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shirley e asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Michael Jackson's funeral at the taxpayers expense?

I'm not gonna pay for it they should have had a smaller ceremony. Are any of you?

6 Answers

  • Bumble
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The first answer you had is typical of alot

    of people that I have asked this similiar

    question to.... and although I can say

    that Michael deserved a nice send-off ,

    why should it be the citizens of the state

    to have to foot the bill...

    If any of MJ's friends or

    family are willing to cover

    the costs - then why are

    they setting up a site for


    MJ's estate is worth over

    500 million and growing --

    the family is not hurting for


    normally when one asks for

    donations, it is because they

    have no money to cover costs,

    not because they do not want

    to pay...

    This is the same as if a poor child was to come up

    to you asking for food and a rich man was to drive

    up to you in his stretch limo asking for money for

    gas because his gold visa is in his other porsche

    You give the money to the rich

    because they need it more ..


    We are going to have a

    4 million dollar

    wake and a gold coffin

    but we are asking for


    to help pay for the costs

    won't you please help us?

    The ridiculous thing here is not the donation

    site or having the taxpayers settle the costs,

    but that there are those that are sending them

    money right now even as I am writing this ...


  • 1 decade ago

    The family should pay for this, not the taxpayers. I read online that the City of Los Angeles has set up a Web page inviting its citizens to contribute money to help defray the significant costs of Michael Jackson's recent memorial. What an outrage.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think this whole thing is a little out of proportion. I live in Oregon so it won't affect me but I don't think it was smart for a broke city (Los Angeles) to spend whatever amount on a ceremony for a celebrity. sheesh.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    when you can do something that get million of people to see you and make a city million than maybe when you die you can have a big funeral like he and the million of people who went there I pretty sure will make LA millions of dollars in room and food taxes. parking, ticket the taxes the store owner paid, Just so many ways for the city of LA to make money

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  • Pearl
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    With all the money this country is spending his funeral is just a drop in the pan. I think he deserves the respect he got. God bless his soul!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I wish they could have used the tax payers money on keeping him in prison.

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