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Is Barack Obama The Annointed One....?

To destroy the U.S. economy and bring in the enslavement of the world?

As 9/11 was denied to Bill Clinton and given to George Bush as his legacy, Was the destruction of America and the establishment of a world wide dictatorship denied to George Bush and given to Barack Obama?

Is this the reason that the NWO has delayed its takeover until now?


Armchair, you've got me all wrong, I agree with everything you say about George Bush and the so-called Conservatives.

What you don't seem to realize is that the same forces of darkness that appointed George Bush, have now appointed (or annointed) Barack Obama. What Bush started Barack is in the business of finishing. Don't you understand that Republicans and Democrats are friends, not enemies? Why don't you understand that and free yourself of your partisan political deceptions?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My goodness there are some completely horrifically unfriendly people on here aren't there!

    I think all of you need to take a chill pill and actually look at what's going on.

    BO is turning our world upside-down. And please do not bash me. I respect your opinions because you have obviously been brainwashed by his teleprompter's eloquent ways of telling you that he is taking all your money.

    He is the "Appointed One" and the law does not apply to him. All we can do now is pray for country.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh, you silly little tall tale teller,!

    Barack Obama is the Chosen One alright---God sent him to us to undo the antichrist elements of the Bush/Cheney years and to prevent the serpent (Generation Joshua cult via Michael Farris and their ilk) from completely corrupting the Garden of politics.

    In what way has President Obama destroyed the already destroyed economy which was in place before he was even sworn in as our elected leader? Bush didn't even have the guts to put the cost of the wars into his budget reports, that's how bad he knew the economy was. I refer you to JibJab for an update on how this President we chose has had to function in order to deal with the gigantic and still unfolding MESS your people left behind. Bush Jr. has messed up everything he has ever attempted, and someone else has always had to either bail him out or come in after he slinked away to clean up. This is the pattern of his youth and now of his adulthood as well. What a rotten legacy! (I like Laura Bush, though.)

    You are projecting easy to read tyrannical miscreants...

    Your cult-ish enangelicals are the ones who want to claim dominion over everyone who disagrees with your literal interpretation of the scriptures. You are the nutjobs who think torture is okay and that shooting a legal doctor in front of friends and family inside a church is somehow justified. How do you explain the fact that Marvin Bush (a Bush brother) was a principle in the Securacom company in charge of security for the World Trade Center, the United Airlines (2 of the hijacked planes were United), and Dulles International Airport (from whence one of the 9/11 planes took off?? You also need to look up the definition of dictator, little one (in mind at least), and then read the disturbing truths about your bratboy Bush and his evil puppet master Cheney in the following books:

    Source(s): "Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney's New World Order" by Mark Crispin Miller. "Conservatives Without Conscience" by Republican attorney John Dean. "Chain of Command: The Road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib" by Seymour M. Hersh (investigative reporter who uncovered the My Lai massacre). "Sex, Lies & Politics: The Naked Truth" by Larry Flynt. "Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism" by Michelle Goldberg. "Dick: The Man Who Is President" by John Nichols. "Iraq Confidential: The Untold Story of the Intelligence Conspiracy to Undermine the UN and Overthrow Saddam Hussein" by Scott Ritter (top UN Weapons Inspector in Iraq; former Marine; ballistic missile advisor to General Schwartzkopf). "The Republican Noise Machine: Right-Wing Media and How It Corrupts Democracy" by ex-conservative insider David Brock. "
  • 1 decade ago

    i agree too// Bush was a fool and a stain on our history.. and I also think Obama is just more of the same. Just a prettier package.. and a smoother tongue.. other than that.. he is just another dirty politician.. Wait and See.

  • 1 decade ago

    More and more people are finally seeing the truth, now move to Texas before its to late for you and prepare to defend yourself against the tyranny in our government, God Bless You All ( that's right i said God )

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do not believe so, he is to stupid although it could be an act, I do believe he is paving the way for the evil one. Jesus Christ is the true anointed one and he wants to prepare a place in heaven for you all he ask is that you accept him as your savior and no you do not have to kill anyone unlike the islamics (Obama the loser) false god allah demands.

  • 1 decade ago


    Obama is the Elected One.

    Turn off the AM Hate Radio and get medical help ASAP!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Are you paranoid?

  • 1 decade ago

    he is in fact the fascist or marxist one. you dont need to be annointed to be that way.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Only to you republicans, to everybody else in America he's just another president!

    You do know that they have medicine to help people like you.

  • Yaya
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You're not taking your meds again, are you?

    Or else you've become a mouthpiece for FOCKS News....

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