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me and my boyfriend broke up after 1 year and 6 months how do i get over him?

me and my boyfriend have been together for more than a year but its been an on and off relationship. he is my first boyfriend and i had my first kiss with him and he is the first boy i actually fell in love with. he loves me but he stopped telling me that he does. he said even if i dont say i love you u know i do and stuff like that. when ever id say i miss you he would cuss at me and get all upset because i would nag all the time. i never wanted to get serious with him. we never had sex or anything that made our relationship so "serious" we both were getting on each others nerves and making each other upset so we decided to go on "break". (which clearly means breakup) we made this decision 4 days ago and we haven't talked to each other since.

he told me because he is going to college, he is "immature" ,he cant do long term relationships and when ever he would meet people he would think of me. i never tried to stop him or hold him back from meeting people. i am trying my best to get over him and forget about him but i cant. i really miss him and everything. its depressing when i look at my phone and i see no text messages. i really want to forget about him and i am afraid i wont be able to. is there anyway i can just get over him?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is never any easy fix cures to a broken heart, and the ones that seem to work will only make things worse in the end (rushing to date other people...etc). This is even harder for you because you ahve shared so many firsts with him. Just imagine how much harder it would be if you have slept with him! Maybe this is a good time to reflect on that, so you can understand just how much these sort of acts mean to you.

    Anyways, as I was saying, there is no easy fix. A broken heart is something that can only be mended over time. The best thing you can do right now is to try and get out and re-experience life. I know at first it will be hard, everything will seem that much bleaker, but just keep your eyes and your heart open and over time you will see things start to take on a new and fresh look.

    Also, I would suggest finding someone you can talk to. Either a frien or family member you are really close to and can be completely open with. If you don't feel you have anyone who is like that, feel free to e-mail me and maybe we could talk. I know you don't know me, but maybe that can actually help you to talk (you don't have to fear being judged or anything), but it's totally up to you. Having someone to talk about how you feel and the things going on in your life can greatly help you through all this.

    e-mail -

    Source(s): Lots of personal experience
  • 1 decade ago

    It takes time to get over things like this, I had a similar problem and it took about a year or so. Remember that there are lots of other guys out there, and if you don't try something new, you could be thinking about this for longer than you want. You never know, maybe he feels the same way about you, even if it's just a little feeling. Maybe if you start a different relationship with someone else, he might get jealous, and end up wanting you back. Then everything else is up to you. Hope I helped, Good Luck!

    Source(s): My Brain, if I have one.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First loves are hard to get over. Eventually with time, you will get over him. But, part of you will never forget him and you may always harbor some feelings for him. My first love and I broke up after two years of on and off dating, back in September 2002. Every once in a while he crosses my mind and I wonder what could have happened if we stayed together. I have been with my current b/f for 6 1/2 years now. Not long after me and first broke up. I thought we wouldn't last, but almost 7 years later, still doing great! It sucks and everyone wants that fairy tale relationship of being with the first and only forever. He was my first b/f, first kiss, first actual feelings of love. He wasn't the first person Id slept with, tho. He was very sincere and caring and wouldn't sleep with me because he didn't want to hurt me in anyway, should we break up. The second time we got back together, we ended up sleeping together. The first person Id slept with was a very very good friend and still is. There are plenty of times I miss him but he has went his way and I have went mine. I have two kids now and he has one. Just live your life for you, have fun and DONT regret. He taught you something in the time you were together and just be grateful for the time you had. That is the way I look at my first love.

    Source(s): Myself- I understand the thoughts, feelings and it all. In time, it will be okay.
  • 1 decade ago

    Well darling...the bright side is...he didn't keep playing games with you...which means he sort of a guy kinda way!lol

    But baby cakes, it takes a minute. One thing i've always done was keep around cool guy friends to talk to when my boyfriends not doing his job (like being supportive and lovey with me) i guess people call that boyfriend number 2 nowadays, but i call him my main squeeze! Go out there and find you a main squeeze! Somone (a guy) that is really cool and down to earth and loves to converse with you...and doesn't mind giving you a little guy love when you start feeling heartbroken!

