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If Al Gore won the 2000 election?

How would America be like if Al Gore has won the 2000 election?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In terms of a the true meaning of a Democratic election Al Gore did win,as he won the popular vote. Giving the fact that America has what one calls an electoral college( Which our founding fathers set up to give fair representation at the time of their existence) Bush won.No debate.

    I can not say and neither can anyone else ,we can only Guess..

    So let me Guess

    9/11 would have happened

    Iraq would never have been invaded

    We would have signed a climate pact

    The rich would have remained rich but the poor would have be a little better

    The Economy wouldn't be a mess.

    Bush would be the Gov. of texas

    Cheney would be retired

    We would have invade Afghanistan And as far as today Obama would be president but only the good people of Alaska would know who Sarah Palin is!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The GOP had solid court docket stressful situations waiting for the Democratic voter fraud in a minimum of three different States that had greater electoral votes than Florida. That became the autumn-lower back place. It became less demanding to win a sparkling shrink victory in one State - Florida. Gore made the deadly mistake of soliciting for the re-count style of basically some counties that he had cherry-picked by using fact they have been controlled by Democrats. Then while he lost the case in an exceedingly undesirable decision by a Democrat-packed Florida appropriate court docket which he thought he had under pressure, he needed it taken to the U. S. appropriate court docket. the call that killed him became 7-2 with even the liberal justices voting against him. the 2d vote became a formality. the worldwide could have replaced for the greater serious by using fact Al Gore confirmed a checklist of somewhat undesirable judgment as a vice-president and as a candidate. God secure the U. S. and the loose worldwide. there's no telling what could have occurred if our freedom and secure practices had depended on the judgment of Al Gore.

  • 1 decade ago

    The White House would be lit up like a Christmas tree day and night, Air Force 1 and the White House limos would be idling 24/7, or hauling big Al around on unnecessary trips while he told the rest of us to live in the dark and walk. Kind of like the way he is doing now.

  • Joel M
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    He would not have ignored the warnings that Bin Laden was going to attack the US and possibly 9-11 would not have happened. We definitely would not have gone to Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9-11. The US would have alternative sources of energy besides oil and would be working on reversing the effects of global warming....

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The collapse of the American car industry would have come 7 years sooner, the average American would be limited to driving with in 50 miles of home due to mandated electric cars (as he flew around the world spewing pollution as his does now while criticizing people for driving a SUV) and the US would not be one bit more "Green" because of the pollution being pumped into the atmosphere by power plants to recharge the electric cars.

    And just like the Carter years, there would be the Gore misery index, people unable to heat or cool their homes due to high energy costs

    Bush was infinitely imperfect but after 4 or 8 years of Gore screwing things up, Obama would now be nothing but another corrupt Illinois official.

  • 1 decade ago

    We'd be paying six times as much on our electric bills by now, driving tin cans and being fined if we didn't, and have smart grids on every appliance in our household. It would be green tax hell. But that is coming soon courtesy of Cap and Trade. And by the way...

    The system was PURPOSELY challenged in that election to cast doubt upon that system. See Cloward-Piven. Do you think most of those judges LOVED Bush??? No. They did not. The system was messed with FOR A REASON.

  • 1 decade ago

    He would have reinvented the Internet. Lol, He is a nutcase as far as I'm concerned, but I think not much would have changed as far as our current foreign affairs. He would have probably went into Iraq and Afghanistan too, because after 9/11 even some of the most hardcore liberals were screaming for blood. Abortion issues will never be resolved though, probably along with gay marriage, at least for a while.

  • 1 decade ago

    How do you think he would've reacted to 9/11? I think he would've hid under his desk and blamed global warming

  • Jutt
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    We might finally have legal gay marriage....

    that's the only plus as far as I can see, I was still pretty young and not that into politics when he was running.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    911 would have never happened and the country would still be in a boom rather than where W took us.

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