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Need tattoo idea in honor of my son.?

My husband and I struggled w/ infertility, he is unable to have children so we used a donor. After almost 2 years our son was born on St. Patrick's Day. I would love to get a tattoo in honor of him. I was thinking a shamrock, but don't how cliche that may be. As he was born on St. Patty's day and is also irish. I do like the tattoo idea, but would love to see if others have any ideas. Do I put his name, initials, or just the shamrock? Any ideas where you might place it as well? I was thinking the inside of my wrist but not sure.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think you are on the right track. First instinct are usually correct. BUT I am going to trow you a little curve. instead of the typical shamrock which has 3 leaves. go with a 4 leaf clover. ) the symbol of luck. )) this will symbolize how lucky you are to be blessed with his presence as well as pay homage to his irish back ground and being born on St. Patty's day you can put one initial in each clover and the year in the fourth. now for placement.

    You can put it in a place where everyone will see it. but that could get lame having to cover it up for work or when ever you think it is not appropriate. plus the sun damage it will get and the fading that will come along with it. or you can choose a spot where it wont be a problem ... where the skin won't stretch and distort it and the color wont fade. Over the heart is always a good choice unless you are a large breasted woman. then it will stretch as you get older.. underside of the wrist is good as well. little sun exposure and easy to show off.. )

  • 1 decade ago

    try watching some tattoo based programes, like Miami ink or L.A ink. They always show good ideas of things and ways of making simple pictures more interesting, Or even go ask a tattoo artist, they know best after all!

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm thinking a bit outside the box here. Going with the shamrock make the middle leaf a heart shape, for the other two leaves go with minature images of the footprints taken when he was born. This may be too big for your wrist.


  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Does he have a favorite animal? You could get one if his favorite animal and incorporate his name into it. I personally have a sparrow holding a banner with my son's name. I chose a sparrow because they symbolize freedom, loyalty, perseverance, and family. You could also get a monster truck with his name along the side of it LOL just an idea

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  • 1 decade ago

    How about:

    A baby holding a shamrock and around that, it saying his birthday and name on it


    A shamrock with his name and birth date around it

  • 1 decade ago

    i'd get it on my belly, since he was your son and thats where the baby bump is an yada yada. but the wrist idea would be good if you want more people to see it.

    and i'd just get the shamrock with the date he was born in it and maybe his initials around it.

  • 1 decade ago

    do a portrait of your fav pic of him and use the shamrock idea in it maybe in the middle of your back and make it a back piece of him good luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    His name in Irish Gaelic?

  • 1 decade ago

    i'd say either on your shoulder or belly and put his hand you can put a tiny shamrock on the palm and put his name or just his initials under it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    a shamrock with his name or initials sounds nice.

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