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Bang! You're alive! I'm 29 years old, and a newly single father. "Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man."

  • In what word class does the word "gouging" belong in this context?

    Here is the full sentence:

    "The gaping defect was surrounded by multiple and extensive irregular punctate gouging type injuries measuring from 1/8 inch to 3/4 inch and had a depth of penetration of 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch."

    Could you help me determine the word classes for the words in the phrase, "multiple irregular punctate gouging type injuries"?

    I'm trying to determine the word class of the word gouging in particular.

    Is it an adjective? Is it a verb? Is the whole thing a noun phrase?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • First date accepted pretty quickly, site unseen. Should I be uneasy?

    She immediately accepted, from her cell phone, without having the chance to view my profile.

    I'm new at dating, so I know I'm pretty naive about things. I sent an e-mail 99% expecting no answer. Now that I got a reply, I'm like "holy s***! What now?"

    I'm thinking there must be something wrong with this girl for her to accept a date so quickly. Am I just looking a gift horse in the mouth? Keep in mind, she is an attractive bartender at a popular bar.

    Below are the e-mails we've exchanged:

    Hi Whatever-Your-Name-Is,

    I read your profile and I am TOTALLY someone who likes to chill out, have a good time, and see what happens! (taken from her profile)

    Here's my plan -- let me know what you think: We go out for a drink or ten and smoke a bunch of crack. If we hit it off, maybe we can watch 'It's Always Sunny,' or something. As long as it's not Lifetime or HGTV (these two options are not do-able in my book). Or if you would prefer something short & sweet, I'm ok with that. In fact, if you're too lazy for any of that, that's cool with me. Just no HGTV, for the love of God.

    And I'm being sincere about everything but the crack.


    From her:

    hey anthony yeah for sure sounds good. When are you free? I work 6 days so... (her name)


    I'm free tonight after 7pm, Wednesday night after 9:30pm, Friday night, and Saturday night. If neither of those days work for you, I may be able to make other arrangements. Let me know! ~Anthony


    Hey anthony.. Sorry I was at work all day till bout an hour ago.. What's your schedule like? I am workin every night this week wed I won't be done till bou 11-12... So why don't you give me a call sometime we can figure somethin out. My number is XXX XXX XXXX give me a call whenever and we can figure something out. K have a good night - (Name)

    Note: I'm not a player. When I mention watching "It's Always Sunny," I'm being sincere. I'm not planning on having sex with her, but do you think that she might expect that?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is a good gift to have my 3 year old son make for his mom's/my ex's birthday?

    My son will be 3 in September, and I wanted to have him make something other than a birthday card.

    11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Ex demonizes me to our son while boosting her boyfriend's image. Should I tell her BF the stuff she told me?

    My son is 3 years old. My ex and I divorced this May after she met somebody else. This past week, my ex has introduced our son to her new boyfriend, breaking a promise she made to me (although not legally binding, I know). She then put the idea in my son's head that I am mad at him. Just before handing him the phone, she said "he thinks you're mad at him. Tell him you're not."

    The first thing out of my son's mouth was "I'm afraid you're mad at me." Totally scripted, if I've ever heard it.

    Now my son is referring to "mommy's friend" as "Alex the Great!"

    I am nothing if not an excellent father. I take him out to do fun things, spend as much time with him as she does, pay 20% of my income for child support, PLUS buy my own necessities for him -- all for THIS!

    My ex has done a lot to hurt me, hurt my feelings, and I have been struggling to cope with this whole thing.

    Now I'm just plain pissed, and she has told me secrets about her ex boyfriend, and has said other things to me that might shatter his will to stay with her. I am really sick of being walked on. The only aspect of my life she hasn't attempted to destroy is my job. Should I inform him of the secrets she's told me and all that other stuff? It's good stuff, and I'm sure it would do the trick, as there is no way she could explain how I know.

    I'm only reluctant because I just don't want to play her games, but she has been doing this non-stop. I can't afford to go the legal route.

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • How do I pull myself out of my deep depression and begin to meet people and make friends?

    My wife of 10 years left me out of the blue in January. We were very close until then. I also have a son, and an ex who tells me she is with her new boyfriend everytime I have my son.

