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Spiritually speaking: Why must Existence become flesh...? live & know more deeply & most meaningfully all the rainbow aspects of Love?


The hundred character limit in the Question box bollixed up this question, some -- & Dances With Kali's response has shown me that the way it appears, i've, in a sense, answered my own Question.

That was *not* the intent!

The Question was supposed to have read:

"Why must Existence become flesh to live & know more deeply & most meaningfully the rainbow aspects of Love?

That extra question mark in the middle... & the triple-dots, seem to me to subtly *change* the meaning.

Update 2:

*Lemons n Pepper*, i would've chosen yours as the Best Answer if *She Who Dances Love* had not answered.

i *love* how you Dance With Love, *She* who is such an ecstatic bhakti of Love!

You would probably make "She Who Must Be Obeyed" (a fictional character in 4 novels by H. Rider Haggard -- "She," "The Return of She," "She and Allan" [Quartermain] & "Wisdom's Daughter") downright *jealous* of the love-ecstasy of your Dancing! ;)

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Spiritually speaking: Why must Existence become flesh...?

    Hi Wynn...As we step on the Ship of Love our Essence becomes alive with all the graces that love has to offer! And as for rainbows...well sweetheart, Rainbows illuminate thousands of particle of light! Imagine then, how our flesh responds to thousands of sensations, and apply this physically ~ what could be better physically than to feel exquisitely as flesh all we have been designed to experience?

    First and foremost for knowing the joys of delightful Vibrant Love...which creates virbrantly, illuminating particles of light in us! The flesh sends beacons of light radiating everywhere not only for our personal edification ..but for the edification of others!

    Created to experience the greatness's of love! Man and woman...were meant to have such pleasantries! When you carry this forward...all of life was meant to sing of it's joy! Think of every stage...from babyhood ...hmmm. Thousands of sensations and new discoveries illuminated in every stage of life! And God said.....Good!

    Loving kindnesses touching every aspect of what and who we are! So our joy would be full! Knowing not only Spiritually but through the flesh...So that one could celebrate in splendorous rapture the glories of the universe...the glories of God, not only Spiritually but also through the flesh! So that even our flesh would magnify the Divinity of God! This is God's reflection! Knowing the colors of these Rainbows of love ...those thousands of illuminating colors...filling us , vibrating us...creating heart energies...the energies of Love!

    Sweet Wynn, ...just imagine those thousands of heart energies..and what they do as those wondrous energies spin and have an those molecules...merge with others...particles joining.., vibrating, creating newness of life everywhere...singing in sweetness ...just imagine the powerful changes happening in our atmosphere as these powerful energies touch others and what is being sent throughout our planet ~ rising up in the heavens...!

    Ummmmmmm..indeed...Life flowing energies which glorify Creation in the flesh...As I hold others, create my songs, dance with aspectsof loving rainbows... sends mists of particles thousands of paricles of insivisle light to sweet scents. Splendors of colors...touching others in glorification ...of love! Thousands of messages of loving kindnesses....meant to be flet inboththe flesh and for the illumination of all! Which then creates new wondrous spinning flows and mists in others... splashing life energies forward...gotta love those kind of rainbows and colors felt through the flesh ...which create and bridge love, lovingly in others!

    Spiritually speaking: Why must Existence become flesh...?

    My answer...for the glorification and celebration of the Holiness and life changing power of love!

    Great question Wynn...(((hugs))) These harmonies, felt through the fles, tasting, sampling, touching creating goodnesses...everywhere ...soooooo very goood! Creating flowing Heart energies! Yesssss! Just say yesssss to goodness! Creating the rainbow brige of love with others... is creating union with with all, creating purity!


    She DancesWith Love

    I have left an interesting and loving video for all to view...Just what does Our Living God have in mind??? Awesome!

