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How do I pull myself out of my deep depression and begin to meet people and make friends?

My wife of 10 years left me out of the blue in January. We were very close until then. I also have a son, and an ex who tells me she is with her new boyfriend everytime I have my son.

When my son isn't around, I'm alone. As mean as my ex is now, she wasn't that way before we split. I'm still in love with her, and I miss her a lot. I try to distract myself, but I have little to no foundation to build upon. Being so alone, I can't stop the flood of memories, thinking about the shattered dreams, and thinking about everything we did together and the fact that she is now making new memories with somebody else. My spirit is breaking, as is my will to carry on. Time with my son is stressful, because he is only three years old, I'm not completely settled into my new place, and his mommy is out banging who could be his future step-dad.

I've never been alone, and have shared my bed with somebody for a decade.

I have no internet (unless I am at the business center at my apartment complex), no cable, no phone, no extra cash, and most importantly, I have no friends.

Therapy? I tried it. I could do that job myself.

Meds? I got 'em. They make you very drowsy & clumsy, and I have to take care of my son.

I'm trying hard to stay positive, but my ex has been throwing a wrench in my gears all along.

How do I get lemons, and once I get lemons, how do I turn them into gold?


Well, a lot of helpful suggestions. A few things: I do get out to try and meet people one to two days a week. In fact, I recognized the bartender at a bar I frequent as somebody I went to high school with, and it turns out she lives in the apartment across from mine. She's moving out tomorrow. :(

I have shopped therapists. They all offer the same middle-brow advice, if any.

I only speak to my ex about our son, but she sucker-punches my spirit by letting things accidentally "slip out" that hurt me. For example: she left her semen-stained panties on the seat of her car & in the trunk when she was dropping off my stuff. And she was like "could you go get the rest of the stuff from my car while I watch Jackson (our son)."

And there was a period of time I felt well enough to date. My feelings for her were fading, and I met an incredible girl. My ex caught wind of it, and started showing signs that she was having a change of heart. We spoke...

Update 2:

She said she was having trouble falling in love with her boyfriend because she was still drawn to me. She said maybe she should just break up with her boyfriend, and suggested I break up with my girlfriend.

Well, that gave me renewed hope of reconciliation, and for that reason I became chilly towards my girlfriend, realized I wasn't ready for a relationship, and told her we needed to end it. The next day, my ex and I took our son to the pool. We hadn't done anything together like that in months. A week later, she was in love with her boyfriend, according to her, at told him so the time she said she couldn't fall in love with him.

This is just one example of how she throws a wrench in my gears, like I said.

I'm a smart guy. I know I am. I know I have a lot to offer, too... but she intentionally says & does things to keep me hanging on to hope, and there is so much for me to gain by having her back that I jump. Another problem: my various hobbies were my contribution to our downfall.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That one is really hard. I even think about breaking up with my fiance and I cry all day long.

    I would suggest taking a University course if you have the time and money, not a new degree or anything just a course you are interested in, some may be available in the evenings. That will get you out of the house which is a huge first step.

    Also there may be a study group that you can join and would likely meet some new people. It doesn't have to be women in fact getting a strong base of same gender friends would be much more favorable at this point in time. If there is no study group try studying at the library or even taking the bus if you own a car...textbooks can often start good bus conversations.

    Once you are happier and at a better place in your life I'd suggest casual dating, nothing serious just...getting to know people. Don't rush things because it's been a while since you had someone in your bedroom, take it slow because you wouldn't want to turn someone you could have loved into the rebound girl.

    I really hope this helps. Other things could include joining a bowling league or sports team or even getting involved in some community volunteering programs.

    Best of luck. =)

    I hope things start going better for you.

    Source(s): Personal Experience
  • Sara
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    about 5 years ago, I started to fall into a really depressive episode. At first I thought it was only because I had a bad break from a relationship but the feelings wouldn't go away even after I got a new girlfriend. It was wrecking my life until a point where it was seriously affecting my work and personal life.

    She was very worried but at the same time couldn't understand why I was still sad and thought that I still couldn't let go of my previous relationship. Being the wonderful person that she is, she put aside her feelings and suggested I go for psychiatric evaluation. Many months later and even more anti-depressants, I was not coming close to being better at all.

    After doing some research online, I found out the real cause as you described it really makes a lot of sense and purchased this program. The results were simply astonishing. I read this book over three times and put all words in action. Using this method, I've kept my depression at bay ever since. Up to date I'm still living happily with my girlfriend.

    Depression Free Method?