    When my son isn't around, I'm alone. As mean as my ex is now, she wasn't that way before we split. I'm still in love with her, and I miss her a lot. I try to distract myself, but I have little to no foundation to build upon. Being so alone, I can't stop the flood of memories, thinking about the shattered dreams, and thinking about everything we did together and the fact that she is now making new memories with somebody else. My spirit is breaking, as is my will to carry on. Time with my son is stressful, because he is only three years old, I'm not completely settled into my new place, and his mommy is out banging who could be his future step-dad.

    I've never been alone, and have shared my bed with somebody for a decade.

    I have no internet (unless I am at the business center at my apartment complex), no cable, no phone, no extra cash, and most importantly, I have no friends.

    Therapy? I tried it. I could do that job myself.

    Meds? I got 'em. They make you very drowsy & clumsy, and I have to take care of my son.

    I'm trying hard to stay positive, but my ex has been throwing a wrench in my gears all along.

    How do I get lemons, and once I get lemons, how do I turn them into gold?

    19 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Newly single after 10 years of marriage. My first date is tomorrow. Anything I should know or expect?

    I've basically been married my entire adult life, and my divorce was final as of today. I feel I've been ready to begin dating for a while, but haven't had the opportunity.

    Now that I have a date tomorrow, I'm beginning to feel nervous. I don't know what I'm doing at all. I know it's going to be awkward for me, especially towards the end when all of the expectations are put on me to make a move of some kind.

    Any general advice from experienced daters out there?

    I know I'm probably thinking about it too much.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Should I get a mothers day gift for my soon-to-be-ex wife?

    My stbx wife left me in January and immediately started seeing a co-worker. Her new boyfriend bought her flowers for Mother's day. I'm pretty much fuming about the whole situation. Should I even bother getting her anything, even on behalf of our 2 1/2 year old son?

    22 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Did Haile Selassie do or say anything to kickstart the Rastafari movement?

    Had he ever claimed he was Jah, had he denied it, or had he remained silent about it?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What are some effective ways to break the ice with a girl or while out on a date?

    I'd been married for 10 years -- basically my entire adult life, until recently, and it's time for me to start moving on and meeting new people. The only problem is I'm 28 years old and I've never dated in my life. I want to go out tonight and try to meet people, but I have NO idea how to overcome my shyness and break the ice, or anything else for that matter. Any advice on how to break the ice? What to say? What to avoid saying or talking about? I'm not looking to be a pimp or anything, but in the past, my shyness has been paralyzing.

    I'm hoping for some thoughtful answers please. Advise to "be yourself" is not necessary; I'm not a *complete* moron.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do you cope when a gust of wind blows your Stone Cold Steve Austin hat off of some God forsaken bridge?

    Considering it was an extremely rare special edition baseball cap, with an embroidered Stone Cold autograph, and you only wore it on special occasions.

    22 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How do you begin to move on after 10 years?

    My wife and I have been married for 10 years and have a 2-year-old son together. I still have feelings for her, but they're not mutual, and she has feelings for somebody else.

    After struggling for the past couple of months, I've decided there's nothing left to do but take the ring off my finger and say goodbye, but I'm not even sure what to do with myself. I'm looking at a duplex apartment later today, but even if I'm in my own place with my son to keep me company from time-to-time, I can't imagine how I'll cope with being so lonely. I don't really have any friends to hang out with.

    I've looked into dating websites, but not much luck there. It feels unnatural after being in a committed relationship for 10 years, and I doubt a (currently) married guy with a kid is going to attract anybody.

    A few weeks ago, I never thought I'd be asking questions like this, but now I'm grasping at straws. Where do I even begin?

    20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Who's gonna pay for the rug?

    Okay, so like, I came home from the store with my milk, y'know, and as soon as I stepped into my apartment, this dude just jumps out of nowhere, alright... drags me into the bathroom, then slams my head into the toilet, spilling my milk.

    So anyway, they were looking for this other dude who has the same name as me, and like, owes them a lot of money. Meanwhile, they pee'd on my rug, alright.

    So here's the deal: I don't really care about the bathroom tile, or the toilet thing, but that rug really tied the room together.

    My friend thinks I should like go to the guy they were looking for and make him replace the rug. What do you think?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Can you solve this riddle? Two babies are born at the exact moment... (cont...)?

    Two babies are born at the exact moment, yet their birth certificates say otherwise; one birth certificate has a completely different day, month, and year as the other. Both birth certificates are correct. How is that so?

