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Nuclear Power does not produce greenhouse gas emission?

so how is cap and trade going to harm nuclear power production?


the Republican doom and gloom is starting to sound a little senseless.

Update 2:

kpk02, hey genius, are you saying there is no way to transform the situation?

How many people does it take to build a nuclear power plant? that is jobs that can't be outsourced.

How many jobs and support jobs does a nuclear power plant created? Can't be outsourced.

Update 3:

Don't tread on me, who said we can't have nuclear power?

The only reason plants aren't beng built, is because there is no economic incentive to build a 40 billion dollar plant when there is no supply shortage to fill.

4 Answers

  • kpk02
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Take a look at what % of this country's power comes from coal power plants and natural gas power plants. Then come back and ask again. Our existing infrastructure is going to get devastated by the regulations. Sure, nuclear power is great but the Obama administration is too focused on inefficient and expensive technologies like wind and solar.

  • 1 decade ago

    It does not. Nuclear is the BEST option. However the word Nuclear is scary so we can't have that.

    So instead we are focused on profitable solutions for certain individuals, I mean inefficient ways like solar and wind.

    Uneducated people make uneducated decisions and trust those who can make words sound good. Just Sad.

    The reason it cost so much is because of the earth muffins want everything painted a certain color so the field mouse don't get scared and have a heart attack.

    Come on man wake up! It wouldn't cost so much if your precious government would stop catering to special interest groups.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am against the bill at this time because because a lot of stuff was added to it that I do not know about and dueling studies by reputable organizations. Some of the other opponents of the bill are acting like it is the end of days. They should get a grip. I am a Democrat by the way.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because it gives a lot power to people who don't want to help the US economy, they want to destroy it and put in their own socialist system.

    How has nuclear power been stopped so far? A bunch of leftist bull **** being put out because they don't want cheap clean energy, it's all about control.

    Why can't we use natural gas? Why all the obstruction of the cleanest resource available? Hydro electric? Why do they make up fictitious species of fish to stop hydro electric projects? Why do they stop oil recovery from the coastal waters of Santa Monica when the oil is naturally leaking into the water and causing ecological problems? Oil, billions of barrels we could be pumping within a couple of months? Oil that real environmentalists are begging us to get out of their and help the ecology of the area? Because the democrats who pretend to care about that, don't care about it. The environment they could care less about, it's only a pretext to taking over the economy.

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