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Is it legal for a manager at work to preach his religion to employees at the work place?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not illegal not matter how you look at it. However, most if not all companies discourage this sort of conversation. If it is becoming a problem for you I suggest that first you address him. Let him know that you value his views on his religious beliefs however that it is making you uncomfortable. Hopefully this will help the problem. If that doesn't work then speak with his manager about it and that should fix the problem. If not HR is always an option...

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to be more specific please, what do you mean by "preach"?

    Is he getting all the employees together for a mandatory meeting then preaching a lesson using biblical verses?

    Is he giving Bible verses as a backdrop to the "why" of why he's doing something?

    Is this a religious organization? In other words, if you go to work in a Christian Bible Store, expect to hear about Jesus lol.

  • Yes.

    It would be illegal for the government to tell him he couldn't. He can't make your agreeing with his religious beliefs (or tolerating his "preaching") a condition of your employment.

    "Under Title VII, business owners or supervisors are permitted to communicate their religious beliefs through their company policies and practices provided that

    1) they do not give prospective or current employees the perception that employment or advancement requires workers to adopt a certain religious belief,

    2) they accommodate employee objections, and

    3) they do not require employees to participate in religious worship experiences.

    In short, an employer or supervisor may witness to employees so long as he is careful to accommodate employees who object to any of the company's religious practices, and as long as employees are clearly informed that their religious beliefs or non-beliefs play no role in hiring, termination, promotion, or in the terms, conditions or privileges of employment."

  • 1 decade ago

    Not where I live. But it's a grey area. Is he actually preaching, or does he just talk about it during the course of the day? If it's the latter, it's not illegal.

    Source(s): I love you!
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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think it's illegal, he might just get into trouble with the people he has to report to. Especially if it starts offending the employees who don't agree with his beliefs. Best to keep that stuff out of the workplace.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, there are laws against it. But if the employee brings it up then you can talk about it until the employee says they don't want to talk about that.

  • Steven
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It is his place I guess he can do what he wants.

    I had to laugh at the receptionist at the dentist office, she was preaching to a lady about faith healing and how prayer stopped her migraine headaches.

    I told her then why do I need to see the dentist can't you just pray this tooth to stop hurting? She laughed and said, "God doesn't fill cavities."

    He made people can't he just make me a new tooth without the cavities?

    She said, "God doesn't do teeth the dentist does"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If actually preaches you can complain to the HR , if he talking about it you free to drop the conversation

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    needless to say it truly is. it is not criminal to discriminate in accordance with faith; yet he's loose to objective and convert you heathens as long as he's no longer fostering a unfavorable artwork environment. you're loose to whinge to HR or seek for a much less denominational workplace suggestion? tell him you're a reformed Druid, and thank him very lots for his interest and project; and in case you elect to evaluate switching to a non-holy tree faith, you will get lower back to him.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not in America.

    But if he's your boss, you'd best tread lightly until you at least have another potential job lined up -- the self-righteous can be pretty vindictive when you challenge their unsupported claims...

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