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Do you think our Beliefs Create our Reality?

and does Bleach really whiten clothes?

29 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is so much more to the understanding within the phrase "Our beliefs create our reality," but this is the best "starting" point!

    What becomes difficult is when you have what you might consider a traumatic experience... for it is hard to accept FULL responsibility for ALL of one's own creation and experience. For example... our little boy kitty, High Jinx, just recently lived up to his name and escaped our house (on monday) thru a loose screen he pushed thru... and has not been seen or heard from in four days now! :-(

    What "belief" created this reality?

    And what "belief" will bring him home?

    I've heard it said that DOUBT is the limiting factor to our creative expressions... that without a single hint of doubt, anything is possible! So I asked my wife the other day... "Do you think it is possible to eliminate ALL doubt?" She answered, "I don't know." (AKA: doubt)

    If only I could snap my fingers and my kitty would appear... wouldn't that be wonderful? But I don't believe I can do this, now, do I? For I have doubt that it will not happen... so i ask: Why oh why do we plague ourselves with this thing called doubt?

    Yet, even still, the phrase IS true... we DO create our reality! Here is an excerpt of information that I quite enjoyed from Elias...

    "Individuals that you may view or that may view themselves as creating negative situations within their focus, or blocking, or creating uncomfortable lifestyles, or whatever you view as negative within physical focus, do not realize how creative they are, for they are creatively accomplishing the situation quite efficiently! Let me allow you an example of an individual who views their life to be in ruin. Everything is going wrong, as they will express. They are always “messing it up.” They cannot seem to connect within a relationship, they cannot seem to focus within employment, they cannot seem to “fit in,” and they are always miserable. Therefore, they view that they have done a very bad job at creating. Incorrect! They have done a perfectly excellent job of creating, for they have created exactly what they wished to create, perfectly! (Grinning) Therefore, their expression is not negative, for they have excellently created the situation of being miserable, this being quite an inventive and creative and imaginative accomplishment! They will not view this in this way, but, in actuality, there is not right or wrong, or good or bad. There is only differences in creating!

    An individual who is unhappy for they have created a situation of poverty, and are walking through their focus very distressed and downhearted for they are wishing not to be poor and hating those who are wealthy, has in actuality created equally as efficiently and perfectly, their focus, as the individual who is wealthy; and if they are truly not wishing to continue within the situation that they are not happy with, they may change this in a moment, this being where their belief systems become involved, that they do not believe that they may change these things. They also incorporate these types of belief systems even stronger, for they reinforce the situation that they have created so artfully to begin with. Now, I am not expressing to you that if an individual has created a situation within their focus of misery, that you should be indifferent to this. I am only expressing the reality that these individuals do create their own reality, and have accomplished this quite efficiently and also creatively." ~Elias

    NOW... as for your clothes... I'm not sure what bleach does to clothes, but I have been told it whitens clothes... in truth it really all depends on if you view the clothes to be whiter when you pull them out of the laundry... then you may thank bleach, or you may thank yourself if they are! ;-)


    Well, I guess I spoke too soon, about snapping my finger... because our kitty came home this morning!!! =D

  • I believe we were taught to believe others beliefs in order for them to create a reality within them for us.

    Their beliefs were not my beliefs so my reality was created as someones own reality. Now I deal with my own beliefs and their beliefs so it will create harmony for the inner child.

    Bleach will turn my hair copper. Remember Sun In? I just looked and it is still available!

    Bleach never whitens my clothes, but it will bleach every other piece of clothing.

    Source(s): A bleached reality.
  • 1 decade ago

    Only in a very limited way: merely believing you have a million pounds in you bank account doesn't work, and if solid belief made reality no-one would ever have had to say "I was certain it wasn't loaded".

    But if you believe a ladder is rotten you won't climb up it, affecting your world whether or not the ladder is actually sound...

    Such examples, extended, make for an interesting interplay between belief and reality.

    And yes, with the exception of certain synthetic colours.


    Edward N, do you want to give me chapter and verse on that? It doesn't sound *quite* like anything I've read in the bible, and Google does not instantly confirm it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi Bluebootz,

    very, very definitely.

    Quantum Physics makes this abundantly clear: Without consciousness, there is no form and nothing to be observed.

    The agreement we call "reality" is inherently mutable and does, in fact, change every millisecond (often less).

    If you use something like "The Biology of Prayer", you can actually easily prove this for yourself by demonstrating again and again that you create the physical reality which you perceive.

    Not so sure about the bleach 'though. Where did you buy it?

    Blessed be

    Karma Singh

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  • 1 decade ago

    OUR REALITY is composed of WATT we Believe Exists.

    Bleach p r o p e r l y MIXED w/ water - whitens clothes.

    to BELIEVE is to THINK -- our THOTs = our Beliefs .

