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A survey a la "suhwahaksaen": to determine differences between users favorite composers, relating to gender?

Recently the above noted user posted an interesting hypothetical question to determine if there was an inverse correlation to users favorite/least favorite relating to two composers: Vivaldi and Wagner(best answer "in voting").;_ylt=Apxdc...

Following his lead, I thought it might be interesting to take a survey of patrons of this forum's favorite/least favorite composers.

To formulate a comprehensive table of all the great composers to reference within this context, is not feasible. So I've compiled an arbitrary list of 14 composers(avant garde, not included).

From these, please choose 7 who are your favorites, and 7 your least favorites.

In your response, first list your 7 favorites, then your least favorites.


((first, list your gender(M=male;F=female))

((list composers in hierarchy of preference: most favorite of all, then --))






least favorite:





List of composers from which to choose: (any ONE Baroque) - Bach - Mozart - Beethoven - Schubert - Brahms - Chopin - Wagner - Verdi - Tchaikovsky - Puccini - Debussy - Ravel - Rachmaninoff - Elgar

Please, NO SUBSTITUTES: if you don't wish to follow my guidelines, then I respectfully request that you not participate.

Thank you,



"Nathalie": thanks. In particular, for simply following the guidelines and no quibbling about it.

"del_icio...": and again, thanks for the same reasons as stated for "Nathalie".

Sorry, but not exactly clear with regards to your question, "-----REALLY arbitrary?"

What else could they be??????? Care to elaborate further?

Update 2:

Dear "Duchess": happy that you liked my question; but here's another am sure you want.

Why, after I explicitly requested no substitues, you did so?

Sullivan, Stravinsky, Dvorak, Gluck, Mussorgsky and Scheonberg.

Sorry, but yours want be included in tabulation results.

Update 3:

"Zvarri": thank you. Oh dear! So far my favorite of favorites does not seem to be faring very well: he's at the near bottom of everyones least favorite least.

The saying, "he's not very everyone", is a gross understatement considered within the context of this question.

Beginning to wonder if he will appear amongst anyones favorite list.

Update 4:

Sorry "Duchess": but if one doesn't have their integrity, what do they have?

Update 5:

"Gary": thank you. And never you mind - opera, like Wagner, isn't for everyone.

Update 6:


(musicyh": thank you. You positioned Bach at the bottom of your least favorites; now that's a listing I had not expected to see. Very curious if any others so rate him.

Update 7:

"mephisto..": thank you. Yes, in descending or was as I requested.

Mozart at the bottom of your least favorites list; another surprise.

Update 8:

"oOeugen": thanks for your response. But as the "Duchess", because you offerred "substitues" which I specifically requested not be done, your listings will not be included in the final tabulations: sorry.

Update 9:

"petr b": quibble if you must; but if you were to post a similar(I know, the probability is "0"), I wouldn't: to each his own. Thanks for your listing

Update 10:

"Schumiez": even though with qualification of "transcriptions" only, Wagner's made it into someone's favorite 7: hard to believe.

Thanks "Schumiez".

Update 11:



NOTICE OF INTENT: Please read.

My apologies for not informing any potential responders at the outset, that I don't wish to tabulate more than 20 listings(responses): much more work than I had bargained for.

So even though I will "extend expiration" for the question, it will only be for giving myself time to perform the tabulation, and post the results.


Update 12:


Alas, I'm too tired to comment on any other responses - forgie me; but I could not let your "suhwahaksaen" remark about having received......."the Ring disc in the mail"... go, without inquiring: you state "the" disc - assuming its only one, then it must be inclusive of only excerpts; surely you didn't purchase the "entire" Ring?

Update 13:


FOR ANY INTERESTED: while tabulating "petr b"' response, noticed his remark, "since it is a poll, I don't think there should be a BEST ANSWER.

I totallly agree; so, I will choose none. But the requirements of this program demand one: so, (again)will put the question to a vote, after having posted the computational results.

Update 14:



(I have btw been listening to the entire "Die Gotterdammerung" while performing this task: it's now over as I finish.)

((If any should feel my tabulation is erroneous , please feel free to perform your own and post: will leave this question on for several days, and would love to view any.))


Data specifics: total responses=19; disqualifications=2; indeterminate listing not included=1; total responses tabulated=16 - equally divided amongst genders: 8 female /// 8 male.

Nomenclature: "slots" re: any of the 7-14 composer spots referenced. F= female M = male


Update 15:


Female: Favorite Composers Ranking

top slot: Bach - 3

slots combinedly - tie

Bach; Beethoven; Schubert - 7 ea.

Least Favorite Composers Ranking

(difficult to assess: am listing slots 8 & 14, and then combinedly.

slot - 8: Puccini - 3 /// slot - 14 Ravel - 3

slots combinedly:

Ravel - 7; (another tie) Puccini/Wagner - 6 ea.; (another tie) Chopin/Elgar - 5 ea.; Rachmaninov - 4


Male: Favorite Composers Ranking

top slot: Bach - 3(weird-same as female)

combinedly: (this appears too strange to be accurate - exactly the same as for female - someone want to check my computations?

