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David J asked in TravelBrazilOther - Brazil · 1 decade ago

I'd like to go to Brazil to learn Portuguese for about 9 months, I need a few pointers.?

Hello, I'm Irish and I want to learn the Portuguese language but I figure the only way to really get to grips with it is to jump right in the deep end. So i'm interested in moving out to Brazil for about 9 months. While i'm there i'll be taking language classes etc but I need something else to do. I figure it would be hard to find a job for a non fluent speaker for such a short period of time so really i'm looking to volunteer my time.

Do you Brazilian people have any ideas? I imagine some charity work but i'll pretty much do anything. Any where in the country.

I know that's a big ask as its an enormous country but if you could point me in the right direction that would be great.

Thanks in advance.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wow! That's so exciting! I myself have just returned from a year living in Brasil, and it was absolutly AMAZING. I'm sure you'll love it there, it's safe to say that the brazilian people are very warm and inviting, they will be interested in meeting you. In my experiences, they were always extremely helpful, whether with language or regular things, music dance, personal; they were great.

    During my year, I lived with brasilian families, which helped ALOT. I'm not sure if you have this option, but if you do, take it! I didn't take formal lessons, but like I said, many people were happy to help, and I studied independantly (alot of reading!).

    Portuguese is a pretty difficult language, lots of rules that seem strange and complicated to english speakers, but you'll catch on.. I did after about 3 months, but with the classes you intend to take I'm sure you'll learn faster. Brazilian portuguese is really fun to speak as well, the slang is really chill, and they've got lots of cool sayings that can't translate to english. I knew some french before, which I found helpful, as there are many words that are kinda similar... and now I can understand spanish pretty well.

    I think volunteering would be a great way to learn faster, and be extremly rewarding for you in many ways. I spent my year in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil... I'm a chick and I turned 18 there..I'm telling you this 'cause lots of people say that Rio is so dangerous. Every place is dangerous. Just use common sense. I went out alot as well, I loved the night life, but I was always careful. Do this and you will have an amazing experience in a MARVELLOS city, with diverse people and tons of culture. Rio de Janeiro was amazing, completely.

    soooooo, to get to your real question, about volunteering, I would suggest assisting at a school, you could teach english or assist if you have other skills to offer. Here's a site I researched a bit that has volunteer options for foreign people. It's based in the community of Rocina. I haven't volunteered there, but I was found the site a while ago, hoping to. Maybe it will help you.

    Anyways, I hope I helped a bit, and good luck on your adventure... that even if you are just going there to learn portuguese, it will turn into an adventure!

    Tenho saudades de brasil!!! De Rio de Janeirooo!!! (I miss brasil!)

    Boa sorte!!!!


  • 1 decade ago

    Hum...If u are young enough u should try a family, adventuring alone is a little complicated. Job is hard for brazilians, but with fluent english u can try something in a hotel, but small towns doesn't have post for even eng speakers.

    Volunteer work isn't like in Canada, and they like to direct foreing ppl to do this in the slums, what is a really bad idea. Maybe u should try something in a private school, the high schools and sometimes the eng-specialized ones, you will be welcomed in the eng class and will have a chance to improve ur portuguese. Also look for the state program "Amigos da Escola" and ask to work with children but take care, there's a pedophile hysteria here so they try to guilt anyone in contact with children. It's a simple way to politicians get rid of public attention.

    I suggest u enjoy the country with travels, friends and parties, as long things here aren't expensive for strangers. But beware, do not go out without nothing in the wallet, but with the minimum possible. Bandits get angry if they find out u have nothing to them, because they often steal to buy drugs.

    Unfortunately, it's the only thing I know in my experience. I hardly believe u can get a work that really is interesting, cuz most of the usefull ones u'll need a good portuguese. Kitchen porter won't help u improve ur port skills and won't be fun either.

    And as a Irish, u need to know: Brahma, Original, Serra Malte, Bohemia are the most delicious brazilian beers, but there are some Irish pubs in great cities like São Paulo if u get homesick =D

    Good luck and be welcome.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    With its bright sandy beaches, leaping hills and picturesque harbour, it's no wonder that Rio de Janeiro is recognized as the "cidade maravilhosa", or marvellous city and with hotelbye you are able to take the opportunity and visit this unique city. Rio de Janeiro is experiencing the South Atlantic coast and could be the second-largest town in Brazil. That city is lucky with one of the very beautiful natural settings for a metropolis in the world. The amazing landscape is just one of the reason why that guests chose Rio de Janeiro. During carnival time, a event that everyone seen, the streets load with music and ornately costumed performers getting tourists from all over the globe.

  • Seti I
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Alice is a nerd, dont listen to her.. I say go to Either Rio, São Paulo or Brasilla are the best places, it will take you about a good 6 months to hold a steady conversation and a year and a half to because fluent as you are in english.. I say meet some good people there where to the point you can talk to them as much as you do with you friends here in the states.. Youll learn the way they live and the food they eat, you only live once, go for it!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Cool! I think you'll love here. And I have to say 9 months is too much time to stay in a country if you don't do anything. It will become boring...

    It would be easier if you had put the place you'll stay here and we could find good things for you do...

    > I don't know if you're Catholic or Protestant (I don't know if you're from North Ireland or not), even if you have no religion you could help in a Catholic or Protestant church here;

    > you could go to an Irish community and living with a family there (I think you'll find better in São Paulo). Maybe you can find a job with them.

    > If you have lots of money you could travel to know Brazil and its accents in each region. You would be uniting the useful to the agreeable, as we say here.

    > You could go to an orphanage and help the nuns to take care of the children.

    > You could have Capoeira and/or Brazilian music lessons (C'mon, man! I'm trying to help you and I'm putting what comes in my mind...hahaha)

    Well my mind is saying: EMPTY OF IDEAS!

    I know you'll find some great things to do 'round here...

    I hope I've helped you! Welcome to Brazil!

    Source(s): A Brazilian
  • Star
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    English teacher! You can help Brazilians learn more about English language. However only the ones can speak a little of the language to understand you, because you can't speak Portuguese yet. Good luck :)

  • 1 decade ago

    You could actually make some money teaching advanced english there...

    i'd suggest that you study some basic portuguese before you travel too (audio courses help a little), because not many people speak english depending on where you are planning to go to. :)

    i know brazil has amazing places, but the safest states are santa catarina and rio grande do sul :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Brazil is a good very good I was there and so is samba football ....

    more you will suffer a little with Portuguese man if you do not know anything at 9 months will not give not

  • 1 decade ago

    If you know any Spanish then learning portuguese will be ALOT easier for you. Some of the words are almost exactly the same, and they conjugate about the same, but then some words can be cmpletely different. the only difference is that its spoken slower and then the proonunciation is different and you will catch onto that after a while 2.

  • 1 decade ago

    i think to really enjoy brazil you have to go all the different places because they are all so different

    salvador is beautiful and has tons of fascinating historical places and alot to learn and see

    also alot of cool things to buy

    rio is amazing. mountains, the beach, the city, what more do you need?

    manaus has the amazon. you should stay at Araiu Towers. its very nice

    recife and many other places are filled with beautiful beaches

    there are so many places that are so different and so beautiful in different ways you have to see them all!

    Source(s): and of course i am a brazilian ;) living in vitoria, ES
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