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BulliesRock asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Did you know it is the LAW?

You MUST take your dog to the vet if he is sick or injured whether you have money or not. Did you know that this is the law? I just learned yesterday that it is considered felony animal cruelty and they are really starting to come down hard on it L.A. County.

We have always taken our pets in even if we were unemployed. We skipped a bill payment, borrowed money or had a garage sale, but we always took them.

I just thought it was interesting to know that considering how many people come on here and say "and don't say VET because I don't have the money." They don't have a choice. If their neighbor turns them in, they're looking at having to pay a hefty fine at the very least or jail time at the most (which is happening more and more). Our neighbor had to pay a $500 fine and was court ordered to never have a dog again because he let his german shepherd go without treatment for hip dysplasia. The poor dog was falling down constantly and the man never once took him to the vet. All it took was one phone call to Animal Control. They made two trips out there - the first to warn him he had to do it, the second to take the dog. It was nice to see him taken away in handcuffs. He claimed he couldn't afford it either yet his wife wears designer clothes and they drive brand new mercedes SUVs. Guess they should have spent the money on the dog instead of the car!


ETA: I was told by the prosecutor that it IS a federal law, which is why we see people on Animal Cops (insert city name here) being prosecuted. It just depends on how strong your local D.A.'s office is and how into prosecuting it because it's not what they call the "glamour" case (meaning it's not going to bring the press, get them fame or publicity). I would assume that it's up to neighbors to report the injured animals, the animal control officers to do the footwork and gather evidence (our neighbor tried to claim he had just found the dog, but the A.C. officer spoke to everyone in a two block radius and got statements that this man has had the dog for at least 8 years) and the D.A.'s office to take the case once it is submitted. Maybe if we all push our D.A.'s offices more, they will step up and prosecute more of these cases??

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    well, i would imagine that it would be a law, considering that abuse and neglect are illegal....

    it's so easy to find local vets who take pity on those who really are hard up and allow payment plans. people just need to stick to the plan that they agree to, and the vet will let them go on doing it forever.

    my vet is like that- we've been going there about 15 years, and never pay in full at the visit... all that they care about is that we pay them before the next check up time- which with us is usually about 4 months, because we only bring in a few dogs at a time. it ends up that we just give them a little money every few weeks, and they're happy, because they know they will get paid eventually. it's all about developing a good relationship with them, so they know that the owner is good for their word, and then they are willing to help in any way they can.

    i can't understand people like that- big cars and no vet care for their dogs.... i drive a 2008 Nissan Versa- (and a fleet of old trucks i've collected over the years) the Versa was the cheapest car i could find, allowing me more money to spend on caring for my dogs and children. one little sacrifice made life SO much easier. we also replace clothes when they NEED to be replaced, rather than shopping because we WANT new things (i'm a smaller size, so i get a lot of hand me downs from friends, too)

    people need to step back and take a good hard look at their vanity.... they are so self absorbed that they sacrifice the well being of an animal so that they can buy STUFF.... which they don't need anyway.

    it's sick.

    Source(s): <----------- habitual penny pincher- my dogs AND my family get the best care. we don't look stylish, but we sure are healthy!
  • 1 decade ago

    God, I hope it becomes national, so we don't have all these idiots on Yahoo Answers trying to ask us what to do for their:

    1. Dog's broken leg

    2. Dog's puppy that has not been born in 2 days.

    3. Dog having seizures

    Why oh why, do you idiots can do something for your dying dog? Do you think Yahoo Answerers are magical, free veterinarians that can cure your dog through the monitor?

    If you could not afford veterinary care for your dog, you should not have gotten one.

    If you have fallen on hard times and regularly had taken your pets to a vet, most vets will work with you if you had a good history of payments before.

    I work at a vet clinic, and right now a lot of our clients are having money troubles. If they were good clients we *will* try to help them out if we can. For all of those people that never bothered going to a vet in the first place and suddenly decided that the major emergency was the reason to go, well, you are less likely to get help.

    You'll have to bite the bullet, and turn your pet over to a shelter where they can take care of it. Its called *responsibility*. Learn, it people.

    For all you great dog owners out there, this above semi-rant does not apply to you.

    Source(s): Worked in vet clinics for over 6 years.
  • Jessie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes, it's the law.

    Some of the questions here drive me crazy. Like the lady who put her dog down today because she couldn't afford to treat its pyometra and then was back a half hour later asking for help picking out a new dog! *headdesk* If she couldn't afford to pay for the first one's care... OR the lady last night with the puppy with a fractured leg who wouldn't go to the vet. Just two examples.

    People really need to get it through their heads that owning a dog is a tremendous responsibility and it is expensive!

  • 1 decade ago

    Thank you for posting this.

    I did know it was the law, although I don't believe it is considered a felony in every state.

    There are so many options out there for low income and struggling families. It is in my personal opinion that there are too many lazy people or people who don't care about their pet enough to research them.

    When my husband and I were first married, we were both in our last year of college and had very little money after paying our bills. We knew we couldn't afford a dog (dogs eat more, nor did we have time) so we adopted 2 cats. One of the cats ended up being diagnosed with an intestinal disease, whose name I cannot remember. We struggled with paying her veterinary costs, but it never even crossed my mind to just let her suffer. We sold one of our cars to pay for one of her surgeries. It was a sacrifice to go down to owning only one car between two people, but it was worth it. Not many people are willing to sacrifice to care for their pets. I have seen people who are this way with their children too. It's a sad world we live in, with no empathy and everything is "Me! Me! Me!" even at the expense of others.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, I did know that's a law, and thank the stars for it, too.

    It also makes me mad when people claim they have no money for a vet, yet are sitting at a computer typing on the internet! They have enough money for that and the electricity it takes to run it, but not a vet? Huuummmm...

    I've never had any luck enforcing the laws though. I've always been told that there's too much crime going on right then and that MY complaint was low priority.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    im not answering your question i am hear to yell at you. I hate to tell you, but i have done the roll to my dogs and they see me as the leader. I don't know where you get your crap. Victoria does stuff like blowing a whistle and how well does that work? She has to come back on EVERY case because she sucks so badly! Cesars methods work in minutes. I dont care what you say because even if it "went out in the 80s" it still works.

  • Magpie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I wish every person on this forum could read this! Brilliant. If more people knew the law then maybe less people would get dogs in the first place. I love watching those TV shows where the idiots who don't look after their dogs get hauled off - glad to know it actually happens.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No I didn't know this. They should make it a law, that way millions and millions of people won't just dump them in shelters or leave them neglected and homeless because they cannot afford their health care.

    I believe that if you get a dog, you should know that there are costs and obligations associated with a dog and that a dog is not just a possession or accessory.

    We need more laws like this.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's the law here in Australia, our RSPCA will treat your pets for cheap/free/payment plan if you can't afford anything else, also my local pound and a couple of vets will too if the situation is critical.

    It shouldn't have to be the law it should just be so!

  • moof
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Is it a national law, or is this area-specific? If it's national, well, cool. Now it just has to be enforced..

    EDIT: Oooh, Sashazur, I'm glad you included those terms. I was pretty sure that federal would be appropriate to say in the place of national, but I wasn't sure, nor about "municipal."

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