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How can I get my daughter back?

My daughter is know 14 almost 15. I had her since she was born and then for 8 more years. My husband, her father, cheated on me since she was born and I kicked him out in 2000. I have had to work always fulltime to support my kids, I had a son too, now 28. My ex lived with his girlfriend and then the divorce was final in 2002. 2 days after the divorce was finaliced, they got married and actually took my daughter to the wedding without me knowing, out of state. It was her weekend with him. Since I was then single, I had to continue working fulltime. She was in private school previous to the divorce but he did not want to pay for it anymore, so I had to get her into public school. IAfter school she had to stay in a program as so many other children did and I picked her up after I left work. Her father sometimes even did pick her up for the assigned weekends. But as soon as he was re-married, he picked her up from school one day in a week and then every other weekend. And that was ok because it wa court order. But as soon as I started dating again, he started compalins...that I don't treat my daughter right...that I am unfit...and so on. He once filed a restraining order so I could not get my daughter back from the visit with her father. It was overturned by the court because he lied. However, he had more money and a big house and his wife did not have to work and they influenced my daughter to live with them because she would get everything she wants. I tried to fight it but I did not have the money for a good attorney. My daughter wanted to live with them and there was nothing I could do about it. If I would have fought it with attorneys, she would have resented me for life. So I sacrifieced and accepted. That was 6 years ago. Since then they always tried to sabotage the weekends that are supposed to be with me. They say that I have to accept that my daughter wants to be with her firends or playing soccer or going to this event or that event. This is going on and on and on. The time I have a chance to spend with my daughter is only half a day, one night and half the other day. She is now 14 going on 15 and has her weekends planned with her friends. To some point I let her cancel my weekends because I don't want her to resent me. But lately she always had something else. 7 weeks ago I asked her, on my weekend with her, if she goes with me to a party of my son's friends. It was a graduation party of his girlfriend. First she said yes and then she said she has something to do with her friends for school on that Saturday. I asked her if she can compromise and I pick her up at 2:00 pm instead of 10:00am. she said yes. The next day shortly before I wanted to pick her up, her stepmpther called me and said that my daughter has psychologiacal problems because of me and I should not force her to be with me if she has planned something with her friends. I sid that I am her mother and I have the right to be with my daughter. She said that "No, I am her mother and you are only her birthmother". Leave her qalone. I called my ex and he blew into the same horn. That night I received a message from my daughter that she only wants to see me sometimes. And since I haven't heard from her agin. She does not answer my tests, noe my calls, her father doesn't answer the phone, her Stepmopther either. I went to their house, (2 hours away), and no one opens the doors. I contacted my ex-inlawas, they don't answer either. The phones are working, they just ignore me. If I involve court or a lawyer, I can't afford, she may resent me more. But I have still no idea why my own dayghter won't respond and call or at least text me or conatct me. It is seven (7) weeks now and no word. Anyone now what I should do. I do not have any money for lawyers.


Yeah...people like Mike ...exactly like my ex....I don't need to hear these kinds of answers...please. They have no idea what I am going thru.

Update 2:

It's a 50/50 custody, it alway was but I was the primary custody holder

6 Answers

  • creed
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    went thru the same thing;; but my daughter was strongly influenced by her father for years;; & he played the games & lost in court, but was able to convince my daughter (manipulations for years, & of course I could not speak bad of her father;; I also could not let go of the fact that he IS her father, that he should feel like a father:: but I know better now, it was all the "win" & the money manipulations;; his motto in life is "get them before they get you", yeah, military man, HAH!);; anyhow, my daughter was convinced that she wanted to live with him, caused a LOT of commotion @ home (she even started playing the game, into ODD) until I got angry @ her for the multiple (bad) things she was getting into (he refused to support me or discipline her, he was the "spoiling father");; then she finally found cause to just take off to live with her dad (of course she doesn't know any better, she's just a teen);; that was less than a year ago;; & he's cont'd to "play the game"... I find it really very difficult to fight for her since she wants to be there & will only cause more havock @ home, so.. she's gone;; I miss her terribly, but have decided that this is not the world I want to be in (the 180 degree turn she took, the hourly defiance, the tearing apart of my home, the multiple temper tantrums, the poor grades, deciding to not get confirmed, basically making life very miserable.. so when I hear on these sites how kids want to seek revenge on their parents, it burns me up), nor want her to be in (this tug-o-war game);; it's out of my hands since she's made her decision;; court costs are ridiculous & they keep the revolving doors going;; going to court, adding up fees & never getting anywhere;; I've been to court @ least 20 x's & have actually only seen the judge 3 times;; I've decided mentally, emotionally, physically, & financially it is just out of reach to try to calm down the lies;; I've burnt out;; my ex changed my life & my daughter ended it, is how I feel (too hard to get into the ordeal of it) but this has evolved from many years;; I can't even imagine seeing her @ this point cuz I know I would break down completely;; no matter what, I KNOW I was a good mother, in spite of the fact that the ex, courts, lawyers, & child burn ya out from all of this, & ya have to keep on ticking;; my heart is broken & I really find it extremely difficult to even talk about;; but, what I can suggest to you, is tape all conversations, write down records about what happened when, go to court when you have this info (cuz whether or not he or your daughter wants contact with you, both are going against court order;; & by the way, I REALLY hope you taped what the step-mom said cuz it explains ALL about what is happening in that home);; then go to court & file for FULL custody;; this so-called family is alienating you;; but trust me, I know how you feel, when all access is lost, you feel hopeless... I wish you the BEST of luck, my heart is with you (knowing someone can do what I just can't find myself to do anymore, pathetic, huh??)...Good luck!!

    mine will be 15 in Aug...

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    well right now my girls are both under 8, so it would be hard to imagine what I would do when they get to the age where that could be possible. I would think that not only would I be hurt that I had to find out that way, I would feel like a failure as a mom for many reasons- A. she should be able to come to me with anything, especially with that. If she feels like she cant then I have failed. B. I should have informed her better of the consequences of unprotected sex (or even protected). C. I would feel so sad that her life (if still a teenager) would drastically and irrevocably change. Now, if she was an adult I would still be hurt but extremely happy...and even if she was a teen happiness would eventually come after the shock because that would still be my grandbaby wow I put way too much thought into this, hypothetically I would just get her checked out

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh my god, your story had me almost crying. Seriously.

    I can't believe your own daughter would do that to you, nor that the stepmother would claim she is the real mother.

    I disagree with my mother sometimes but this is ridiculous.

    I can't really think of anything you can do that wouldn't make you seem crazy, (waiting outside their house 24-7, telling the police they have stolen your daughter...)

    You need help, maybe you need to take it to court, you daughter can't resent you forever, and if she understands how much this is hurting you, i think she would spend more time with you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, you have full custody over her, don't you? And your ex and his wife took her from you? So he pretty much brainwashed her into hating you, staying away from you and hardly spending time with you. You could go to the police, tell them that they have stolen her from you and won't give her back. It doesn't matter if she'll resent you. She's your daughter. You're her mother. She is supposed to love you no matter what. The police will probably help you since you have full custody of her.

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  • prop4u
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    this is really a tough one, I believe they have influenced your daughter to the point where it's almost impossible unless you go back to court... I would let it be for now... I know it hurts LOTS... she will eventually realize she has made a mistake and I hope it's not too late then... then there are people like mike.... really sad...

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Maybe if you were paying attention instead of being a top contribute here writing overly long essays your ex would not have seen any reason to take the child. Why should you worry you can still be here, it beats going to court and hiring people to take any writ the court may give you to go and get her.

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