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Lv 7
? asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Barack Obama was he the first Socialist President of the United States?

When will the Democratic Party give up on this man and realize he was a mistake?

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The only experience he has is as a community organizer. His ideas will end up devastating this country. But his approval ratings are starting to slip. And a lot of the blame lies with the way he has now started to show his real face by telling all those who oppose him to just shut up. He is a teenager playing with a stick of dynamite and if he isn't careful it just might blow up in his face.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well,let's see.I wish I had time for all the reasons.I have them and maybe you do,too.Lincoln-writ of habeus corpus suspended for 'wartime measures'Wilson-league of Nations debacle;generally early socialist.FDRJFKLBJ Carter,ClintonObama.No way a family can now live as well as the Cleavers-one car but only Dad worked.We are going backwards because of the tax structure.I don't think Repubs skate free on this -they've ALL done this to our middle class.Remember George the firsts'"Read My Lips.No New Taxes."We all know how far that promise went.It was one reason I didn't vote for him a second time.I stayed home this time,too.I simply refuse to choose between Tweedledee and Tweetledum.There are no great statemen today-only politicians concerned with being reelected.Sam Rayburn,I believe it was, said that ''there are any number of good qualified men to adequately fill any and all political offices.It just seems that none are willing to run anymore.'' Case in point-our last election.

  • bob
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    First off, being just a h3ll of a lot smarter than you are, I realize that he is not a Socialist, so you question is not only inane, it is moot. When will the Democratic party (and the 65% who approve of him) give up on him and realize he was a mistake. When he can't fix the eight years of destruction created by the failed conservative agenda, but that's not likely to happen, so give it up! The real mistake was giving George W four more years to prove beyond a doubt that the conservative agenda is a loser. We knew it after four years!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There has been other socialistic presidents since FDR and also before

    now is the time that Obama is making the boldest moves since 1929

    I think we all will find out how this country fares when the Democrats

    revolt against their leader~~Barack Obama

    The Blue Dog Democrats are the start of this revolt

    Most sane people are now mad as the devil at BHO

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No, but Obama IS the first to call HIMSELF a socialist, more specifically a Marxist revolutionary against the American system.

    In some of your other answers, you will notice Obama supporters calling Obama a liar over this issue.

    Source(s): Dreams From my Father (first edition - later printings had politically . . . . well, they had the truth taken out.)
  • J M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Uh no. Nixon was the first president to propose socialized health care. Does that make Nixon a socialist.

    Most people approve of Obama and the job he is doing. Most people do not approve of Republicans and the job they did for the last eight years.

    That's why they were kicked out of office.

    Democrats have won, when will the Republicans recognize that harping on the same old talking points is a losing tactic? How many elections do you people need to lose before you realize that the rest of us are not buying your neocon line?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    actually FDR was the first Socialist president. fortunately back then the supreme court was not stacked with progressive activist judges, and the american people were a bit more aware of the consequences of surrendering there rights. so he was only able to a limited amount of damage. Today there is not as much to get in Obama's way.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If only we actually had a socialist in the white house

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mistake? Why, because YOU don't like him? He's still a popular president, and if you think that your own opinion is the most important one there is, you're not really thinking clearly.

    Why don't you explain what a socialist is, and then explain how Obama fits that definition. I can't wait to see this one.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The right-wing/cult-evangelists keep trying to use the word "socialist" in relation to a very popular and brilliant democratically elected president, but the propaganda seed just keeps falling by the wayside, doesn't it, folks...

    This is a new era. The days of the Grover Norquist "starve the beast" version of economic/governmental policies are over, and the Nieszchke-Gingrich war on Democrats is no longer popular with the mainsteam, because people have finally begun to realize, after eight horrible years of abusive and destructive policies, that Democrats are just nicer. We believe in taking care of the American people; the Republicans believe in lining their own pockets and the pockets of their billionaire fatcat rich CEO campaign contributors at the expense of the American people. We believe in taking care of our schools, our infrastructure, our VA facilities, our veterans; the Republicans believe in lining their own pockets and the pockets of their billionaire fatcat rich CEO campaign contributors at the expense of the American people. Democrats are better with a budget than Republicans, and we have never tried to label ketchup a vegetable for school lunches (as did Reagan) while giving massive tax cuts to the top 1% of wealthiest Americans.

    President Obama is the perfect president to repair this nation, and if you choose to believe (erroneously) that all of his policies are "socialist" and that this is somehow detrimental to the American people, then I ask you to label a president and vice president who wasted billions and billions of taxpayer dollars on an illegal war they decided to wage only ten days into the presidency. Label the VP and president responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi men, women, and children, and deaths of more than 5,000 of our troops because of the illegal war. Label the president and vice president who ignored the Constitution and the Geneva Convention (putting all of our soldiers at risk now and in the future) by viciously torturing detainees---many of whom had committed no crime. Label the VP and president who gave no-bid contracts to Halliburton and its subsidiaries (the VP's company). Label a president and vice president who, during wartime, deliberately exposed the identity of a CIA operative and the company she used as a cover (which exposed all other CIA operatives who make use of the same cover)---and all because they were in a snit that her husband refused to lie about WMDs that did not exist in Iraq. Label a president who set up an unconstitutional "Office of Faith-Based Initiatives" in the White House and funneled millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars to fundamentalist charities, using aides from Michael Farris's dominionism "Generation Joshua" cult that he had employed as aides in the White House (Goldberg, 2006). I'll see your "Socialist" and raise you two Traitors, War Criminals, Domestic Terrorists, Tyrannical Miscreants, Bratboys, Nazi-esque Partisans, Treasury Raiders, Dominionist Theocratic Extremists for the ones our President Obama replaces. We got the better end of the bargain, don't you think?

    Source(s): "The Republican Noise Machine: Right-Wing Media and How It Corrupts Democracy," by ex-conservative insider David Brock. "Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism" by Michelle Goldberg. "Sex, Lies & Politics: The Naked Truth" by Larry Flynt.
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