe will show you how imperfect you really are.

    The same things happens to liberals like myself when we start feeling that we can judge others.

    Personally, I am not a Republican of any stripe. But I want to be fair just as I want others to be fair to me and my political leanings.

    There are moral values men who are loyal and loving to their wives.

    But the ones who aren't are just showing their imperfections.

    Source(s): ****Oh Lord...Why is she from Argentina? Can someone tell me why everyone's mistress is from Argentina or Brazil? RFLMAO! (shakes head sadly)*****
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wasn't there some Democrat who had an intern 1/2 his age blowing him in the Oval Office ?

    Isn't John Edwards a Dem ?

    How about Gary Heart ?

    Edit: Like Edwards didn't ?

    ***I didn't say "For being gay" I said for using gay prostitutes.

    Source(s): Edit @ Betty ,You mean Like Dem, Barney Frank's repeated reprimands for using gay protitutes
  • 1 decade ago

    It's a lying politician "thing". Wait though, lying and politician are synonymous...

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't really think it's necessarily a Republican or Democrat thing.

    It might be a politician thing.

    Most likely, it's a guy thing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No more so than the democrats. They just look worse doing it because they preach values so loudly.

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