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Jess asked in Beauty & StyleHair · 1 decade ago

My hair is thinning at age 15! Wat do i use or do?!!?

Im 15 yrs. old and i think im already starting to lose hair from the top of my's not like my hair is shedding, but its definatly thinning..i do hav sum family membrs with thin hair bt none of them lost any hair at the top..esp. not at my age...If u know of any hair growth shampoos or medicines or anything! please help me out...I've even gone to doctors and askt them but they said it was just genetics..i really want my thick hair back me out here...

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Use garnier fructis body boost it helps

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have the same problem, I stopped using any heat on my air (hair straightener, curler, blow dryer etc). and every week I get a scalp massage which boosts in circulation helps hair follicles promoting hair growth, it also relieves stress. Also be sure to eat vitamin enriched foods, or take vitamin tablets. You will see results only if you keep up to it. It's slow but it works. Good Luck :)

    Source(s): me
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