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What did Michael Jackson mean to you?

Michael Jackson has passed away, but his music will live on. How did his songs and life affect you?

1,345 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Michael means a lot to me. I grew up listening to his music and I've always appreciated him as a person. Michael reminds me of my childhood memories. When I was a kid, I was a big fan. I remember how I was keen on collecting his photos and searching for his albums which were released before I was born. I used to keep any magazine articles written about him. His posters were hung on every wall in my room and I used attack people giving negative comments about him.

    Concerning the way his songs affected me, "Earth Song" has affected me to great extent. This song motivated me to try do anything to participate in protecting the environment . So, as a kid, I refused to throw any garbage in the street, unlike many other kids, just because Michael was an idol to me, though "Earth Song" is not about environmental problems of that sort. I just wanted to have any positive contribution to the environment out of my love for Michael. Now, as an adult, I am still keen on protecting the environment as much as I can just because it has become a habit thanks to Michael and because I am convinced that I am doing the right thing.

    I almost stopped listening to Michael about five years ago and started to become interested in rock music though he was still one of my favourite singers. However, I don't know why I remembered him suddenly a few days before his death. I just felt that I have this urge to listen to him and kept on replaying "Give In to Me" again and again. I also watched many other songs like "They Don't Care About Us," "Man in the Mirror," "One Day in Your Life" and "Billie Jean." Such strange coincidence makes it harder for me to overcome the sadness I feel. Michael was and will always be a great artist. May his soul rest in peace.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The world has lost a true and rare star in the form of Michael Jackson. Never has there been such an amazing talent as him. His talent and fan base has been compared to that of The Beatles and Elvis, but i think its fair to say that he is a legend much bigger than any other band or artist. His songs were truly influential to the music world and set a standard so high that nothing since has really compared. There has been no other artist who has achieved such dizzy heights as Jackson.

    For me, Michael Jackson inspired me with his dancing skill and his songs. There isn't a song of his that i don't love. I know most of the words to his songs, and could watch his dancing for hours on end.

    Now i wasn't some super fan, but i believe he was a true idol and i don't think the world will see such a talent ever again. I feel he was misunderstood and his quirky (and sometimes a little off the wall) ways were taken completely the wrong way by the world. It saddens me that the world is such a judgemental and harsh place, and i wish he could have seen how many loyal and loving fans he had.

    RIP Michael Jackson.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I read that witnesses reported that Jackson was often dizzy and they speculated that he was suffering from anorexia nervosa. That even some medical professionals publicly stated their belief that the singer had body dysmorphic disorder. This is a psychological condition whereby the sufferer has no concept of how he is perceived by others. Why didn’t anybody around him do something about this? However, Michael Jackson, as with several other major pop celebrities, had a darker side. His obsession with surgery was always a source of fascination and sometimes amusement. His obsession with children on the other hand was somewhat disturbing. This may indeed have been innocent but if the reports are correct then we should definitely have been concerned about the behaviour of a man in his position and of his age. At the end of the day, there's no smoke without fire and if his antics behind the closed doors of Neverland were as innocent as he claimed, then why did he 'pay off' all of his accusers?

  • 7 years ago

    For a while it seemed everything he touched turned to gold. Some of his music was the playlist to my generation. Especially for other black people. ( I do not mean to be racist when i say that). after a spell away from the limelight he sucessfully came back and did another stint in the early nineties. Allegations rocked his private life. Which he paid alot of money for. No one will ever know the truth of these rumours. Which is a great shame. I feel that if i had that amount of money and someone made allegations against me I would have fought tooth and nail to clear my name, And would not have paid anyone off. To that end i feel a great musician had unfortunatly been painted with a brush that will never fade yeah he made good music but he would not have been my first choice of babysitterHis music has inspired the entire World and as such brought us much closer together, a virtuous man with endearing innocence that lived in a sometimes cruel and unsympathetic World where difference and eccentricity is often frowned upon, this same Wonderful idosyncracy made the legend just that.

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  • 6 years ago

    Some of his music was the playlist to my generation. Especially for other black people. ( I do not mean to be racist when i say that). after a spell away from the limelight he sucessfully came back and did another stint in the early nineties. Allegations rocked his private life. Which he paid alot of money for. No one will ever know the truth of these rumours. Which is a great shame. I feel that if i had that amount of money and someone made allegations against me I would have fought tooth and nail to clear my name, And would not have paid anyone off. To that end i feel a great musician had unfortunatly been painted with a brush that will never fade yeah he made good music but he would not have been my first choice of babysitterHis music has inspired the entire World and as such brought us much closer together, a virtuous man with endearing innocence that lived in a sometimes cruel and unsympathetic World where difference and eccentricity is often frowned upon, this same Wonderful idosyncracy made the legend just that.