    -- i.e. --

    the Essence of our collective/and/consistent Thinking.

    OUR REALITY is composed of WATT we Believe Exists.

    Watt we Believe WE SEE in the Phenomenal World around Us.

    None of which is TRUE.

    Earthlings on the Average are So PRIMITIVE they are VIRTUALLY

    DEAF - DUMB and BLIND. We are S U R R O U N D E D by


    FEW can " FEEL " its Living Presence ALL around US.

    IF they could : there would be

    NO Territorialism

    No Greed.

    No Rape.

    No Murder.

    No Tribes d e m a n d i n g " WE KNO BETTER."

    such as :

    Christianity --- Communism --- and --- Capitalism.

    There would Be - No Self - bet the Vision and Striving for SUPER*SELF from the HEARTCORE of E X I S T E N C E itself

    at its FINEST and GREATEST and SUPREME*MOST hour.

    Source(s): SUN s h i n i n g BRIGHTER than W H I T E . We are EACH a Sun*Star - How BRIGHTLY do ye SHINE ?!?!?! It's ALL in the MIND. t h e r e f o r e S H I N E ! ! ! jest like W H I T E * L I G H T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . F O R E V E R .
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I intrinsically believe that all beliefs are incredibly powerful, every belief has the potential to become a physical aspect of our personal experience

    A belief is only as strong as our desire to project whatever belief we hold into its physical equivalent. A belief held, without a consistent conscious interaction to transmit our non-physical perceptive reflection, through an intentional focus to embody any specific thought picture with form, will just remain as a belief.

    As we journey through this wonderful physical landscape, we are presented with an immeasurable gamut of extraordinary opportunities to blend, weave and create our conceptual self and to experience these conceptions as a physical constructed form. Our perceptive view and our inherent personal control over our individual sense of existence, is the foundation from where we define and engender our experience. Beliefs are just garnered elaborate perceptive interpretations from that what we are exposed too deciphering space, movement, time and the manipulation of these three factors to produce a mind sense of activity, in which we create a whole universe of thinking around and call reality. bless you!


    Mechanism of bleach action ~From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Color in most dyes and pigments is produced by molecules, such as beta carotene, which contain chromophores. Chemical bleaches work in one of two ways:

    An oxidizing bleach works by breaking the chemical bonds that make up the chromophore. This changes the molecule into a different substance that either does not contain a chromophore, or contains a chromophore that does not absorb visible light.

    A reducing bleach works by converting double bonds in the chromophore into single bonds. This eliminates the ability of the chromophore to absorb visible light.[8]

    Sunlight acts as a bleach through a process leading to similar results: high energy photons of light, often in the violet or ultraviolet range, can disrupt the bonds in the chromophore, rendering the resulting substance colorless. Extended exposure often leads to massive discoloration usually reducing the colors to white and typically very faded blue spectrums.[9]

    Sodium hypochlorite's anti-bacterial mechanism works by causing "shock" proteins to aggregate, which then fall off.


    No, they do not create it, but they do help define it and alter or RE-create it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'll tell you something but you have to promise not to speak of it.

    The smell of bleach can determine your reality. It's true.

    A friend of mine who shall remain nameless, mainly because he forgot his own name due to brain damage, he liked to soak a shop rag in bleach and hold the thing over his mouth and nose. I've never done it myself but from his behavior I have divined that he somehow fancied he could travel back in time. Makes no sense to us, I know, but in his reality it was the goddawful truth.

    I know this sounds know-it-all but our beliefs are our reality.

    Some people have a hard time with this because there seem to be different layers of belief itself. Our wonderful minds actually have the ability to make us believe that we believe in something when in fact we don't.

    All that is real to us is only that which we believe to be real.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Reality is point of view.....Truth is personal perception

    We tend to believe "Our" truth.

    BLEACH is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tite Kubo


    BLEACH is "chlorine bleach", a solution of approximately 3–6% sodium hypochlorite (NaClO),

    OR........calcium hypochlorite...or.....hydrogen peroxide

    Those turn things white via....... oxidation

    But Oxidation turns Iron red...Copper green

    And color is merely the reflection of light

    So...even BLEACH is point of view

    And it whitens....."if that is your bleach belief".... by slightly


  • 1 decade ago

    Ultimately, all answers are found within. We do not, as I understand it, in my reading over the years of The Seth Material, create reality ourselves, but our own version of it. The many varied answers here attest to my belief that we must go inside our own minds and hearts to find the answers. "My" answer is mine, and even if it is "right", my suggestion to you would be not to rely on it alone, but go within your own heart.

    A Course In Miracles teaches that "Loving thoughts are the world's only reality."

    Source(s): The Seth Books, by Jane Roberts, A Course In Miracles.
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