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why do so many girls ( and women) think they are pregnant if thier cycle deviates the slightest bit?

It just boggles my mind when I see a question that goes something like " my period was 2 days early...could I be pregnant?" and " usually my period is 7 days and heavy, but this time it was only 6 days...could I be pregnant?" OR my personal fave " I lost my virignity 4 days ago and we used a condom and ever since then I have been throwing up and my boobs are soar...could I be pregnant?"

It just seems to me that every little cramp and burp and discharge is blamed on a possible pregnancy. I have had 3 children. With none of them has my period come early and that been a symptom of pregnancy. I currently have a really wonky cycle, but only recently tested ( even though I was fairly certain it was going to be negative). My last "regular" period was

in late april. In mid may I had a pelvic exam and then the first day of my period in (late) May I put in a nuvaring ( I was just starting it). About 12-18 hours later my period was done. In June I did not even spot--all I had was a few pink spots on the TP after I peed. Just as a precautionary measure I took a test over the weekend, and it was negative.

are we so uneducated as a nation that our female children have no clue how thier body functions?

( all misspellings in this Q are on purpose...)


yeah...I get lots of laughs from some of these questions on here.

I do ask questions here, but not serious ones like that... and I basically just use it as a way of getting an opinion or ideas, not as a replacement for medical advice.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Lol!!! It really makes you wonder what are they teaching them? Or maybe they use this forum for a substitute for a regular doctor. I personally know of a young lady who got pregnant , and kept thinking that it had to be something else besides a pregnancy. She kept insisting that there was no way she was preggers as her BF had pulled out. Should have seen the look on her face when the dr. told her differently.I read alot of these for the entertainment value. :)

  • Ian
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think one of the problems is the myth about the regularity of periods... most people seem to think that a cycle is always 28 days or so and that if they're one or two days late something is *wrong*. Almost no one has cycles that regular... in most women they vary from 25-31 days, but the range could be way wider... like mine are between 30-46 days for as long as I've tracked them (about 4 years), and on average 39 days.

    I answered some girl's question about her 12yo friend who'd had sex less than a week before and was pregnant... I was like, uhm, there is no way she'd know she's pregnant if she only had had sex less than a week before. I got a thumbs down.

    Seriously, sex ed should be improved in this country!

    Source(s): I'm from The Netherlands, where we actually have decent sex ed (and a much lower teen pregnancy rate to boot!).
  • 1 decade ago

    Honestly! And if they're so scared about it, WHY are they having sex?!

    I am also baffled by the number of people who think you can still get your period if you are pregnant! I know that some women spot throughout their pregnancies, but it's not a regular period, because that would be impossible. Makes me wonder what they are actually teaching people (or not teaching them!) about the reproductive system these days.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do think some are misinformed about symptoms and whats normal and not, they here the odd person who had a light period instead of a heavy one and they are pregnant, or they have been watching "I didn't know I was pregnant" and get scared,lol I always prefer taking tests myself instead of asking, I know that no one on here is psychic, although that would be awesome to just come on here and get all my answers,lol

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A lot of questions on this site boggle my mind! I use it for entertainment more than anything! LOL

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it blows my mind when i read some questions i think they are make up ones

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