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  • how to respectfully approach a coworker about their bad smell?

    i would like a respectful and tactful way of helping my manager approach a coworker who suffers from horrible body odor. it is to the point where no one can go near her wing in the office. noone wants to embarass or make her feel bad but it needs to be addressed as it is becoming a problem. i suggested a group meeting with all the women in the office to adress hygiene and than approaching her individually afterwards as if she is following up with everyone individually. while others suggest a direct approach. what is a respectful way to address this without making her feel bad.

    5 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • how to subtract time in in excel for employee hours?

    column I Column K column M column o

    Time in time out Minus Lunch total

    9:00 am 5:00 0.5 8

    i need help writing an equation to subtract the two times and subtract the lunch so that all i have to do is input the times and lunch break and the total will asutomatically show up, thanks !!!!

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • How to subtract time in an excel sheet for time sheet?

    column I Column K column M column o

    Time in time out Minus Lunch total

    9:00 am 5:00 0.5 8

    i need help writing an equation to subtract the two times and subtract the lunch so that all i have to do is input the times and lunch break and the total will asutomatically show up, thanks !!!!

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance9 years ago
  • Do you think this is a good cover letter without giving the wrong impression?

    I am a beautiful, intelligent and educated administrative assistant. I possess my bachelors degree and am currently looking for full time employment as an assistant or receptionist. I have over 5 years experience and am very friendly reliable and will make my boss feel very special! please review my resume!

    3 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever seen the ring of power?

    what are your thoughts about prince charles being the anti-christ, the whole movie really bugged me out!

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • how do i get a sugar daddy?

    i really want a sugar daddy to help support me and pay my bills, how do i get one?

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • what can i do to prohibit my neighbor from parking in front of my house?

    there are two spots out front and she continues to park in the middle not allowing additional parking. i have tried asking her to move her car up yet she blatantly refuses. she is an obnoxious rude person and everytime i come out from it aggrivates me to see her rudeness. what can i legally do to prohibit this? (p.s. it is super hard to find parking on my block and ppl like her make it more difficult)

    27 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Does any1 know of any afforable wedding locations in Long Island?

    It needs to be under $10,000 that includes food (buffet) location for about 50 ppl in Long Island, New York> flowers and dj etc need not be included.

    1 AnswerWeddings1 decade ago
  • my kitty is so mean to my dog?

    i adopted a thre year old kitty a month ago and she goes out of her way to be mean to my dog all the time. even when the dog is ignoring her or sleepng the cat will walk on top of her and hiss at her. she keeps hissing and being mean. i wish she would just be nice, how can i make her stop being so mean. i tell her no!

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How much is the average refund for a married couple with a 60,000 income?

    Filing joint, what is the average refund for 60,000.

    5 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • I am recently married (Nov. 08) need to file my taxes, do i need to file them married and join?? ?

    Also, I owe the state 190.00 can my tax preparer deduct the owed amount or will the state take my taxes and release the rest? I would like to avod hving them taking it and just have them deduct the small portion to be paid to the state. (i was overpaid on unemployed by 150.00)

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • How much does a colon hydrotherapy session cost? ?

    I am interested in trying this, I do not have insurance and was curious how much the average cost is for a session. Has anyone ever seen any results in weight loss?

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • My dog is sick what can I do?

    Ever since I got home from vacation my dog has been acting strange. Today she peed and pooped in my bed which she NEVER does which makes me think that she is sick. Also, I just gave her her flea and tick medication so I know it takes 2 days before the vet can administer her any medicine bc she is only 7lbs. Is there anything I could do for her to determine whats wrong or make her feel better until I can take her to the vet on Friday??

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why do people feel the need to door to door solicite?

    Seriously this dude just rang my door bell and scarred the sh*t out of me. I though tht eonly day it was acceptable for strangers to ring doorbells was on Halloween. He really scarred me and tried to open my front screen to sell my something. All I could say was get the f*ck out of here, bc it was shady and weird! Even if he was legit like who would buys stuff from a salesman who rings the door bell??

    5 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • When are you getting married?

    I'm getting married in 2 weeks, November 15th!!!! Any good suggestions for my wedding day!! When is your special day?

    23 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Whats the easiest off the books job to secure?

    My husand and I need extra income, where is the best place to get a job thats off the books???

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Parents heres a good question regarding ur babysitter?

    If your babysitter got the stomach flu, which ur kid had a few days prior when they were watching them and was unable to sit your kid due to catching the illness would u be upset and still demand they come or be understanding and find someone else?

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • My fiances sister pulled out of the wedding last minute?

    We let everyone know a year in advance that we were having a destination wedding. The only person who raised concern about expenses was his mother who we paid for her plane ticket and hotel stay. not a big deal. his sister was supposed to read the reading at the ceremony. last week i called her to ask if she was still doing the reading. she has been avoiding my calls and dodging me. (its 4 weeks til the wedding) she instead texts me she isnt coming and wont do the reading. this is totally coming out of left field. than on top of it she insults me in the text message! i am so flabergasted at this womans nerve. how can she back out and then insult me to make herself feel better?? should i have my fiance handle it, or should i just cut her off completely. i feel like she totally crossed the line. esp since we have done soo much for her in the past and she can afford to to come to the wedding since she just got an inheritance of a large sum.

    11 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • What to do when someone wont take no for an answer?

    This women i babysit for son gave me a horrible stomach virus. (i know bc he had it this week) After watching him last night, I have increasingly become sick, so sick that i have started puking uncontrollably. When I called to cancel 1 1/2 hr ahead of time she told "she doesnt care, she still needs me". WTF?!? Why are ppl so horrible. I even offered to have a friend fill in, that wasn't good enough. She has been calling me 10x in a row insisting I go. What am I do when people refuse to take no for an answer and are cruel???

    8 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Bridal Shower for a destination wedding??

    I have been reading on the that if you have a destination wedding than you forfeit a wedding shower. Now here is my question. I invited over 200 people to my wedding. About 65 are coming mostly close friends and a few family members. Alot of my family on both of our sides cannot make it due to small children and extra expenses which is totally understandable. But they keep asking about a party im having here. Would it be appropriate to still have a bridal shower and then tell the ones who are coming to the wedding not to worry about a gift? I still want to have something to include the ones who cannot come etc. but I don't want to seem like a gift grubber, I just want the people who can;t make it to still feel included in the festivities. Any advice. (p.s. I am not throwing an extra party for all those who cant attend bc thanksgiving is the following week and i will see them all then) Bridal shower or no?

    9 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago