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Bo asked in Society & CultureRoyalty · 1 decade ago

Do the Royal family give a "monkeys" that it's citizens are struggling during the recession?

There's always a new story in the broadsheets about the Royal family excessively spending which we (the struggling public who are having our houses repossessed) afford them?

If it's not Andrew having a private jet take him for lunches out; then it's young Royals who spend tens of thousands in a single go on expensive champagne and what not in these infamous night clubs.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are obviously out of touch with reality,when has any member of the royal family ever considered the british people,prior to king george passing he was offered the chance to have the keel for Britannia laid but decided the country could not afford it,but the moment queen elizabeth was crowned she agreed,it was of no concern to her or her parastic idiot greek husband that britain was on it!s knees,but the excuse was that it would serve as a military hospital ship,it never did of course phillip had it for his bath,it also required a special fuel support ship as it only burnt high grade fuel,nothing but the best for the fat one and her drug taking beer swilling sister margaret,and the greek lothario phillip.

    i was posted to wellington barracks in 1954,and i arrived late in the evening,i was waiting in the guardroom when the guard commander asked me to move around the back of the room as the local bike was arriving then,i was puzzled as to what he meant,one of the guardsmen explained,the local bike was princess margeret so named because anybody could ride it as lot as you were a guards officer.when will the british ever grow up and get rid of these parasitic family.

    Where does the family name windsor come from or is to disguise the fact that they are germans,as we all know the disgraced king edward was a facist and a traitor to this country,if not what was he doing residing with his wife in the german embassy in spain,obviously waiting for hitler to win the war and he was promised he would be king and she would be queen,that is the sort of royal family we are stuck with

  • 1 decade ago


    Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth has cared for her people all her life! There hasn't been one day that she dispised them. I understand that they are paid a lot of money to be what they are but do they not deserve such? As Lord Lucas stated, they are the ROYAL FAMILY. They are the hereditatry leaders of the United Kingdom. Why insult them for who they are, you can't choose where or in what family you are born. But you can choose how to act and how you mature.

    If you think that 10,000 for the champagne is expensive, the British tax payer pays 2400 pounds a hour for each of Her Majesty's private jets AND 12,000,000 pounds a year for her yacht. BUT she is the most powerful person in the WORLD besides God but we are talking human-wise. Queen Elizabeth has done more for her country than people can ever imagine. Just some people are still too stubborn and ungrateful that we royals do as much as we do!

    -HG Johnathan Schleswig-Holstein, Duke of Glucksburg

    Source(s): myself
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most monarchies have been over thrown during economic hard times so they'd be fools if they didn't care. I'm sure they realize that the worse off regular people are the less they're going to be liked so yes I think they care. I'd be shocked if the Queen didn't genuinely care, obviously she would want her people to be happy or it reflects poorly on her country and therefore on her.

    As for stories in're a fool if you believe any of it, but even if you do young royals receive no money from tax, none of them are paid money from the civil list. Andrew is a trade ambassador, could he fly cheaper yes, but someone else doing his same job also getting paid by the taxpayer wouldn't even make headlines for their travel expenses and do you think politicians fly cheap on your money?

    More money by far is sent to the EU and places like Zimbabwe every year, complain about that. I'd like money that is actually spent on the RF to be tightly controlled, but I also don't think we need to pay over 500 politicians to run a tiny island, or need to send money to our EU masters, or should send money to dictators in Africa.

  • 1 decade ago

    Does Gordon Brown would be a more accurate question.Your rant destroyed what may have been an accurate point

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  • 1 decade ago

    The royal Family are not the ones you need to be shouting at. It is the government who are cliaming billions of pounds to give to corrupt bankers who caused the recession in the first place. II am sure that the queen would like to do more fopr the public, but in today's society if the Queen ever tries to change anything, people start moaning about how she shouldn't interfere with politics.

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course they don't give a 'monkeys' as you so eloquently put it!

    Why should they? My good man, they are the ROYAL FAMILY!

    Why should they care that a John Smith in rotten Runcorn has just had his grotty two-up two-down repossessed?

    They have far more important things with which to be occupied! Our glorious Queen is our head of state! She has to concern herself with matters of state dear boy!

    I personally blame Margaret Thatcher for giving the lower classes ideas far above their station. They should not be allowed to own property in the first place!

    Now think on!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes they do, as they did during the Blitz.Why pick on the Royal family do you think that people with far more money than they do, worry? Do you worry about people far less fortunate than you,do you give thousands of pounds to charity every year? Think before posting questions like this,and take what lucan says with a pinch of salt.

  • 1 decade ago

    About as much as the US government does!!

  • 1 decade ago

    They probably care about as much as the average politician does. I don't know what the situation is in the US, bu tin the UK politicians get everything they can out of the system, as has been shown by the recent scandal concerning the preposterous things that MPs have been claiming on their 'expenses'.

  • 1 decade ago

    they could not care less about the ordinary citizens after all we criticise then so often over the years about their lavish and carefree lifestyle they lost interest in our plight as Marie Antoinette would say let them eat bread

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