    Source(s): interesting concept here!
  • 5 years ago

    You have some lucid arguments here. These are very well thought out, intelligent, and appealing. Don't listen to people who heckle you, or claim that "there are no valid arguments against gay marriage." Some gay couples will choose to adopt children, which is actually a noble thing. There are many kids out there who need families, and I highly commend any couple, whether they are gay or straight, if they adopt. It's a wonderful thing to do! However, kids sometimes emulate their parents. There isn't anything wrong with being gay, but if a gay couple were to adopt a child, that child would be greatly influenced by having two parents of the same sex. It could possibly confuse the child in terms of his or her sexuality or identity. On the other hand, having two loving parents might be a much better environment for a child that has no parents at all.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hopefully my answer to this will be clear and concise.

    The most basic principle of reality is that for something to exist, so must its opposite. For there to up, there must also be down. For there to be darkness, there must also be light. You get the idea.

    With that in mind, for there to be physical existence, there must also be non-physical existence (aka the spiritual). If the physical universe is a divide between opposites (left is not the same as right for example), the spiritual world is a unification between opposites (left and right are the same thing).

    In the spiritual world, good and bad, light and dark, up and down, are all the same thing. In that sense, the spiritual world IS the physical world as one complete whole. While in life you experience either yin or yang of one thing or another at any given moment, in death you experience the complete yin-yang of all things at once.

    Here is an analogy. In life (physical world), we're drops of water in an ocean. In death (spiritual world), we are the ocean itself. One cannot exist without the other. If there were no drops of water in the ocean, the ocean would not exist. If there was no ocean, there would be no drops of water. Keep in mind that if there was only a single drop of water and no ocean, the drop would then be equivalent to the ocean. In life we are many, in death we are one.

    That is the difference between the physical and the spiritual. They are the same thing, it's just that in the physical world things seem to be separated, while in the spiritual world they aren't. In life we have only a relative perspective. In death, we have the absolute-God-perspective.

    While in life we are many transient, mortal, imperfect and limited people, in death we are one eternal, immortal, perfect and unlimited person.

    So, in that sense, existence must become flesh, or else there would be no spiritual existence. Without the drops there is no ocean :).

    That is what I have come to know anyway. Hope it helps!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It didn't have to. Man chose this path. Originally man was a spiritual reflection of God. We thought and still believe there is pleasure in the flesh. It was and is our choice. Divine Mind allows us to make our own choices, but in the end the mortal man dies,leaving the true creation. Spiritual man.

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  • 1 decade ago

    flesh is the result of the extreme differentiation of the elements from their purest form and manifesting as the five senses...some call it outer darkness, some call it hell....regardless of what it is, it has to be a part of our creator as this concept encompasses all aspects of light and darkness...the human experience is necessary else it would be like not being able to know, as much as eternally possible, all aspects of our Father and further understand our future as co-creators with him....the Gnostics expressed it well: "we are here to experience the great evil, hell and one does not feel at home here.....and to italy 47, be more's highly evolved hippie

  • pedro
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    To embrace the artistry, beauty; contribute of our abilities.

    'Be the rain.' Greendale, Neil Young.

    Otherwise, it is all a mental journey with no connections to the chain of life surviving for the past four billion orbits; beyond consumerism, and basic needs of food clothing shelter and sex.

    Source(s): "If you hear the song I sing, you will understand. You hold the key to love and fear, in your trembling hand. Just one key unlocks them both. It's there at your command." Youngbloods
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because love is an emotion and emotions depend on the senses.

    We want love- we need love, to feel complete.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, for the experience of love in all it's different forms.

  • 1 decade ago

    You know.

    (this is the perfect question).

    and I am determined to solve the linguistic dilemma.

    ---an honor

    Edit: Pedro: Beautiful Song!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That we may learn to appreciate the

    spiritual. How can one appreciate true

    freedom if they have not experienced


    Blessings and peace.

  • 1 decade ago

    This was sort of philosophical until you had to go and bring rainbows into it.

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