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Why do Muslim women wear veils?

The Koran states that men women have equal rights, then why are Muslim women still forced to wear veils?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    they are not forced, but Islam as a religon ask the woman to cover her body without showing except her hands & face only.

    A variety of headdresses worn by Muslim women in accordance with hijab (the principle of dressing modestly) are sometimes referred to as veils. Many of these garments cover the hair, ears and throat, but do not cover the face. The khimar is a type of headscarf. The niqāb and burqa are two kinds of veils that cover most of the face except for a slit or hole for the eyes. The Afghan burqa covers the entire body, obscuring the face completely, except for a grille or netting over the eyes to allow the wearer to see. The boshiya is a veil that may be worn over a headscarf; it covers the entire face and is made of a sheer fabric so the wearer is able to see through it. It has been suggested that the practice of wearing a veil - uncommon among the Arab tribes prior to the rise of Islam - originated in the Byzantine Empire, and then spread. The wearing of head and especially face coverings by Muslim women has raised political issues in the West; see for example Hijab controversy in Quebec, Islamic dress controversy in Europe, Islamic scarf controversy in France, and United Kingdom debate over veils. There is also high debate of the veil in Turkey, a Muslim majority country but secular, which banned the headscarves in universities and government buildings, due to the türban (a Turkish styled headscarf) being viewed as a political symbol of Islam, see Headscarf controversy in Turkey.

    Hope i helped, Good luck.

  • Teresa
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i dont think its wrong ,its just like saying Jews wearing those hats , or nuns wearing those black and white outfits . if its what they believe in , then i think no body should take that away from them ,or criticise them for it . imagine as a non muslim , your married ,have a beautiful wife and kids . and d when your wife dresses up and goes out she looks stunning , and if another guy looks or passes comment on her then you would feel a bit annoyed or upset . and maybe if your wife is fed up with you she might stray , now imagine your wife covers her head and body , and only you get to see whats behind the scarf or under the veil , wouldn't you feel proud that she would do that for you . and that would also prove she has no interest in showing herself off to other men , . that is why a lot of the women do it . and although a lot of people might not agree with it , you have to admit its kinda nice . if a woman is bald she is always going to look basically the same . but if a woman has hair then she can colour and style it which changes the way she looks . so if someone sees a woman walking down the road all cove rd up , no one is really going to make much of a move on her, which means its left to her husband to see .

  • To aruna: I awn to say this:

    Sati, and achut etc are social problems, not religious problems. Hinduiam does not anywhere say these things. Which is why, we no longer do those things. But, Islam actually says that women should be modest, cover their head, wole body, etc. And, don't have to do anything. If you read koran it always talks about men are allowed this, allowed that and women should od this, and do that...

    And, on that matter, bible says "women shud walk modestly, with their heads bent low..and not look into eyes of anybody."

    "that they should not get out of their homes during periods becasue they will defill whatever they touch with their impure hands"

    "that they should not speak in the church and if they have some problem tell their husbands about it becasue god will not listen to their prayers(as they are impure,dirty)"


    With all that, I am surprised cristians look down upon musmlims. both the religions are same. Ever seen how a nun dresses? It is the same as hijab except it is not black!

    And, they refuse to reform!

    Have u ever met a hindu religious leader say that women should cover their head or do sati on hindu religious channels? Of course not!

    It is only hindu political parties which say thses demeaning things and they have no scriptures to support! they just keep talking about "indian culture" when Indian culture promotes equaltiy.

    It is written in vedas that "gods bless the land where women are respected, educated, given every equal right be it in marriage or carres or reigion." EXACTLY LIKE THAT.

    So, please aruna do not talk when you do not know things. There are ppl here who wud have never heard of hinduism and they will get wrong ideas...

    But, I HAVE seen with these very eyes, muslim leaders(all men, womena ren't alowed thate either) say that women NEED to do it. When u r told that u will go to hell for not wearing hijab, who is going to not do it? Where is the right when it is a religious obligation?


    And, please aruna, u shud know that caste system is privalent among muslims and cristians and sikhs too in India. The first time coverters are considered lower by cristians here even thou there is nothing like that in bible! Muslims have got caste problems too and they also have sect problems..It is not there in Jains,buddhists though.

    We have come forward to the new century, they refuse to do so. Tht is the only difference.

    Jai shree krishna!

  • 6 years ago

    A Christian woman asked:

    I’ve been told that women in Islam wear a veil because in that way men will treat them respectfully.

    I see the veil as a form of oppression, because why should they have to cover themselves because of the weakness of men?

    Shouldn’t they be treated with respect regardless, could you please explain the veil and did Mary have to wear a veil?

