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Todd L asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

Polygamy, Polyandry, or group marriages?

Which do you think is most conducive to the survival of the human species? I'm not looking for whether you think it is ethical. Buy group marriage I mean multiple husbands and wives in one marriage.


Polygamy=one husband multiple wives

Polyandry=one wife multiple husbands

Group marriage=multiple husbands & wives in one marriage group

Update 2:

if you think monogamy is the most conducive tell me why

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Great question.

    First off, to simply things, let's limit this to discussions related to heterosexual relationships.

    I favor monogamy; results show it has been successful in overpopulating the world, thus it is a highly prolific method of propagating the species. Egad! There's TOO MANY of us here now! What should we do?

    Thus, I must admit it might be time for a change in that socio-economic construction. So... which way to go?

    Group marriages might come first (heck, they already tried that with communes in the '60s). Ended up that the species was still overly possessive, leading to rivalries and general dispersement of the group.

    Next would be Polygamy (some have already tried that, too). Based on the biological tendancy to produce about 50-50 male/female offspring, I think this would lead to the men bumping each off, to get more women. NOT a good situation. Too many wars.

    That brings us to Polyandry. I can't think of a surving culture that promoted such (help!). But, it just might be more stable. Men are strong and durable, and... just how often does one REALLY need sex to maintain a happy life? One woman keeping 3 guys happy...hmmm... that might work. "Bob you can have her on Mondays. Joe, you get Wednesdays. Fred, you take Fridays. And, Saturday is 'Guys night out!'" The unattached females could make good money in brothels, while seeking their own little "harem". And, so long as the "Queen" of each polyandric family doesn't choose a favorite, the guys probably wouldn't argue over the situation.

    Just my opinion on an odd thought.

    Source(s): TT
  • 1 decade ago

    Group marriage would because we are are animals just like every other animal, and we have the same mating patterns. Monogamy killed human evolution because it does not encourage diversity. So group marriage with multiple mates would be the best way of survival since we are animals too.

    I orginally said polygamy, but now I see that is only a male with multiple wives.

  • Friday
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Marriage itself is not at all necessary for survival of the human species as it doesn't have to be a prerequisite for reproduction. It's not just biological features which influence the likelihood of survival, but social ones too. Overpopulation is likely to be more detrimental in the long term compared to low population growth rates. Therefore monogamy is the way forward.

  • 1 decade ago


    It is practiced in all free democratic countries. The only countries that allow polygamy treat women like dirt.

    When women aren't allowed to be educated and get good jobs, they can't contribute to the economy like free women can.

    When women have rights, they don't choose polygamy.

    Polygamous countries are all poorer than monogamous countries unless we give them a ton of oil money.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think if two people are grown and this is something they really want to do then it should be ok. I don't believe in being made to marry someone when you are far to young to make a wise decision. I hate that the goverment dips into everyone personal life and makes rulings that they believe in. Half of the government is cheating on their spouses Let everyone make up their own mind on how to live their life. Make your own decisions as long as someone isn't getting hurt.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Most conducive? Funny how you didnt even mention Monogamy. If that isnt even an option for you then it seems you have already made your biased decision.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Buy Marriage groups? Is that like communal prostitution?

  • 1 decade ago

    Pornography is the best bet for survival. Lots and lots of porn. Dirty nasty porn.

    There will never be any shortage as long as people are looking to be loved and to connect with one another. It's a natural human instinct regardless of what kind of relationship situation you put people in.

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