    But in between time, while you're looking for that main squeeze, go ahead and find time to get some ice cream, a bunch of chick flicks, and cry it out honey.

    I know how you feel and i know it can really hurt! And, nothings wrong with a good cry, when your all alone and thinking!But keep the phone 100 ft should really just have some me time!

    And for reassurance....He doesn't sound like he was that great...for instance... if you said i love you to him and he didn't say it back, he doesn't love you like you love him. Because just like he came up with that lame excuse as to why he didn't say it he could have easily just said i love you too...4 words! So that was a bunch of bull! and yea...that "break" bull...been there...its a bunch a crap...translation: "i want to date other people because i'm sick of you!"....He was right, he is very immature and you deserve better because he's pulling that highschool freshman type crap! You should save your love for someone who will appreciate it!!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Time is the only answer sweetie. It took me about 2 years to get over my first love. I had my friends to get me through the hard times. A few weeks after our break-up I was sexually abused and I think that was the reason it took me so long to get over him - we promised our virginity to eachother but never quite got that far. It was hard knowing that if I was with him, I wouldn't have gotten into that situation. We came close to getting back together about 10 months after the break-up, we stayed friends and are still friends to this day but I've never plucked up the courage to tell him about what happened to me.

    It will get better in time. 4 months after we split up I move into a relationship with one of my best friends, yes a girl - I'm bisexual. I felt safe with her after the abuse and knew she'd never hurt me the way my abuser did or the hurt I felt after splitting from my first love.

    4 years later, I'm happily engaged to the man I love and we're planning a baby. I'll always hold my first love close to my heart, but I am no longer IN love with him.

    If this is the end, it will get better, just give yourself time. Make sure you have your friends around you because you will need them. It's a rough ride but you will get there, and when you do - the weight of the world will be released off of your shoulders and that feeling is great. You'll be proud of yourself.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's hard to forget your first love. I still think about mine every now and then but it doesn't get me upset anymore because it's been so long.

    You need to take this time out and focus on yourself. I know it's hard to move on from someone that you've been with and it'll take some time. Focus on school and music and any other hobby that you have and let your mind wander. Don't get caught up asking yourself about him.

    If an opportunity arises where you get asked out on a date, take it and don't think twice. The more you devot to not thinking about him the faster you will heal.

  • 1 decade ago

    Go out with close friends and have the time of your life. Who needs boys. I know you miss him but the relationship wasn't working out. You may have been a little too pushy and he may have been way to easy to annoy. Some guys are uncomfortable with girls telling them they miss them and feelings and stuff. After a couple of weeks start texting him again but not obsessivly. Maybe he can do long term friendships. But get a new bf.

  • 1 decade ago

    If someone tells you to go out with someone else, that's BS, it's just a sedative to what you feel, it's hard getting over someone, trust me i know i just broke up with my gf (1 year and 4 months) so i know how you are feeling. Be patient and let your mind ease away, because i promise you, finding another bf will only fuel your problems seeing how hard it is to find a good guy these days

    And Plus another boyfriend seem like revenge which is never good

    Source(s): I'm having somewhat of the same problem, could you help me plz?;_ylt=AvM.4...
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sad to say their isn't. This period is for you to heal and this appearance is to help you to get stronger. One day you are going to look back at this and laugh.

    With my situation now it is more difficult I have a 11 month old baby from this guy and we were together for four years. One day he just call it quits and I made a fool of myself begging him to come back to me that was 3 months ago and i still am smarting over this breakup.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's not about being dumped, it's about you. Your best to stop thinking about him or worrying about him and start thinking about moving on with a positive attitude. Start focusing on something other than guys for a while and start having fun. Have a girls night out, go to the movies etc... Just stop looking at your phone, or sitting around being depressed. You're the only one who can change this mood.

    Good Luck

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