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what can i do to prohibit my neighbor from parking in front of my house?

there are two spots out front and she continues to park in the middle not allowing additional parking. i have tried asking her to move her car up yet she blatantly refuses. she is an obnoxious rude person and everytime i come out from it aggrivates me to see her rudeness. what can i legally do to prohibit this? (p.s. it is super hard to find parking on my block and ppl like her make it more difficult)


its street parking directly in front of my house yet she parks in the middle so two cars cant fit, she is nasty and rude

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    she'd probably just run them over tho.

  • 1 decade ago

    Be Obnoxious Back, Once When She's Not There Just Park In The Middle. Ask Her How That Sucks. But That's Like Really Immature. Call The Police Department NON-Emergency. And Ask There.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As frustrating as this is, there is nothing you can do to prohibit your neighbor from parking anywhere on a public street. In Los Angeles a car may be parked in any single location for 72 hours (3 days), except when otherwise posted (street cleaning, etc). Unless this person is blocking your driveway or parking on your private property, you have zero rights regarding who parks in front of your house. Even if the greedy & inconsiderate .... uses 2 spots in an area with limited parking available.

    From time to time people park in a two car size space I generally regard as attached to my property, and the law is the law. The only time I leave a note is if someone parks in such a way that only one car can fit. Since you have already spoken with this woman, you might try smiling, waving, and saying hello. Initiating positively & meeting any hostility & rudeness with a smile & a wave may change the dynamic over time. Remember that you have had enough negative exchanges to make you very (needlessly) upset. This may take some time to repair.

    If you pursue trying to make this person move, you will create a hostile neighborhood environment. Remember that the street is community property, whether it suits you or not.

    If you can work it out to create a positive relationship with your neighbors over time, you can probably let them know in a nice way that you'd generally prefer they not park in front of your house. If you are having guests and you have a good relationship with your neighbors, you can ask them to leave the space in front of your house clear for that time.

    If you create hostility, your neighbors may respond with acts of hostility in return, something we all prefer avoiding.

    This is not really a big deal in the larger scheme of things. Take a breath and enjoy all that is good around you rather than focusing upon petty stuff. It will age you too quickly.

    Having reread you question, you might contact local city government to see what it would take to have parking spot designations painted in to that space, or along your street.

    Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Is she on public property? The street I mean? If so, there really isn't anything you can do about it. At least I don't think there is. It depends on where you live and the laws there.

    If the law says she's not allowed to park that close to your property, even if she is on public property, then call the cops on her. However, if the law says it's legal, just keep pestering her. Ask her to move her car every time because you have your mother coming over or something and she has trouble walking far distances and therefore needs that spot.

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  • 4 years ago

    I doubt there are any rules against it until you're speaking approximately interior reach ordinances/HOA rules/etc approximately parking a boat on the line. Ask your neighbor to go his boat. If he does not agree or provides a puzzling time, you're able to be able to desire to accomplish a little rapid landscaping so which you will positioned some gravel next to the decrease. even possibly a number of that ornamental volcanic rock. you does not be waiting to break his boat intentionally, of direction, yet once you have been weed-whacking and a few gravel basically happened to get thrown into the realm of his boat at extreme speed, properly, it rather is his fault for leaving the boat there. If it happens different circumstances an afternoon, it rather is considering the fact which you rather OCD approximately sparkling strains on the fringe of your backyard. additionally you need to start enjoying backyard darts on your front backyard with your friends and make constructive there is quite some beer. Make quite some noise so your neighbor knows you're having a reliable time haphazardly throwing metallic spikes around. i might strongly propose conserving the babies indoors for this section. The third selection is to depart your trashcans interior the line precise up against his boat. the 1st time the rubbish guy casually chucks your metallic (and that they could desire to be metallic) cans into the realm of his boat, he gets the hint.

  • David
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Legally, there is nothing you can do, the street in front of your house is not your property. I have heard of people being successful in asking the police, who in a non-legal but civil function can come and ask her to be a better neighbor.

    Honestly, that someone would do that to me would really piss me off. Don't be afraid to get assertive with the lady. Ask her why she chooses to park in a manner that prevents you from parking there as well, tell her that you would prefer to park in front of your house and not somewhere else. If she continues to ignore, key the *****'s car. She ain't gonna have any proof it was you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am going to assume you have checked into legal remedies to get the parking people to issue her a ticket if she is doing something wrong, correct?

    I am also going to just guess that you do not have a clear right to demand that the space in front of your house is your space to park in and yours alone. So some of this is just the pain of living in a crowded neighborhood. I've lived in many and have the parking tickets to prove it. I buckled down and purchased space in a monthly garage so at least I had rights. You may not have that option but if you do and haven't tried it, this can definately destress your life..

    But it also may be....Time to get sneaky.

    I would try to ostracize her. I'd take photos of her parked car taking up two spaces (including a close-up of her license plate), then caption it with something like "Space Hog" and picture of Miss Piggy in an astronaut's uniform or the car flanked by pigs on each side (you can easily do this with drawing, cut & paste images, or simple/free photo editing software). Then make copies and post it around the neighborhood sometime when you won't be seen (if that's possible). If you know where she works and can go the extra mile, put some outside her place of business for maximum irritation factor.

    You can also order stickers that say "Your Parking Sucks" from this group:

    There are also plenty of companies that sell fake parking tickets as gags that you put under her windshield wiper which say things like:



    Having received this traffic offense is evidence of your complete and total disregard for proper parking procedures. You may not appeal this case, as you are probably too dumb to understand that word. You must not appear in court, as you would probably just smell up the court house. You may not consult an attorney as you definitely can not afford one. You are a menace to society, and a real loser. I hope you eat rotten fish for dinner tonight. Failure to laugh over this is further indication of your stupidity.


    There are many websites that sell these (web search "Fake Parking Tickets"). Here is just one:

    You can also monitor her parking and seize the opportunity to pull in RIGHT BEHIND HER (or in front) to purposely block her from getting out. This may mean you having to confront her when she knocks for you to move your car (be absent and make her wait a while), but she needs to learn a lesson and to personally understand how inconvenient it is when she she disregards others parking needs and thinks only of herself.

    Don't get mad...get even. It's called urban living, Baby! Don't take it on the chin anymore.

    Source(s): Veteran parker from New York City, Chicago, and San Francisco. Lots of experience with rude parkers.
  • Sage
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    She sounds like a woman who needs a date! My advice: see if there's anything legally you can do. I don't think there is.

    Get even with her. Park the same way that she parks in front of her house, or in the spot where she usually parks, and then refuse to move.

    Egg her car when she's not looking.

    Answer Mine?:

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately, you don't own the roadway in front of your house, so anyone can park wherever they want. And you can't block her driveway, if she has one, because then she'll have you charged. Perhaps you could try putting a child's play-car or wagon there so she can't park.

    These kinds of people know they have you over a barrel. It gives them perverse pleasure to make you angry. You have to find out what drives her insane, and play it for all it's worth.

    Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She knows that you don't have authority over her. She is acting like a child who says, "Your not the boss of me." So, what you do is go to the homeowners assocation or landlord and complain to them. They would have the authority to make her do something. If none of those routes are available, you could call the police department and report her for harassment. By all means, be civil and keep your dignity and maturity at all times. Remember, some people get great enjoyment out of making us upset.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can't legally prevent anyone from parking IN THE STREET unless they are blocking your driveway. The only possible thing you can do is park there yourself when her car is gone, forcing her to park somewhere else.

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