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Is death the end or just something different? Dad died this week and his funeral is tomorrow morning.?

Always been on the edge of a variety of beliefs (not usually on the 'I believe' side but the more of religion I see, the more I think there is something in it. I'm not just talking about the regular stuff but the general spiritual side of things. Is there more out there or does life just turn to dirt? I'm still on the 'dirt' side on things but would llove to know more.


Loving the love and details that you're giving me. I also believe that dad is about somewhere & giving me strength. I have a few minutes to talk about him and just hope I can hold it together. Thanks for all the hugs I'm gettign but would love a little more 'theory'.

Update 2:

Sorry about the errors ..... it's late in the UK for me & I have had a few busy days.

Update 3:

Already we are all focusing on the main books..... altohgb has any one got a page in the Qur'an I can tuen to (already had an option from the bible..... my version of the qur'an was translated by The late Maulawi Sher Ali if that helps with page number ....... (((((HUGS))))

Update 4:

Some great answers but the bible isn't floating my boat at the moment..... looking and reading all that you're telling me! Anything more out there?

Update 5:

Hey guys ..... you've got to ask - who the feck has been helpful????

I'm avoiding bed for this shite. Am I religious I feck!

Angry ..... building!

Dad was the 1st Lord Mayor. He 'tapped' the Queen. Mark (my nephew want's to join in). I'm upfront telling y'all ace.

I'm gentle.

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You die to the world of your mother's womb when you are born into this one. You are born into the next higher plane of existence when you die to this one. While you are saying goodbye to him, others are saying hello. And someday it will be your turn to both say goodbye to here and hello to your father and all that have gone on. From the Baha'i Faith:


    There can be no doubt whatever that the peoples of the world, of whatever race or religion, derive their inspiration from one heavenly Source, and are the subjects of one God. The difference between the ordinances under which they abide should be attributed to the varying requirements and exigencies of the age in which they were revealed.

    (Baha'u'llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 217)

    Living the Life

    When asked on one occasion: "What is a Bahá'í?" 'Abdu'l-Bahá replied: "To be a Bahá'í simply means to love all the world; to love humanity and try to serve it; to work for universal peace and universal brotherhood." On another occasion He defined a Bahá'í as "one endowed with all the perfections of man in activity." In one of His London talks He said that a man may be a Bahá'í even if He has never heard the name of Bahá'u'lláh. He added: --

    The man who lives the life according to the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh is already a Bahá'í. On the other hand, a man may call himself a Bahá'í for fifty years, and if he does not live the life he is not a Bahá'í. An ugly man may call himself handsome, but he deceives no one, and a black man may call himself white, yet he deceives no one, not even himself.

    Source(s): International and United States official sites: For an online version of a now out of print magazine giving an excellent overview of the Baha'i Faith, (except the statistics are out of date). A newer and different printed version is available. Contact your local Baha'i community for a copy. Basic principles from an unbiased, outside source: The next link is a statement on world peace
  • 1 decade ago

    We don't know what happens after death and the bad part about that is we cannot know till we die and only then if there is a life after death but try and look at it like this. Everything which is alive on this planet eventually dies so it is a very natural thing. And if you think about it sleeping without dreams or sensation is the most peaceful way anything can be. It cannot hurt And if all things happen if given enough time then who knows life may begin again for those who pass on. Sometime it is more fearful thinking about life after death and heaven and hell depending on which religion you chose

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, it is the end of life, no doubt. Your father no longer possesses self-awareness and ego - it is a matter of philosophical exercise as to whether or not he exists on as a thought or impulse of a greater system. Unfortunately, we have not reached the level of technology to verify any existential continuation hypothesis (we would need to be able to track the final electrical and chemical impulses of a once living entity for an extended period of time, often as it exists in a quantum field). So ultimately, it boils down to whether the brain is the source of ego or if the electrical and chemical impulses are the source, while the brain merely works as an interpretation and guiding tool. If the first is true, then it becomes a matter of understanding what part of the brain is responsible for ego and identifying what type of matter is required for it to manifest. If the latter is true, perhaps even "reincarnation", as the electro-chemical responses becoming part and parcel of another living entity, might even be possible.

    Do not be disheartened. Every living creature either has died or will die, so whatever happens happens and we all are quick to follow. Be sad that your father cannot be with you in life now, but do not be sad for anything more.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    while my father died, i did no longer cry. I hadn't considered him for extra desirable than a 365 days. i'd planned to bypass to, some thing had arise. the telephone call, while it arrived, wasn't an entire ask your self. on the crem my brother preached, for many too long. I sat and enable him get on with it. different than for that, we spoke mutually definitely, some thing we've not completed for years now. It became into months after my father's funeral, and that i became into, foolishly, nursing a mixy rabbit, hoping, agains the percentages, it would pull by using. It became into some thing like 4 in the morning, i became into feeding the rabbit milk from a syringe while it burst out of my hands, gave a great leap, and died. and then, like an fool, I cried.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I can exactly tell you much because I have never been through what your going through now, and I very sorry for your loss, but I have a strong belief in God and Jesus and the holy spirit and I believe that he is always there to help us through all the hard times, the closest thing I can say is my cousins who I am very close to all of them are under the age of 12, lost there sort of step father(my aunty never married him) but to them he was theier dad because their real dad was never around, this man had done a great deal for this family in only a year nad he was part of our family, they in many ways lost a dad and I watched them go through it everyday up till the funeral and in the many weeks after and I can happily say they all are very happy now, they still miss him greatly but they are seeing the brightside.

    so just so you know it wont always feel like this, it will hurt for a while and there will be certain times in the rest of you life where it will be really really hard but you will in a way move on and feel better. I believe that even if you dont believe in him god will help you through this.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, let me say that I am sorry for your loss. I lost my dad almost two years ago and it was hard.

