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Am i Kafir if i don,t believe in Islam and Allah,I believe in Ishwar,are they both different?

Who is any body to say that my way is wrong and his way is correct,isn,t this the main reason of all major conflicts around the .

If a Hindu dies,Muslim dies,Christian dies,will Hindu would be trialed in Hindu god court,a Muslim will be in Allah,s court,and a christian in GOD,s court.

Is that right My god is different form your god .

Or would i be right in saying that GOD,ISHWAR and ALLAH is the biggest invention of mankind?


@Kahsahay if hindu by worshipping idols become kafir,then why does a muslim perform namaz with hsi face on the direction of mecca or Kaba,isn,t this another kind of idol worshipping?

Update 2:

@Highway so acc to you or Islam ,allah can be find only if you perform namaz in the direction of Kabba,aren,t you idolising Allah by confining it just to one direction ,that is Kaba.If any body performs namaz just opposite direction his Prayer would not be accepted?So don,t you call this as a Kind of Idolism.?

Update 3:

@Husna begum Allah can only be found by praying in the direction of Kabba,great logic but i find it as another kind of idol worshipping where you have made an idol out of a direction.

Update 4:

@sania Hindus don,t follow there religion vigorously as a Muslim did,and pls don,t tell me all which i have heard from zakir naik on the QTV.I know all these, You will find lot of similar points in vedas regarding Idol worship, and image of god , i never deny this, only differnce is that we don,t consider any body unworthy or KAFIR just because he don,t believe in ideology or religion.

For a Hindu each and every religion person,god believer,non believer,idol worshipper ,ethist, is a HIndu (human being), we don,t differentiate among people acc. to there religion.

22 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I ll try answering, respond if it clarifies your doubts:

    1. Your Question: Are Ishwar and Allah different ?

    Answer: What comes to your mind when you say Ishwar, do you get a picture or some representation of that name ? - then Allah and Ishwar are NOT same.

    2. Your Question: There will be different courts to judge different Religions ?

    Answer: Don't we all look the same ? - What PHYSICAL difference would you find between a chinese or japanese or african or american or european or arab or indian ? - they all have same number of organs and limbs, If for assumption - consider each human race was created by different God, then the design must also be different !, so there has to be one designer/creator - call it Ishwar or Allah, your choice. But there may NOT be different Gods.

    3. Your Question: Woshiping towards Kaaba is also Idolotary ?

    Answer: In early time of Islam, the direction of prayer was towards Jerusalem, In later times the direction was changed towards Mecca - this was the reason why Jews,who until then accepted Muhammed(P) started rebelling against him.

    Let me answer, Why Kaaba is Not an Idol, If you take away Kaaba from Mecca, then still the prayer direction will be towards Mecca - why because, Islam is not seen only in Arabia, but dispersed throughout the world, and Mecca, being the centre of the North-South and East-west, Mecca was Preferred over Jerusalem(which is slightly inclined towards North-West) - So for the World-Unity of Muslim-brotherhood Mecca(Kaaba) was taken as Qibla.

    A Muslim, who wants to offer prayer, but does not know the direction of Qibla - CAN offer in any direction - but His motive has to be submission of his will to the Almighty !

    Ever noticed a Muslim Prayer ?

    You can see everyone(rich, poor, ruler, begger, african, european, black, white, beautiful, ugly) - all standing side-by-side, you won't be able to distinguish between the learned and the illiterate, or any of the above said groups, thats the point of Islam (Unity).

    We Do not say "Kaaba'hu Akbar", but "Allahu Akbar", God is the Greatest.

    Why to say something different if we were to worship Kaaba to be the Idol.

    Source(s): Search for "Islam" on wikipedia.
  • 1 decade ago

    There is absolutely one GOD who created all of us, and everyone and everything. God Gave us brains and send us messengers and prophets so we can know him and know the right path that leads to him, and he gave us free will. The differences you can see now between the religions are coz with time man introduced different practices to the religion that slowly drifted away from the real religion of GOD and became so different. you can think and choose whatever religion pleases you, however, as there is one GOD, there will be one heaven and one hell and all of us will stand before GOD in the judgment day and then you will find out if you made the right choice or not and based on GOD judgment you will go to heaven or hell, so you better spend time to make sure that you made the right choice while you still alive, not coz someone told you it is right.

    I know better than worshipping another man thinking he is GOD or son of GOD, I know better than thinking that GOD somehow begot a son from a female human, I know better than worshipping idols saying this is GOD. I know better than making image of GOD, I know better than saying GOD belongs to my race and the rest of mankind are gentiles not worthy to go to heaven.

