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How many Lies has OBAMA told?

Is there a site that keeps up with the almost daily lies from this administration?

21 Answers

  • Mike
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    there is a formula to calculate the number of lies Obama has told.

    Bush x Cheney x WMD x Fox News x Limbaugh x Mr Wide Stance divided by pi - 1,000,000,000,000 = # of lies Obama told

  • 1 decade ago

    The idea that he had to change his policies to face the economic catastrophe left him by Bush, and call that a lie is ridiculous.

    To attribute his misspeaking such as 57 states instead of 47 ("we have gone to every state but three, 57 states" is simple propaganda.

    To forget a meeting with someone that happened over 20 years ago is also not a lie.

    Confusing a facts, making mistakes, that is what all presidents do.

    Aside from this, Obama mainly speaks the truth.

  • (b)
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    According to Politifact (which is good at tracking both Conservatives and Liberals truth-telling or lies) so far the break down on his more than 500 promises made during campaigning and elections goes like this:

    Promise Kept: 32

    Compromise: 10

    Promise Broken: 7

    Stalled: 12

    In the Works: 78

    No Action: 376

    I wish they would have done this for other presidents also, but like I said, they do track other political figures on both sides of the aisle.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    None so far, except perhaps about the "5%" still hooked on smoking said last month to the press. He is a decent, patriotic, charismatic, highly intelligent man who is working night and day to turn the Bush/Cheney "supply side" runaway economy around, repair our international image, protect us from all enemies (domestic and foreign--which includes the "Generation Joshua" cult of "culture warriors" that have hijacked the Republican party); return our manufacturing/industrial base to American soil, protect consumers from predatory lending/fee practices, and so on. He has not lied to us. I do think that once he was actually in office, dealing with the slow workings of Congress and the Senate as well as the armies of lobbyists flooding Capital Hill to protect their billionaire bosses' unrestricted pigfests at the money troughs, some of his initiatives have been delayed or altered; however, I have a tremendous amount of faith in this wonderful "mutt" of a man we elected and am willing to be patient while his Recovery Act (demand-side economics that has proven successful every time it is used to reverse the failed con job of "trickle-down/deregulation/outsourcing of jobs" so favored by greedy-gut Republicans) works its way upward.

    Source(s): "The Republican Noise Machine: Right-Wing Media and How It Corrupts Democracy," by ex-conservative insider David Brock. "Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism," by Michelle Goldberg. NY: W.W. Norton (2006).
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  • He has a transparent administration, so let me see, I'm looking but I need advanced computer to count the lies

  • 1 decade ago

    Typing it in it said 50 plus 5 about health reform and 12 about Ayers.

  • 1 decade ago

    He should appoint a "Lie Czar" to keep track of them, I'm sure it would be a full time job. Then we can start a lottery on the number and maybe someone will get some money instead of paying it.

  • myant
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    wait the question should be, has he told anything truthful? I think we should evict him from office and have another election now. our military are under this commander in chief... who hasnt shown an official birth certificate is irresponsible in his spending and has a staff of deaf dumb and blind to lead this country.... i would hate to be the children of these people... pelosi is a disgrace... who ever said anything about separation of church and state... we desperately need God in our government because the deceived blinded ones who are running it dont know what the dickens theyre doing... not really though they do in one sense as they smile and laugh and pick their fingers... barney frank...just what we need while our military have to follow the rules and protect us while they have to deal with life ammo being shot at them... what a disgrace I dont apoligize to other countries for what America has done but i apoligiz to God for not praying more for America. God help us.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is a clock in Heaven for each one of us, and it ticks off one by one, every time we tell a lie.

    They're using Obama's clock as a ceiling fan.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well I think since we all want to be green and save energy, we will do better to list the number of times he has told the truth, it will be a much smaller number and therefore use less energy! (Be Green!)

    OK, # 1

    huh, well sorry there is nothing to put in that spot!

    See how little energy that took!

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