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This new Health Care Reform?

I have been told that in Canada a person sometimes has to wait months before even having tests done.

If that's the case what will you do if your child gets cancer or some other terrible disease and needs treatment immediately


Delphi, I am NOT trying to demonstrate anything, just asking a freaking quesion, so chill.

Update 2:

I know I am not alone in thinking about this but I worry about my grandkids and what if one of them gets very ill. Scary stuff.

Update 3:

John good luck with your surgery.

Update 4:

Sunshine and Musclemind thanks for your input.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is not really reform. There has been nothing put into this legislation to reduce costs. It is government control over one of the most important things in our lives. Look, I would love for everyone to have affordable health care, but this is so not the way to do it. It will destroy the private plans. I am scared to death.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sunshine fails to recognize the following obvious distinction between Canada Sweeden and our system. We have over 50 million illegal immigrants that contribute nothing to the health care system nothing.

    and we have many mexican nationals here just for the free medical care costing billions. our government does not tell the population the truth about it for dumb reasons.

    the us government keeps secrets from its citizens for their own good because we are dumb sheep that cant handle the truth and we cant be trusted with top secret knowledge!! LOL

    none of those national health systems would function if they had the number of poor people we have dropping in on them and crossing borders to get there no matter what.

    but, everyone pretends this is not happening here and that they are not a problem, after all they do jobs no one else will do ??? not even the 25 million unemployed ??? well maybe they would do those jobs now. what the heck are we gonna do with millions of construction and finance workers that will never be needed again??

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am having surgery august 11 and I have waited 4 months and I live in the US and have insurance. So those storys are on both sides

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Canadians will tell you there are occasional waits, but they'll also tell you they far prefer their system over ours. There are also wait times here, assuming you can even afford a doctor in the first place.

    Anway, why not look at France, Norway, Sweden, etc., all ranked higher in performance than us with some kind of nationalized health option, all spending half per capita what we spend here. This current reform is more like the French system, anyway, which is great, since they are ranked number 1 in the world. We are 37.

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  • gone
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You've been told. So that must be the gospel truth. I've known many Canadians through out my life. Though their health care isn't perfect. Most of them agreed that the U.S. approach was barbaric.

    I just had an experience with our health care system. This was supposedly one of the top 50 hospitals in the our country. It was a nightmare. Your fear should go much deeper than what you are trying to demonstrate with this question.

    Wow getting a bit excited over my response aren't you. I suggest you take your own advice child and chill

  • Sarah
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That is false. People in Canada wouldn't trade their health care for ours any day of the week.

    You should think about wait times in the US. If you felt a lump today, you could get an appointment with your primary care doc MAYBE next week, though some people have to wait a month. Then, you see him, and he wants you to see a specialist. You make that appointment for 1-2 weeks later. They see you and run tests. Those tests aren't available immediately. You wait and the test results come in a week later--at the earliest. Then you have to set up another appointment to review the test results, as they won't tell you anything over the phone. So, a week later, you finally have an appointment. They tell you it's cancer. That you need chemo immediately. First, your HMO must agree with your doctor's findings and approve you for chemo. Then, you can set up your first treatments in about a month or so. At minimum, NO ONE in this country is getting treated for cancer or any other disease within 2 months of finding out about it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let's see, A Trillion dollars over ten years for rationed care. Do you Really want the Government to tell you when you can get treated?

    Besides google any of the health plans in Europe, guess what you find, they are ALL going bankrupt and are having to cut services.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    there is not much to do in this case scenario~~everyone will be in the sam boat~maybe the Rich will still have their resources bu tthis could bankrupt

    most families~~as it has in the past for some~~it would not be a good thing

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • Jade
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    When Canadians need healthcare right away or if they need specialists, they come to America and pay for it. Just what we'll have to do....except this administration will have destroyed America's healthcare.

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