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GH fans Tony Geary on Luke+Laura in the TV Guide?

Here's a part of a TG interview in TV Guide condensed somewhat:

"Luke having a bastard son really challenges those people who want to keep Luke and Laura in a time capsule, Geary says. "I understand where the audience is coming from but, as an actor, getting stuck like that is the end of the line." Adds the star: "It's a meaner, harsher world and maybe for some there's something kind of benign and romantically comfortable about Luke and Laura's marraige. It's certainly a different time on GH. Now if we don't stab or shoot somebody everyday we don't seem to move the story forward."

Well Tony--if you wanted to change or stretch Luke you didn't have to agree to destroy the past of L+L. Luke could have had a new son without making the past a lie--the past that made you more famous than virtually any soap star.

And yes it's a new GH and you jumped aboard whole hog...for better or worse.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm one of those that tuned out of GH with the "New Luke". After watching for over 25 years, I know what happened on GH and Luke NEVER would have cheated on Laura. Now Tony G wanted a new storyline. Well, he got it, and it was a total failure just to bring on Ethan. Luke/Tony is a hated man on all message boards. Guess they underestimated the fans of Luke and Laura. Tony G without Genie Francis is just another old guy on a Soap swizzling booze and taking up space behind a bar. Goodbye Tony/Luke... Retire with some dignity if you have any left.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually I read somewhere that Genie Francis has been open to returning to GH at full capacity, more so after her last stint about a year ago. I remember when before, the show wanted her she kept declining. Now that the show is trying to move on, she wants to come back. Irony.

    While I get what he's saying and there is a part of that argument that holds weight. The reality is that soaps are suffering. All soaps are canning vets for the newer, younger and sexier actors and actresses. The only way they're going to survive is mix new refreshing stories and actors with historic relevance or nostalgia. You can have new actors and romance with still keeping relevant with whats going on...something GH has been lacking over the past few years. It's like characters walking around with amnesia

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i agree with what he says about not moving forward if the 'action' is not there BUT< like the others before me posted, if it wasnt for L&L he maybe wouldnt have been this famous and been on for darn long... i understand a child outside of the L&L story, i mean laura has nikolas, but it was a very diff. story and this with luke, an affair, i dk, maybe later on but not around that time... it sucks how even anthony geary accepted all this change and go with the flow JUST to keep afloat.. why come back? he's only on for a few wks and not really doing much. he should have left instead and leave behind an awesome legacy and story that is or was luke spencer. now he's just another guy with a brandy of some sort doing nothing much but breaking fans hearts with this change...what they should have done was repair his relationship with Lucky and finally give Lulu a parental figure instead...

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow! Great question. While it does seem that Luke might have sold out a little bit to keep his role progressing forward; we must remember there is no guarantee that Laura (Genie Francis) will ever return to General Hospital in any other capacity than a recurring role. There is not a lot of room for Luke's character to grow anymore unless maybe he gets hit on the head in his old age and assumes the personality of clever and colorful Edward Quartermaine~ see how Tracy deals with that!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Luke and Laura did have a famous love story, but it was so many years ago. The fact that Luke slept with Holly (and possibly - the jury is still out on that one in my mind, had a son with her) but really, I can't even think back to what would have been happening 25 years ago when Luke was supposedly unfaithful to Laura so it really doesn't taint my few of Luke any more than the fact that he is a drunk bum who is a terrible father. Anyway, just my opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    Tony Geary of all people shouldn't want the image of L&L destroyed. Let's be honest, if it wasn't for the romance and adventures of L&L back in the day, would he still be on? That's when his fame was created. Other than the Ethan s/l, when was the last time he had a major s/l? The L&L of old is what allowed him to be able to stay on and come and go as he pleases now. And, it's not as if Luke got stuck in the past, he's certainly moved on. So, why wouldn't he want us to be able to keep our fond memories? Like I said, he of all people, should've wanted to keep the L&L legend alive and untarnished.

  • 1 decade ago

    I get what he is saying to a point but to trash the most popular soap couple in history is ridiculous.For story line purposes, this didn't make sense, he could NOT have left his family to go sleeping around with Hollly bc they were in deep hiding for the way he could have. Now, if he would have had an affair with a local woman where they were hiding it may have made more sense. GH already ruined it when they made Laura have Nikolas in secret but at least she was kidnapped!

  • 1 decade ago

    Luke should've left the show a while ago, you always leave when you're on top. He could've possibly gone on to do something else, something bigger than a soap opera. He always reminded me of that guy from Jaws. If Tony's voice was deeper and he was a little bigger, I think he could've played John Kramer, a.k.a. Jigsaw. :P

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