  • 6 years ago

    Especially for other black people. ( I do not mean to be racist when i say that). after a spell away from the limelight he sucessfully came back and did another stint in the early nineties. Allegations rocked his private life. Which he paid alot of money for. No one will ever know the truth of these rumours. Which is a great shame. I feel that if i had that amount of money and someone made allegations against me I would have fought tooth and nail to clear my name, And would not have paid anyone off. To that end i feel a great musician had unfortunatly been painted with a brush that will never fade yeah he made good music but he would not have been my first choice of babysitterHis music has inspired the entire World and as such brought us much closer together, a virtuous man with endearing innocence that lived in a sometimes cruel and unsympathetic World where difference and eccentricity is often frowned upon, this same Wonderful idosyncracy made the legend just that.

  • 1 decade ago

    He was a fantastic entertainer and dancer. Not the worlds best singer though. In the days of the Jackson 5, and 'Off the wall', he was such a georgeous lad, you couldn't say that about him when he died. I think he is the definition of the phrase 'don't let your children go into showbusiness', I wonder what way he would have turned out without so much pressure. Sure he was a born entertainer, but so are many who go into the industry later in life and have experienced life as a 'mere mortal'. I think his earlier work was amazing, I remember the first time I watched the 'thriller' video the whole way through I was totally mesmerised because it was then, and still is, an amazing piece of work. These people on here, who never met him, but who cry that they will miss him more than anybody in the world should consider maybe getting a life, or doing some voluntary work with actual underprivileged children and young people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, I Love His Music For One.

    But There's A Song Called 'You Are Not Alone', And It Really Impacted My Life When I Was About 8 Or 9 Because My Dad Moved Quite Far Away And I Didn't See Him Often.

    It Really Upset Me And Made Me Cry When I Had To Say Goodbye When I Knew I Wouldn't See Him For Months, Then That Song Was Playing On The Radio When He Took Me Home One Time And From Then On I Used To Sing It To Myself When I Couldn't Sleep And It Made Me Feel So Much Better And It Felt Like I Was Singing It To My Dad.

    I Will Miss Micheal Jackson, When I Heard He Died I Felt Something Go Inside Me. Like There Was An Empty Part To My Heart Really.

    I Hope He Rests In Peace.

  • 7 years ago

    did… this is manifested in the many plastic surgeries he had. He was crying out for the childhood he missed when he built the magnificent Neverland and allowed children to come and play with him.

    Then he was accused of child abuse. I am very sure that behind all the accusations that were hurled at him was the ugly face of jealousy and envy because of his tremendous success. Michael was abused. People could only see dollar signs whenever they looked at him. They did not see the little boy who did not grow up and who was in so much pain. His incredible talent and success blinded everybody from Michael Jackson the human being

    I have read that, by age 11, Michael was a Superstar. That at age 13 he went solo and had his first no. 1 hit at 14. Was there anyone who was looking after the psychological welfare of this child? I understand that during the 80s he had an army of spin-doctors, lawyers, bodyguards, agents, minions, PR magicians, attendants, and managers. What were all these people doing if I may ask?

  • 6 years ago

    Allegations rocked his private life. Which he paid alot of money for. No one will ever know the truth of these rumours. Which is a great shame. I feel that if i had that amount of money and someone made allegations against me I would have fought tooth and nail to clear my name, And would not have paid anyone off. To that end i feel a great musician had unfortunatly been painted with a brush that will never fade yeah he made good music but he would not have been my first choice of babysitterhim and his music have been such a strong part of my life growing up, even when i was younger. i just cant believe it. i have never ever believed any of the accusations made against him and always will think he is an innocent, very misunderstood man. he simply didnt have a childhood, and lived a hard sad life. performing was the only thing he could really enjoy and im so glad i could be involved with that. being a dancer myself he has left a legacy in the dancing world, he is an inspiration. the music and dancing world just simply will not be the same without this legend. RIP michael.. you're up there with the greats now.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Michael was a very lonely and unhappy man. It is a tragedy that nobody understood him at all not even anyone from his family. This is very evident in that nobody heard his cry for help. The cry was evident in the things he did… this is manifested in the many plastic surgeries he had. He was crying out for the childhood he missed when he built the magnificent Neverland and allowed children to come and play with him. i have never ever believed any of the accusations made against him and always will think he is an innocent, very misunderstood man. he simply didnt have a childhood, and lived a hard sad life. performing was the only thing he could really enjoy and im so glad i could be involved with that. being a dancer myself he has left a legacy in the dancing world, he is an inspiration. the music and dancing world just simply will not be the same without this legend. RIP michael.. you're up there with the greats now. x

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