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Thoughts on the Concealed Weapons law that was defeated today?

A majority of the Senate voted in approval of the bill, but was 2 votes short of the 60 votes required.

Is there anyone who thinks that this would be a good idea?

Do you think it tramples on the issue of State's Rights?

Or do you think that states that regulate firearm possesion are in violation of the Constitution?

Personally, I live in Brooklyn, NY, and the thought of some tourist walking around with a gun in their jacket and then over reacting from a perceived threat and shooting someone scares the hell out of me.

But I'm curious what people from other parts of the country think about travelling with weapons?

Do people really actually travel with their guns?

Are people really that scared? I mean Brooklyn is a lot safer than it used to be, but people still get shot, and yet I don't feel the need to have a gun for safety. And yeah, I live in Bed-Stuy.

side note: The Senator who introduced this bill is quoted as saying Central Park will be a much safer place" if someone from South Dakota could carry a gun in the New York City park.... I guess he didn't get the memo that New York is the safest big city in America and Central Park has the lowest crime stats in the city.


Halfwords - In the link I provided they actually refer to very publicized incidents that occurred with CFW holders freaking out.

Zind - Wow.. thats just ignorant. First off local jurisdiction is just that local jurisdiction, this law was aimed at over riding local jurisdiction, For example: the stringent requirements that New York requires to have a gun permit would not apply to people who have gotten guns in other states that have hardly any requirements or background checks.

Secondly, terrorists will never attack Texas, Oklahoma or Arizona because there is nothing there to attack that is valuable enough to make any real statement... but you do of course forget that the single biggest act of domestic terrorism occurred in Oklahoma City.

Thirdly - No one runs around here committing mass shootings. Those incidents have almost exclusively occurred in states where gun laws make it very easy for any unstable person to get their hands on weapons.

*******? NYC will kick your country ***.

Update 2:

Zind - I would also like to add, I do have a healthy fear of guns.. in the wrong hands. When I was young in the late 80's and early 90's, things were very wild in NYC. I have been shot at more than once, and not because someone was acting in self-defense.

Criminals who get guns in NY don't get them here, they get them down south where the laws are mad lax and then drive them up here.

Also, the "muslims" you claim are attacking us, aren't doing it with guns you nitwit... they use bombs and airplanes.

Update 3:

Roadhazzard - Thats kind of the point. Why should some idiot in NYC get to decide if your worthy of defending yourself when travelling here? Because in some states, they don't check on people's worthiness whatsoever to own a firearm. Zero background checks. Past criminal convictions, or past mental health issues aren't checked at all. We don;t get big shoot'em up massacres here because it is so hard to get a gun here. That's not to say you can;t get one, you just have to go through the process.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I already have that right with Full Faith and Credit, and the second amendment, I didn't need it handed to me from Congress. What I need is a judge to tell everyone what the Second Amendment actually means, and how all gun laws are unconstitutional as it is.

  • 1 decade ago

    it's not local cops' job or authority to tell every American whether they can or can't own a gun and carry a gun. Any law that gives local jurisdictions the power to tell all Americans what to do, is an abuse of power.

    Therefore, no New Yorker or New Jersyan or Massachussetteian or other gun-hating state has the right to tell me what i can or can't do, when it's explicitly stated in the U.S. constitution that I have the right.

    There should never be state or city laws that trump the Constitution. Always err on the side of freedom, not tyranny.

    Finally, you said it yourself, that people still get shot. No law could EVER stop a criminal from bringing a gun into New York, or even owning a whole arsenal of them inside their Manhattan apartment.

    Criminals will get guns, no matter what the f-ing law says.

    You want to turn law-abiding gun owners into instant criminals, even though they're the ones who might save your *** if a crazy muslim terrorist goes berzerk again, in your city.

    The very fact that New Yorkers are pussified and cowards of guns is why muslims like to attack you. You are weak, and scared and unarmed . You are the perfect victim.

    You will never see large terrorist attacks in Texas or Oklahoma or Arizona.

    Criminals don't drive down to Alabama to buy guns and then drive them up to New York. A criminal gets his guns on the streets, literally a few feet or few yards from where he lives. He just tells his HomeBoys he needs a Glok or a AK, and later that day, there is his Glok and AK47.

    If every state had the exact same gun laws as New York, the guns would come from Latin America or even Russia or Czech Republic. Do you think that since cocaine plants don't grow in Manhattan, there must not be any drugs in New York?? You are a fcking moron.

    And the attack in OK City was revenge for Clinton's unconstitutional actions. It had nothing to do with muslims trying to attack an American landmark. The pussified cowards on the planes that were highjacked could have stopped the scrawny muslims from even taking over the planes. The sissies on the plane were terrified of box cutters - weapons with a 1/2-inch blade. LMFAO

  • Jude
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I live in a state where concealed weapons are permitted, and have yet to see any news item where someone just up and got nervous or over reacted and shot someone. Yes, people travel with their guns, especially those in law enforcement. Because, yes, they are that "scared." They seem to have this little thing about running into criminals with a chip on their shoulder who have been released playing at getting even. Something most other people don't have to be "scared" of.

    For me it's not a big deal to not carry a weapon across the country, I don't usually carry a weapon. I, however, found my hubby's 38 to be very handy right after Katrina when looters entered my house while I was in it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I agree in rejection of the bill.

    First if NY citizens have a hard time to get a gun permit then, why a non-resident tourist should be given special treatment?

    Second, the bill would take away regulatory power from the states, since would be very hard to verify if each out-of-state visitor meet state regulations.

    I'm sure the proponent of the bill was only thinking about his personal benefit and just wanted to use his seat to pass a bill so he could carry his own gun wherever he wants.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm conflicted over it. On one hand, I think that any reasonable person should be allowed to carry a weapon in self defense anywhere. Situations of over-reaction as you describe are definitely more rare than situations where armed self-defense would prevent a violent crime. Besides, if someone is going to kill another man, would he do the paperwork with the state first? That just seems kinda silly.

    On the other hand, I believe that a state should have a right to pass laws it feels are best for its situation. I think of America more as 50 countries than one.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Shame on the idiots who voted no. I travel with a firearm, never seem to have a problem. Been as far north as Alaska and as far East as New Mexico, never over reacted, never had a problem with the police etc.. Why should some idiot in New York get to decide if I'm worthy of protecting myself when traveling to their city?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The key word here is "rural village". Not much to do in small villages but to go to church and hunt for dinner. Yes, guns and bibles are the main focal points in many "rural villages" in America... That and Billy Bob's hemi Dodge Charger. I mean to tell ya, slicker 'n deer guts on a door knob there, Jim Bob...Can I get an "AMEN"?!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    While I understand the individual States view that testing and qualification are not consistent nationwide, it would be nice to be able to protect yourself in all states. I could see it working if there was a national test that all states agreed upon for qualification.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It still plays into the right and wrong of a day(in the life)..

    I personally look at my fellow man..and really chuckle---

    That this FAT---head could possibly weild a GUN..

    ..or that some militia of over weight--fat weilding sexually--not satified..could get past first base..


    Most American men can't get outta' their own way.,.!!!

    Have you've checked the latest in FAT-Harley Rider's..

    The freakin' fat head would need a GUN--since his manhood is flyin' out his backside--so reguarily..

    Fat American Men..and a GUN...what a JOKE.

    Source(s): POOP-in a Holster.
  • 1 decade ago

    the Constitution,state given rights Shall Not be infringed........... Does that sound familiar. Most states do have agreements with other states with same qualifications.

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