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Generally speaking who are bigger pains in the ***.e.s?

Men or women?

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Women by far, their needs are deeper & broader than mens. We have 4 basic needs, food, sleep, sports & sex. We only need females for the latter.

    Females need constant reassurance, emotional intimacy, attention,

    monogomy, commitment, plus 3 of the 4 I mentioned for men minus the sports. They are also FAR, FAR, more bitchy, bossy, controlling,

    critical, demanding, erratic, & moody.

    Is there anyone shocked that we males die first 90% of the time?

    I say many a married man finds death a welcome change from dealing with females who are as I have stated above

    Source(s): Abpout 44 years of life. I am happily single & have never regretted it for a nano second. There is a reason why 60% of the men I know are divorced, & it was they who almost always filed for divorce. That is good enough for me.
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