  • 1 decade ago

    Well you can't turn lemons into gold, but you can try to make lemonade. If you don't want to go to counseling (which I would highly recommend), try to get out and socialize. There are a lot of opportunities out there, like dinner with eights, book clubs, or a hobby, something that will bring you together with people consistently.

    Also, you may find taking a college course, just for fun, a good way to meet new friends and learn something interesting! Another idea would be get a second, part-time job. This will at least keep you busy and get you the extra cash you need to go out and do some fun things.

    I really wish I had better advice. When I am stressed out I go to the gym, read a good book, paint, or surround myself with family/ always seems to work!

  • 1 decade ago

    This too, shall pass. Give it time.

    For now, exercise and eat chocolate. Keep the endorphins flowing.

    Get off of your computer and go hang out with people, family, old friends, whoever.

    Stay away from negative people.

    You should not be discussing your deep issues with more than one or two very trusted friends.

    Don't dwell on it. You will not make new friends by constantly dwelling on this not great situation.

    Do not talk to your ex other than dealing with your son. Don't give her a chance to make you feel worse.

    Find a hobby or something that keeps you busy and makes you feel good.

    Don't feel sorry for yourself. It's a waste of time.

    Be a good dad for your son. You will always be his dad.

    It may take up to a year to get over her – but you will. Hang in there.

    Source(s): personal experience
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is going to be very hard. You still love her. I suggest that you think about ur son and when he is not around get a hobby(any sports work, writting,singing,acting,cooking,if u r religius get more involved in ur church, ask ur family(parents,relatives) to help, etc.) or just think about ur job. And when u r ready-start dating. But before u r ready, think about all the great parts of living single-going out,drinking/eating every last bit of whatever is in the fridge,listening/watching to what u like for a change,wearing whatever u want and going only to the events that u wanna go to. Making a list of all of ur ex faults might help a little bit.

  • 1 decade ago

    you have said you tried all of the above. try it again. this time be positive. you done this in a negative way. loosing your wife is like a death. one must morn. im sorry but life does go on. it may not look like it now but it does.up to you to try to keep the marriage. but if she is not willing then not much you can do about it now. my opinion is to help your child. comfort him the best you can. never say any thing bad about his mom. make shure he is not the fault of the break up. he should be no. one in your life now. stop the meds, listen to what your ex. is saying. be positive. you be the one that is not week. she just might wake up . stay positive. remember you are not the only one at a fault. it always takes two. be sober. one day at a time. see a priest, nothing wrong with that at all.wish you well.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm so terribly sorry for you. Maybe you still need time to move on but waiting isn't going to make time move faster. Try going to different places, meet new people. This might sound weird but my dogs always help to comfort me, get a pet for a companion. Family is always there, and even tho you feel down and like things are falling apart, have the strength to pick it up yourself. (we talk as loud with out hearts, but because we have mouths, we don't listen to what are hearts are saying.) hope i helped a bit <3

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i think so sorry for you yet do no longer pay any interest to the failings that ensue beyond customary time attempt to look forward on your destiny and don't attempt to dedicate suicide by remembering your previous we could continuously many losses of youthful females and adult men you won't take advise from a 12 twelve months previous yet i'm mature you purely could get a mag and write down all your memories and approximately 0.5 into the magazine write down what do you like to end in life yet i'm hoping the superb 4 you and you carry tight

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you can afford it, go talk to a therapist....I do and she helps me a lot!!!

    You just need to find the right therapist...and do not do any drugs...I know someone who overdosed on those so please try your best to not be on drugs...

    You have the tools to get through this, you just need to figure out how to use those tools....

    Why do you think you can't make the same difference in your life like your ex is? What is stopping you? Are you afraid of getting hurt again?

    Staying positive is the best thing you can try...look at it is your ex is finding her happiness, now it's your turn to go find yours

    It sounds like you feel like you're losing control....go find something that you feel like you have total control of....I'm going through a hard time myself and I found that being control of how my room looks and how my artwork looks makes me feel like I'm in control of obsessed about how your yard looks or something that you know you love cleaning? decorating? collecting something? Whatever you find that you feel like you have control over and that you love doing, go for it....

    I hope things lighten up for you!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Im really sorry :/

    just think about your son. He's 3. He needs YOU. dont worry about the step dad crap. He needs YOU. You have to think about him. ask a co worker or someone if they want to go hang out or something... when u dont have a son go to a bar or some other social place :) U have to try your best and dont worry about that girl... she's not worth it. she gave you your son... thats a blessing... dont let that go to waste. you've got to try w/ all you heart to pull ur life back together.. and thats not gonna get done by staying home and worrying about ur ex. she's NOT WORTH IT.

    i hope eveything works out for you... :)

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