Bach; Beethoven; Schubert - 7 ea.


Least Favorite Composers Ranking

slot 8: Chopin - 3

slot 14: another tie - Elgar/Verdi - 2 ea.

combinedly: another tie - Puccini/Wagner - 6 ea.

Undoubtedly have made some miscalculations: I'm "pooped".

Update 16:


"ATHIESTF" Sunday, July 5, -09. Thank you very much for the computerized analysis: mine was done by hand, employing a simple assignment by the numbers method.

Am afraid I don't really understand your results - could you interpret further please?

/////// My conclusions: that Bach and Beethoven came out as the most popular was no surprise; but that Schubert was essentially ranked alongside them - with even higher marks thatn Mozart - was.

And that Wagner came out as much more popular than I thought he would be, was another real surprise.

And also that Chopin and Puccini did so poorly was another, "quite" a surprise.

Update 17:


Hey! "URQUEY 49..." - long time no see; trust you're back with us for the remainder of the summer?

You're either a sophomore or perhaps ever a junior by now? I've lost track of time - anyway, trust your studies are going as expected, and that you're doing well overall in college: good luck, and nice to see you again.

Update 18:

Thank you "Erunno": and hope you don't mind, but as with "urequey 49", both too late to be included within the tabulations, which have already been performed.

Update 19:


"athiestf": Monday, July 6, -09 (apprx) 7:30 a.m. PST. Many thanks for your further clarification of your analytical, tabulating method.

If I understand your results correctly, the lower assigned # to a composer signifies their greater degree of popularity; and the higher, that of a lower degree?

Suggestion: this page seems to have gone beyond the point of saturation - become so cluttered, that it's now too difficult to navigate.

Perhaps you would consider designing a smilar question whose format would be much more scientific than mine; affording responses that could be more easily tabulated, and thereby resulting in a more meaningful, definitive assessment?

21 Answers

  • hafwen
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi Alberich - this seems like a colourful way to start a cold, dreary, wintry Saturday morning in the bookshop!

    Well, here goes: (I'm a female)

    1. Mozart

    2. Bach

    3. Beethoven

    4. Puccini

    5. Rachmaninoff

    6. Chopin

    7. Schubert

    8. Tchaikowsky

    9. Verdi

    10. Ravel

    11. Elgar

    12. Wagner

    13. Brahms

    14. Debussy

    It'll be interesting to see the results of your survey!

    Hafwen x

    PS. What is it with the liberal sprinklings of "thumbs down" here for some of our answers???

  • 1 decade ago

    Gender: Female


    1) Bach

    2) Beethoven

    3) Brahms

    4) Schubert

    5) Ravel

    6) Debussy

    7) Rachmaninoff


    8) Mozart

    9) Chopin

    10) Tchaikovsky

    11) Puccini

    12) Elgar

    13) Verdi

    14) Wagner

  • "Gary"
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Gender: Male


    1) Beethoven

    2) Bach

    3) Schubert

    4) Chopin

    5) Rachmaninoff

    6) Mozart

    7) Tchaikovsky

    Least Favorite (with 14 being the least):

    8) Elgar

    9) Debussy

    10) Ravel

    11) Brahms

    12) Wagner (sorry, haven't listened to enough)

    13) Puccini

    14) Verdi

    Yeah, not much of an opera freak, am I?

  • Erunno
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Gender: Male

    (from the list)

    1. Tchaikovsky

    2. Rachmaninoff

    3. Beethoven

    4. Debussy

    5. Chopin

    6. Bach (J.S. I presume...)

    7. Mozart

    8. Schubert

    9. Brahms

    10. Ravel

    11. Vivaldi (any one Baroque composer)

    12. Wagner

    13. Verdi

    14. Elgar

    Yep, I understand my vote doesn't count. Just wanted to make a list.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    Dear Alberich,

    I do hope my answering will not give you too much more work to do, but as I write this, I notice that I am only the nineteenth answer...

    I am of course female, and I am of course *incredibley* dismayed that you have only included two baroque composers!

    Now then, you have only given fourteen composers to choose from, and I do not dislike any of them. So I will simply order them from favourite to least favourite, and you can count the first seven as "favourites..."

    1. Bach

    2. Schubert

    3. Elgar

    4. Mozart

    5. Verdi

    6. Wagner

    7. Beethoven

    8. Puccini

    9. Chopin

    10. Brahms

    11. Rachmaninoff

    12. Tchaikovsky

    13. Debussy

    14. Ravel.

    However, if I were able to choose any composer that I liked, that list would look very different. I will not write out that list, but I will say that the first composer on that list would be Vivaldi, and that I would include Handel, Monteverdi, Marini, Castello, Telemann and Rossini.