    Also, let me know if you've heard this riddle (or one similar) before. I'm hoping it's original, but I doubt it.

    8 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • I co-signed on my mom's mortgage to help her get a loan, and the house went into foreclosure (see details)...?

    I co-signed on my mom's mortgage to help her get a loan. I was naive going into this -- completely new to the process, and believed it when I was told by the broker that I could be taken off the loan at any time (I'm filing a complaint with the Attorney General for that).

    Well... mom couldn't afford to pay back the loan, the foreclosure process has begun, and now she's talking about filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

    By her filing for chapter 7, I would be the only person left standing to pay for a house that I don't even live in.

    I've already spoken with two attorneys -- one said they'd try to get my name off the loan and I never heard back. The other said I should sue her to force a short sale, and said the bank probably won't go after me for the difference.

    I'm really getting the shaft on a deal that was supposed to help my credit. What can I do to come out of this as squeaky clean as possible, without regard to mom?

    NOTE: I apologize to those of you who like to be the one to provide the moral or lesson to each story, but I'm ok in that department. I already know the moral of the story.

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What purpose would a city have for prohibiting parking in a residential area during certain hours?

    I've checked the city ordinances, and there is no purpose stated. It only says that "the city council shall determine and designate streets and locations within the city on which parking shall be prohibited during certain hours or at all hours."

    We have (and need) four cars in my household, but between the garage and the driveway, there is only room for three cars. Parking on the street is prohibited every day between 2am and 5am.

    I would think that it would be for street sweepers, city engineers, and garbage collectors, but they are never out working at those hours -- they're out during the day.

    I suppose I may ultimately have to find out from the city council, but I was hoping that perhaps somebody here may have some insight.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Does the 2005 Volkswagen Jetta TDI come with an engine block heater?

    I bought a used 2005 Volkswagen Jetta TDI. It has a turbo diesel engine, but it didn't come with the owners manual.

    If there is a heater for the engine in my Jetta, where would I find the plug for it?

    I am familiar with diesel and gelling temperatures, winterized diesel, etc. I'm just not at all familiar with the engine.

    7 AnswersVolkswagen1 decade ago
  • If her romantic feelings for me have gone away completely, is there any chance they will come back?

    We've been married for ten years and we have a 2-year-old son together. I realized something was wrong, but didn't expect that her feelings for me were dead. Not just cold; dead.

    Things have been that way for her for about 1-2 years, but she didn't realize that her feelings were gone either until she started to have a crush -- feelings of "deep longing" -- for a co-worker. As far as she knows, the co-worker is oblivious to her feelings.

    When it comes to us, she says she could still have a change of heart.

    I left her yesterday with the intention of giving her space to figure out what she wants and for me to start getting over her.

    Does it seem possible that she might really have a change of heart, or am I holding on to false hope?

    What could I do to increase the chances of her feelings returning? I don't think she would be the least bit jealous if I started seeing somebody else, and doing that would probably backfire on me if she decided to do the same.

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Should I leave my marriage? What else could I possibly do?

    My wife began a new job 3 months ago. She had been unemployed for about 7 years prior to having this job, but she cheated on me before with co-workers from two previous jobs. She also had little flings with other guys that never became sexual (I've been more forgiving than most people, to say the least).

    During that 7 year hiatus from employment, we've had a son together and I believed that the cheating was all in the past.

    However, from day one at her new job, she has had a crush on one of her co-workers. Since then, her feelings for him have grown, to the point where she thinks about him almost all day. I found out she had been searching online for love compatibility based on their astrological signs, and since then, the internet history has been erased daily. I would say she's "in-love," based on her description of how she feels. She admits that she is more attracted to him than she is to me, and she can't help it.

    Other than this, she is a very loving wife and mother, but she is boy crazy. This guy at her work doesn't know she has feelings for him and it doesn't seem that the feeling is mutual (according to her), but I've been shocked with the truth in the past.

    The extent of her feelings for him were revealed to me last night. I'm now extremely depressed, and said that I will probably have to leave. She doesn't want me to leave, but it's not because she's attracted to me and loves me as a husband -- she only wants me as a companion and a father to our son (I will be his father no matter what).

    I don't think I can put up a facade and act like everything is hunky dory when I'm only the "next best thing."

    Should I leave my marriage? What else could I possibly do?

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago