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Whats the main reason behind marriage failures?


My question is not intended to insult or humiliate anyone, its a general question.

What is the reason behind marriage failures in the west? In other words, why is the divorce rate in the west high?

19 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    People are becoming disconnected with each other.

    Busy lives, lack of communication, not taking time to spend with each other, etc.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Looks like you made a very wrong choice as far as choosing a soul mate. Now you have to face the consequences like a man, learn from the experience and move on. You are in a one way relationship. Marriage is supposed to be a partner in dreams, ideas, goals and most important, someone who listens, cares and acknowledges you outside the bed. Why then marry? You (and her) can have all the sex with whomever without being married to them. The only thing that seems she is interested in is either financial reason or sexual reason, or both. That is a very poor foundation to build a life together. You sound like a smart man, we all make mistakes, but we must learn from them and that is what is important. Find yourself a woman that loves you and cares for every issue in your life, whether you are reading a vampire story or trying to re-invent the wheel, there is where the proof of true love lies. Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Dishonesty,lack of communication. When there is a problem,most married couples try and avoid the issue instead of talking it out.Finances are also a bug factor.Only 1 person should do the finances in an open book effect. That way the other can be free and clear of all faults.There is absolutely no reasoning behind having to ask the significant other for money.That way, "both" know where the unexpect finances went and keeps the book clear.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most people live their lives on "auto-pilot". We've been conditioned and taught to act and believe a certain way, and so we are constantly and unaware that we are choosing to respond to a situation with an automatic response.

    We forget to choose love in every moment. Everything is a choice. Love is a choice. Fear is a choice.

    We also go into relationships with expectations. It's like a trade system. You do for me and I will do for you. That is the wrong reason to get into a relationship. We shouldn't enter a relationship with someone because of what we expect to get from them, but what we expect to give to that person. "Love is not about finding someone who completes you, it's about finding someone to share in your completeness."

    We put conditions on love. I will love you so long as....

    That's not to say that we should allow someone to abuse us or be destructive to us, but it is to say that we should accept the ones we love. Love is acceptance, tolerance, unconditional, patience, freedom...

    We forget this. We forget what it actually is to simply love.

    "Love gives all and requires nothing."

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  • Sue B
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    High divorce rates stared in the 50's/60's when FREE LOVE came about. It's continued. People make themselves to available to others if the urge hits.

    marriage fail cause of money and cheating the most. Loss of affection and attractions

  • 1 decade ago

    people are too quick to get married , when i was 20 i was a different person than i am now 15 years later.

    2 people evolving together over time can end up being not the other persons type anymore.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    my first answer is the lack of communication between the married couple

    and lack of understanding one another

    nowadays people don't give much time to get to no one another

    and ooohh

    i dont believe in all the online marriage secrets wallahi the only way to have a gr8 married life is first from ur deen to ur understanding of another

    Source(s): Unexperianced but understanding queen arab
  • 1 decade ago

    Al rigal KILLAAAABBB!!!

    Iy7 tagoo men iy na-sal argiloom 3lashan iy3rifoo aysh qeemat al mara haqahoom

    Hathal ayam may fakaroo illa bi anfisihoom wi batnihoom

    Aysh qiltoolak:


    Source(s): Asalamualykum
  • 1 decade ago

    It's easier to distract yourself from marriage issues than it is to force yourself to work through them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because when people get married and live together, they see the other person's REAL personality and bad traits.

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