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Does Obama think money grows on trees?

This man has already signed away billions upon billions of stimulus dollars. He's bailed out every banker imaginable, and thrown money at the auto industry like it's confetti! He's signed off $787 billion in stimulus money... for a total national debt of over 1 trillion dollars. Now we've got this "health care overhaul" crap that will tack on another trillion.

And now... THIS????:

How the heck does Obama foresee this deficit getting fixed? $80,000 dollars for every American?? How exactly is bankrupting our country going to "fix" this economy? Is he living in a fairytale?

Thanks to Obama, this generation and the next generation of taxpayers will be forking over the majority of their income to the federal government. There will be nothing for us citizens to live off of, as every penny made for the next 100+ years will have to be shipped off to the foreign countries to whom we owe trillions.


Lisa -

There is no "magic wand" that is going to fix all the problems we're dealing with. And that's the problem with Obama. He seems to think that throwing money at each and every problem will somehow make it better.

Why isn't he thinking about the long term effects of this thunderstorm of money? Read the article I posted: $80,000 for EACH AND EVERY citizen. How do you plan to go about paying that off?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    All I know is things are becoming worse.All I can find is a part time job my son and his family have to move in with us. They both cannot find work. My poor husband is working a job at a slaughter house he hates it but it is better than nothing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its Keynesian economic theory. and in this case its being used as a last ditch effort to save a bubble ridden boom bust economy..

    Years ago America became great from importing raw materials from all corners of the globe and converting them into useful products that people purchased .. thus creating wealth ... This is how it should be done in a healthy marketplace..

    But Wall street and the corporate raiders of the 80's created a new get rich quick scheme by overvaluing certain industries and commodities and then selling off at an inflated price.

    Good stuartship and responsible labor/ management relations went out the window.. and the more me now generation was more than happy to ride the bubbles wall street created....

    If America is the be great again.. we need to restore our industries and stop recirculating the old inflated cash from our now service oriented economy..

    Keynesian economics does not work in a open global economy with record trade deficits.. its doomed to failure.

  • leong
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Its Keynesian economic thought. and to that end its getting used as a final ditch attempt to maintain a bubble ridden boost bust economic equipment.. Years in the past usa grew to become tremendous from importing uncooked supplies from all corners of the globe and changing them into clever products that individuals offered .. as a effect starting to be wealth ... that's the way it may well be performed in a healthful marketplace.. yet Wall highway and the corporate raiders of the 80's created a clean get wealthy rapid scheme with the help of overvaluing particular industries and commodities and then merchandising off at an inflated fee. stable stuartship and in charge hard artwork/ administration relatives went out the window.. and the extra me now era grew to become into better than satisfied to holiday the bubbles wall highway created.... If usa is the be tremendous lower back.. we would desire to repair our industries and end recirculating the previous inflated funds from our now provider oriented economic equipment.. Keynesian economics does not artwork in a open international economic equipment with record commerce deficits.. its doomed to failure.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yep pretty much. If the economy was getting better than cool spend four hundred trilion dollars on whatever he thinks will help but the economy isnt getting better

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  • 1 decade ago

    "We have to spend money to keep from going bankrupt"

    The current administration is going to spend us into oblivion. Everyone with this mentality must go ASAP - Soros, Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Schwarzenegger (a RINO), Carville et al

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not his fault! We DO have to spend to get us out of this! It's the people who racked up such huge debts that made this happen, plus the past administration lowering everyone's taxes. They were so low that Obama was forced to raise them!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, that's what happens when you elect someone who never understood basic economics. He was a celebrity, and that's it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Biden made the comment we had to produce more money to keep from going bankrupt....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this question belongs in the "home and garden" section of YA

    hooker stabber:

    economics? this question is about understanding horticulture.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Where he comes from, yes.

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