    I look forward to seeing the results of this,

    all the best, MissLimLam

  • 1 decade ago

    Gender: Female obviously :)


    1) Schubert

    2) Beethoven

    3) Bach


    5) Verdi

    6) Mozart

    7) Elgar

    Dislike (well, sort of!):

    1) Puccini

    2) Brahms

    3) Ravel

    4) Wagner

    5) Chopin

    6) Rachmaninoff

    7) Debussy

    I actually mostly like the first three on my "least favorites" list. Ravel and Wagner I don't much like, but I still respect as great composers. Chopin and Rachmaninoff would once have been among my favorites, but they've worn thin over time- now they just seem cliched and overly sentimental. Debussy... I almost never like Debussy.

  • .
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago



    1. Mozart

    2. Beethoven

    3. Schubert

    4. Debussy

    5. Bach

    6. Verdi

    7. Brahms

    Least Favorite:

    1. Elgar

    2. Puccini

    3. Rachmaninoff

    4. Tchaikovsky

    5. Wagner

    6. Chopin

    7. Ravel


  • petr b
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well, Aberich, for your survey. I realized in making the choices as per your proscriptions how completely non-partial the most 'impartial' of surveys or grading systems are. They are about as arbitrary as the standards or tastes of the person or persons who made them up!

    Of my 'least favorites,' the five at the bottom are almost interchangeably and equally eligible for the lowest slot, and some of my favorite(s) are not even on the list! (+ or -, Elgar would not have appeared on my list.)Thank Apollo you said 'your favorites,' the subjectivity made it easier to be about as arbitrary as your subjective list!

    IMHO, no one should vote on this or Suwa--Saens' 'q' - because it is a poll to extract data.

    Happy extracting and collating!


    Participant: Male

    Bravo, Applause, Encore:

    1) Mozart

    2) Debussy

    3) Rameau (any ONE Baroque)

    4) Beethoven

    5) Schubert

    6) Ravel

    7) Verdi

    Boo, Hiss, & Cat-calls:

    1) Chopin

    2) Puccini

    3) Brahms

    4) Tchaikovsky

    5) Wagner

    6) Elgar

    7) Rachmaninoff

    petr b.

    EDIT ADD: Yeah, Hafwen, what is with thumbs up OR down when it is, after all, a Poll? I think there should be no best answer points, either, because it is a Poll!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Some mothers hurt their offspring and some mothers protect them. Some women are stronger than men and some men are stronger than women. Women are smarter than men and men are smarter than women. And if the above is true (and it is) how do we judge what happens to women and men when determining rights? I don't believe any of the things mentioned above (and most stereotypes, whether true or not) should determine rights for men and women. In my opinion, Both the human male and human female is the same. Everyone has a brain, a heart, 206 bones, 46 chromosomes, and also, did you know that everyone is born a girl. Males don't develop their male "parts" until weeks after they're born. We are all the same. Some females have masculine features, while some men have feminine features. THINK ABOUT IT! If we weren't taught to think a certain thing, to believe a certain way, how would we be? Really?? When a child is young he/she doesn't even think about the differences between men and women. We only think about it later on because we were taught to. It was brought to our attention, but we never really cared before. So why should we care now??? Do we grant male and female horses different rights. Male and female birds, dogs, cats, etc. When a species is on the verge of extinction do we say "Lets only save the female?" "Lets only save the male" No, we don't. We say "Lets save the species." When it all comes down to it.... We're all the same. REALLY!!! We are. Our minds are all built the exact same way. So if both women and men are really all the same, than our rights should be all the same as well...

  • 1 decade ago

    Gender: Male

    1) Brahms

    2) Tchaikovsky

    3) Beethoven

    4) Ravel

    5) Elgar

    6) Verdi

    7) Bach

    Scale: 1 (most liked) - 7 (least liked)

    1) Debussy

    2) Mozart

    3) Puccini

    4) Wagner

    5) Schubert

    6) Rachmaninov

    7) Chopin

    Explanation of picks:

    I am a cellist and that being said the top 5 (and 6 of 7) of my favorites have all written pieces that are well understood pieces that are part of our standard repertoire. Also, the fact that Rachmaninov and Chopin are mainly composers of piano literature I am just not thoroughly familiar with them, so it's not that they are my least favorite, just simply the ones that I am least familiar with. Puccini and Wagner are down on my list because again, I am a cellist, and am not incredibly familiar with many major operas or pieces of the vocal literature.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh goody! What a fun question, Alberich!

    Gender: Female


    1) Sir Arthur Sullivan (duh!)

    2) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

    3) Igor Stravinsky

    4) Ludwig van Beethoven

    5) Peter Tchaikovsky

    6) Antonin Dvorak

    7) Frederic Chopin

    Least Favourites (number 7 being the worst)

    1) Richard Wagner (sorry, Alberich)

    2) Ravel

    3) Elgar

    4) Gluck

    5) Mussorgsky

    6) Rachmaninoff

    7) Schoenberg

    Once again, great question, Alberich!

    EDIT: Little mistakes can lead to big consequences, eh, Alberich?

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