    Answer by Ahmad Deedat:

    Your bible says that the woman must cover her head, and that the woman who does not cover her head must shave of her hair. Your bible says that.

    And your bible says that she must not be allowed to open her mouth in the church.

    But that’s just churches, they don’t believe all that. And your people don’t believe in that.

    So you are inviting trouble.

    Because of this, in America no woman is safe after dark.

    No woman is safe in France, during daytime women have been raped in the street, and people just walk by saying: ”oh maybe they are just enjoying themselves.”

    The nuns, the women from the catholic church, nobody gives them a second look. If Mary the mother of Jesus came along, you wont give her a second look.

    But those woman on your commercials with bikinis g-strings, it’s attracting all the men.

    This is the nature of men, God made us like that. The thing that allures men more than anything on earthly existence is women.

    The Quran says:

    Beautified for men is the love of things they covet; women, children, much of gold and silver (wealth), branded beautiful horses, cattle and well-tilled land. This is the pleasure of the present world’s life; but Allah has the excellent return (Paradise with flowing rivers, etc.) with Him.[3:14]

    The first thing mentioned by Allah is WOMEN, then children, then gold and silver, then horses, cattle and well-tilled land.

    But the first thing is WOMEN. The Quran says that the number one thing which allures men the most in this world is women!

    And this is true.

    Look at the advertisements in the west. One company was selling second hand trucks, and on the trucks that they advertise, there was a woman in bikini op the top of the truck.

    Another company was selling tractors by advertising with a woman sitting on top of the tractor.

    What has a woman in bikini to do with a second hand truck or a new tractor?

    Nothing, the woman is merely being dangled infront of the man so that he reads the advert.

    BMW had a advert in the newspaper, where you see a BMW car, with a woman in the skimpiest of bikini’s. She’s standing in front of the car and it says on the bottom of the advert: ”Test drive her now.”

    This is what the west is leading themselves to.

    The westerner sells his own mother, his wife, his daughter. His wife is a star and she’s been banged on the screen simulating rape.. and they enjoy it.

    They enjoy their wife being simulated in a rape scene, it’s not real rape, and you know it’s being simulated, but you can see eveverything about being raped, your wife, your mother, your daughter, and you enjoy everything about it because your wife is now a star.

    It’s sick, sick, sick!

    Alhamdullilah we havn’t come to that sickness yet. We Muslims try to keep away from it.

    This is your pleasure, your privillege. We have no right to force you.

    But we are saying that you are playing with fire my child, and you are going to pay the price, you are paying the price now, and you will pay the price later.,

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  • 6 years ago

    Contrary to the Popular misconception Hijab did not emerge with Islam, but is the continuation of a custom long observed by Jews, Christians and Perhaps Others before them

    Woman’s Veil In The Bible

    But any woman who prays and prophecies with her head unveiled dishonours her head –it is the same as if her head were shaven, for if a woman will not veil herself then she should cut off her hair. But if it is disgraceful for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her wear a veil. (1 Corin. 11:5)

    Judge For Yourselves; Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered?

    (It seems that Christians are unaware of the obligation of the veil in the bible, which made me put their verses in this Book, and for those who attack the veil in Islam should notice these verses of their own Bible, and notice also this verse “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgement you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get.)

    Attachment image
  • 1 decade ago

    Muslim women wear veils (headscarves) because Allah (God) commanded them to do it in the Holy Qur'an. Wearing a veil lets others know that a woman is religious, respectable, and must not be molested.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Koran states that females should cover themselves. And where did u get an idea that Muslim women have equal rights? No they don't.....sad though.

  • 7 years ago

    why are they so obsessed with viewing women as sexual objects in muslim society, we are all just people, in ordinary dress the woman wouldn`t even be given more than a cursory glance, the same as all other women.

    Why do small girls wear scarves, do children also have to protect their modesty, how very sad.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i'd like to clear something up. yes hijab is obligatory in islam. but no one can force me to wear it. by not wearing it i would be accepting the fact that i will stand before god for my actions. because no one else can stand with me then they can not stand against me now if i were to choose not to wear hijab. hijab is a choice a woman makes and it is between none but her and god. I wear my hijab first and for most to please god. i wear my hijab because i'm more than a female figure. i want to be valued for more than my looks. my figure my hair and all those aspects usually equated with feminin beuaty are hiddin. no one can see or judge me based on such superficial qualities. i'm a proud hijaby and i only pray that god opens your minds and allows you to gain a better understanding.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Muslim women cover their hair and body to ensure their modesty. A privilege reserved only for their husband and immediate family. It has nothing to do with equality or women's rights.

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