    What about the black box in the desert? Have you seen the Jews praying and crying in front of the wall in Jerusalem? Do they cry for the wall or for GOD? Praying in front of that black box as you call it does not mean u pray for it. If inside your heart you intend to pray for that black box then yes it will become idol worshipping. The kaaba (black box) is a common direction for all Muslims, even if it was destroyed, we will still face the same direction, it is direction only not an object intended to be worshipped. No Muslim is a Muslim if he worshipped the kaaba or anything else but GOD Almighty the creator (ALLAH) SWT. It is up to GOD alone to guide wherever he pleases to his right path.

  • 1 decade ago

    We are like the six blind persons who wanted to feel an elephant.

    we are discussing about the ultimate supreme power that we call by different names like God Allah and so on Like these blind men who described about the elephant in the way they have found.

    So none has seen the ultimate supreme power and has given his version of that power.

    The essence of what has been told to follow a disciplined life is more important than the method to be followed to achieve that.

    Though there can be many routes to follow to reach a place the Ultimate aim of reaching the place is more important than the route that is taken.

    So let us aim to reach that ultimately.

  • 1 decade ago

    ..exactly...eshwar allah tero naam...ring any bells???

    i think its time we realised that when we realised that fundamentally we all love and believe in the same god...and our primary aim is to become better people by doing what are we trying to fight about??...hindu muslim christian we all believe in the same hope and light..and our religions only tries to lead the way to god...fighting and killing over it is really just defeating the purpose of believeing in god in the first place...

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  • 1 decade ago

    It appears from your avatar that u r a Hindu and as per Islam u r a kaffir and liable to be momin[Muslim] or punished.But I don't think that there are multiple almightys of different religions.Being Hindu I wish the welfare of all and not of only Hindus.

  • 1 decade ago

    we don't pray to kabba it is a unique direction for all muslims to pray

    we pray to allah

    the first kalima tell

    allah is the only god and muhammed (swt) is his messenger

    if u belive this then u r a muslim

    islam is great the one who will to understand only can understand it

    know the true meaning of namaz , quran , zaqat, haj etc

    don't have a false idea of these things

    only then u will know what is islam and love it

    islam is a way that tells how a person should live

  • 1 decade ago

    No Allah is only muslim God because He says to bring Qafirs towards Islam and if they don't, they must be taught a lesson.

    The God that only favors a particular religion can not be Ishwar or an Omnipresent God because our Ishwar Krishna never said so and gave "blessings" even to Rakshas and Asuras if they did their Tapasya properly.Ishwara is not biased.You can take dozens of examples where our Ishwar gave "Vardaan" to the Rakshasa or non-Arya like "Ravana", "Hiranyaksha", "Bhasmasur" and many more.

    And there are dozens of Ayats in Quran that proves that Allah only shows mercy to those who join his organization(Islam) otherwise Qafirs are tormented on both earth and Jahannum.

    Edit:: To Husna Begam::

    sister, if you can give uniqueness to a particular direction out of four, why can't we give uniqueness to particular statue.Why do u have problem in this?After all we are also worshiping same power in statue as you do in Kibla.

    Which is more dangerous?

    1)Killing people on the name of worshiping a single God.

    2)Loving people and tell them that worship God by telling his numerous qualities.(Hindus)

    think of it in solitude and come out of dogma.:)

  • tazzz
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I never heard of Ishwar, but Allah was a stone idol of the Arabian pagans...the moon god. Mohammed made up his cult using this idol's name. You are just human no matter what you believe...I don't believe in classifications that distance one human from another for any reason.

  • 1 decade ago

    Their is only One True GOD.

    The exact meaning of Kafir is (cover), it is were english (cover) comes from--the Arabic( Kafir). The meaning comes from planting a seed into the ground, then covering that seed with soil. The seek is now encompassed all around in complete darkness, unable to see the LIGHT.

    If you don't believe in true monotheism ( belief in one God without taking partners with him or believing in HIS creation) then yes, you are disbeliever.

    Because GOD created you and has provided you with all that you have. If you don't appreciate or thank HIM by simply believing in HIM, than yes. you are a kafir.

    Allah knows best.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    There is simple answer to all who love their mothers dearly. If I call my Mom Mommy, you call her 'MA' someone else Amma and another person Ammijan. Will there be difference in love and blessings of these mothers or even cub of Lioness loving her mother and she returning it!! IF EVER anyone feels MA Heart is same in every species, every human being that is LIVING GOD MUKUL

    Who cares with what name we call MOTHER IS MOTHER AND that is mirror image of GOD who cares with what name we call till it is as pure as Kabir and Nanak GOD IS ONE< WAS ONE < WILL REMAIN ONE. Perceptions may be different. May God bless you as you are probing apath of ALLAH/ ISHWAR/HAR/KRISHNA/GOBIND..Innumerable names of UNIVERSAL LIGHT

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