    In response to your question, I believe that death is just something different. From my understanding of the Bible (I only really began reading it a few months ago), when a person dies, they rest until the Day of Judgment.

    Those who had repented (were sorry for their sins, prayed to God admitting that they were a sinner and apologized for their sins, and turned their lives to Jesus) within their lives go to the new Earth, prepared by God, to live in everlasting bliss, while others go to the fiery lake of burning sulfur (some people refer to this as hell, but hell is actually the common grave - the rest, or "sleep" that I said people go through until the Day of Judgment).

    Many people believe that after a true, repenting Christian dies, they go to heaven, but this Bible verse states differrently:

    "No one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended from heaven: the Son of Man." (John 3:13; New American Standard Bible)

    The Son of Man is Jesus, if anyone didn't know.

    Just because we don't get into heaven doesn't mean that it is any worse for Christians. In fact, look up Revelation 21 on Biblegateway and you'll find that the new Earth is awesome - here are just two verses from Revelation 21:

    "3 Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." (Revelation 21:3,4; New International Version)

    Revelation 20 is a good place to find information on the Millenium age, Satan's doom, and the Day and Judgment, while Revelation 21 and 22 are great places to find any information concerning will be like after the Day of Judgment. If you would like to read about the end of the world as we know it in entirety, read all of Revelation.

    Again, I'm sorry for your loss. You have my deep sympathy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Goodness, I'm sorry for your loss. That really must be hard, I'm so so sorry. I read this, and can tell your searching for truth.

    I'm not gonna sell you my beliefs, but if I walk away from my laptop without telling you the truth that I have found, then I should be considered a hateful person.

    I was born into a Baptist family. Until I was 8 years old, I was completely sheltered from the outside world. Anything was considered harmful, I didn't see it. I was homeschooled. I was taught the Christian faith my entire life, and I "asked Jesus into my heart" when I was 5. And then we moved.

    After that, my family life went down hill. I'm not going to go into the long list of things that broke my heart and turned it from any "Christian" beliefs. I remember praying, "God, if you wont change all this pain, just get away from me. I dont want you near me." I was broken.

    Years later, we moved and my family began to heal. Things changed for the better. But the memories still haunted my mind. Daily. Moment by moment.

    I was searching when I found this truth:

    We are sinful. We do bad things.

    God is perfect. His standard is perfect.

    Therefore, we fall short of his standard and are separated from him.

    If that was the end, we'd end up in hell. All of us. No hope.

    But God so loved us, that he sent a sacrifice. His Son. And He died.

    So that we might have life and life to the fullest.

    Sin was the problem. Separation. But Jesus build the bridge back to God. And all He asks is for us to live for Him, invite Him into our lives, spend time with Him.

    That's why I'd have to be hateful. Because in order for me to know that your searching, yet walk away from you without offering truth.... I'd have to be okay with you going to hell. But I know that there is hope.. in Christ alone.

    Email me at if you want more information or have questions.

    - Hannah

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow....tomorrow morning? I'm sorry for your personal loss and grief. Loosing a parent is one of life's toughest things. I've lost both of mine and a few others as well in the past 15 years. Through such experiences I have gained a personal belief that there is great peace in death. I have seen a few as death came and their bodies were no longer with their spirits. I witnessed the empty shell that was then their physical body and I firmly believe that our spirits give us LIFE and at death they return to their Heavenly Home and our Heavenly Father, from whence we came!

    I have not always felt secure in this belief or understanding, but as I have shared terminal illness and dying with several very close to me... it has taken on a whole new & different perspective within me. One that is confident, positive, reassured and peaceful. Because I believe God lives and His Son lived & died too - I also know that I will live again one day as will all those who have passed on. And I believe we will see them all again as well in a happy, joyful spiritual reunion. We will all also be resurrected and our bodies & spirits will reunite in eternal perfection and peace too.

    With death there is no more pain, suffering, hate, illness, aging, adversity or heartache. I find great hope in my FAITH and I can not believe that the wonders of this universe, world, mortal body and LIFE are without purpose or eternal value & direction. TO think life ends with death and we are nothing but dirt to become DUST - is just too unbelieveable and irrational to me - as a believer.

    I hope you seek more truth in the days ahead and find some hope, peace and eternal perspective in this event in your life. To me that is why mankind experiences the death of those we love - to learn from it, to turn to God for answers, peace and comfort. Give it a try!

  • 1 decade ago

    Death is not the end, it is as you said "something different." We are eternal beings. Your father is now on the other side of the veil, something that you might have felt before, or sensed, but cannot see. He is with family members who have also died, and those yet to be born. Perhaps he is with your future children and grandchildren. Sometimes in peaceful moments, or in times of need, you will sense him near.

    This life is a test, our opportunity to gain a physical body and prepare to live eternally.

  • angel
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Very sorry to hear about your dad, I lost my dad several years ago and it was very hard. My personal belief is that there is life after death. I base this on what Jesus Christ tells us in scripture. He tells us that He goes to prepare a place for us and someday will bring us there. I totally expect to see those I love again and to be with God one day when I leave this world. Jesus Christ is the way to Heaven so I am trusting in Him. God Bless.

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