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Atheists what is your...?

what is your motivation for trying to convince christians that they are wrong. the christians have a motivation to try to convince you because it is the great commission, but why do you try to convince us. if you think we are wrong then ok good for you.


ok well thats another problem i have all of you are being stereotypical. you have no concept of what christianity is. all you choose to see and hear is the bad misguided acts. and why do you care if we see "logic" if we are happy.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We actually dont give a **** what christians think, there the ones who are trying to "save" us.

  • 1 decade ago

    Mostly we're trying to make you see that not everyone believes as you do and that you don't have a right to impose your religion on the culture at large on the assumption that of course everyone is Christian.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because I have no desire to live in a totalitarian theocratic society wherein science and progress are illegal and civil rights are nonexistent. If Christian and Islamic dogma isn't vigorously opposed in politics and in public discourse, then that's exactly what we'll have.

  • 1 decade ago

    i don't try to convince christians they're wrong. I try to convince christians that they have no evidence to support their claims, and that they should stop legislating their nonsense upon the rest of us.

    Can I ask what your motivation for asking such an asinine question is?

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well, in the bible, which is their "ultimate tome to life" or something, there are many contradictions. JUST based on that I can disprove christianity.

    And the flying spaghetti monster. Don't forget that.

  • Jess H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    In a nutshell... we argue about religion and God because people ACT on their beliefs in religion and God. These beliefs have consequences in the real world.

    *Atheists care about religion because of the fact that theists consistently try to push their religious dogma into our laws, schools, and government.

    *Theists tell people who are dying of AIDS and starvation that using condoms is wrong because there’s a magical being in the sky (God) who just might want to give them a baby.

    *School boards all across this country still have to spend time and money and resources that are ALREADY in short supply on the fight to have evolution taught in the schools, and fight to keep unsubstantiated, bronze-age superstitious drivel OUT of our schools.

    *Theists are trying to tell our children that the Earth is less than 10,000 years old, despite the fact that not only is there not a *single* scrap of evidence to back up such a claim, but ALL of the evidence points AGAINST it. This gives our children the impression that it's OK to not expect someone to provide evidence behind claims that they make, and gives our children the impression that scientific facts can be ignored or denied and replaced with whatever information you want if you don't LIKE what the evidence *actually* tells you.

    *Despite a thousands-of-years-old pattern of supernatural explanations being consistently and repeatedly replaced with natural ones, theists still think every single unexplained phenomenon can be best explained by God. And whenever a gap in our knowledge does get filled in, believers either try to suppress it (like teaching evolution in the schools), or else say, "Okay, so that isn't supernatural... but what about this gap over here? Can you explain that, Mr. Smarty-Pants Scientist? You can't! It must be God!"

    *There are people on this planet who will actually fly airplanes into buildings full of people because they have FAITH that they're going to get 72 virgins in some magical paradise for doing so.

    *People will use their religious literature as an excuse to deny other people their rights.

    *In a lot of areas in this country, if a person is daring enough to actually admit publicly that they are an atheist, they can FULLY expect to be harassed, discriminated against, and even lose their jobs, have their property damaged, and be physically assaulted.

    *There are *so many* religious leaders that opportunistically use religion, and people's trust and faith in religion, to steal, cheat, lie, manipulate the political process, take sexual advantage of their followers, and generally behave like the scum of the earth. And despite the fact that this keeps happening OVER and OVER and OVER again, theists will still say that *atheism* is bad because, without religion, people would have no basis for morality.

    *Theists love to say smug, sanctimonious things like, "a lot of you dont want God to exists becuz it would mean you have to live your life a certain way and you are all too selfish to do that". Of course, they don't really care to actually ask an *atheist* why they don't believe in God. And when they are told by atheists why they are atheist, they completely ignore it and still turn around and repeat drivel like "a lot of you dont want God to exists becuz it would mean you have to live your life a certain way and you are all too selfish to do that."

    If other people's religious beliefs did not affect us, we wouldn't care. But they do. So we do care. And we have EVERY RIGHT to care.

    Edit: You're not LISTENING to what we're telling you. YOUR beliefs affect our lives. That is a fact. We don't care what you believe...we care when it affects US. You could believe that there are invisible, guitar-playing turtles that dance on our heads for all we care, but when you try to legislate it into our laws or try to teach it in our children's science classes...then we have a problem.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is no evidence that supports the existance of any god. That is plain simple fact.

    Now if by Christian, you mean following Jesus' example of how to treat your fellow human being, then there is no disagreement here.

    But if you mean to suggest Jesus is god and is alive, well you're spouting nonsense.

    Isn't it simply helping to point out error?

  • 1 decade ago

    I want you to stop using my tax money to subsidize your religion, stop taking books out of my library, stop trying to indoctrinate school kids, stop trying to legislate what I can do with MY body, stop abusing my gay friends and family members, etc.

    The best way I can do that is to get you guys to stop believing in the myths of religion.

  • Watev
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Oh, but I'm not the one saying that they're going to burn in hell for all eternity if they don't accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

    Christians, on the other hand, are.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have a vested interest in there being as few ignorant, irrational people on the planet as possible.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well for starters you Christians keep electing imbeciles to run our government because you get a little flier in the mail that tells you which candidates:

    Hate queers as much as you

    Hate women's rights as much as you

    Love Jesus as much as you

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