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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureMythology & Folklore · 1 decade ago

Do you believe future generations will look back at christianity as we do on Greek mythology?

In about 4000 years do you think that their Historians will look back on Christianity, Islam and Judaism and think it ws crazy like people do today, reguarding the Greek Gods?

Seriously. People were killed, sacrificed and built monuments temples to old gods like Athena (Greek), Romulus and Reemus(Roman), Osiris (Egyptian) and the Mayan sun gods. They thought their religion was every bit as real as the religions of today think they are.

I know this is going to piss the religious people off, but what is religion anyway? A man made set of answers to help them deal with the insignificance of their life.

What do you think the future will think about people strapping bombs to themselves in the name of Allah or the Christians worshiping a victim of torture by wearing a mini version of the Torture device around their neck on a chain. If Crist was hung would the church's symbol be a noose?

What do you think?

- I am a History Major minoring in Biology at U of Arkansas, and I plan to get my masters in Anthropology: PreHistory human history.



Mybad, The spellcheck on YA! is messing up and trying to smash my words together and making my words change.

Update 2:


Would you question the religious convection of a Greek who walked into war knowing that he was going to die for his God and country?

Try questionong the conviction of a suicide bomber if you want a more modern aspect.

You are a Christian, I can tell just because you automaticly question the faith of older religions.

Update 3:


Osiris' was one of the origional resurection stories. He brought Horus back to life after being murdered.

25 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You cannot put all religions in one bucket . There are vast differences among religions .

    I am a Sikh & I can say surely Sikhism is nothing at all like a stone age religion or a device to get political power .

    I am not insulting christianity but I strongly believe Jesus Christ never wanted to establish a religion called christianity . It were his followers who made it . In fact , I believe he was just a prophet among the line of prophets of middle east .

    I wont say anything about Orthodox Islam but Sufi Islam has the potential for elevating you spiritually .

    Again , I cant say any religion is bad . It all depends upon how you follow it .

    Survival of a religion depends primarily on its philosophy , its nature & so on .

    Best description of Sikhism would be that its a beautiful fragnant rose surrounded by thorns to protect it .

    Any Religion is like a rose , every religion can join you with the divine , but if it doesnt has sharp thorns around it , it will perish with time .

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it is Christianity will end up like the ideals of the Greeks and Romans.

    Every religion follows the same path; starts out as a sect, grows in power and followers before reaching such a start of power that those at the top begin to bring about their own downfall by turning from the ideals of the religion to the reality of currency. The religions then slowly die down and disappear or are incorperated into other religions.

    It happened to Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Celtic mythologies. While each of these still exsist in some form of Paganism, they are not what they once were.

    It is happening to Christianity as we speak (I'm not trying to offend people) but there was a time that Catholism was the ONLY religion in the European continent and now they must contend with many others when once non-believers were either driven out or killed as heretics.

    It may not disappear altogether but I believe that in time will become the very small minority that it was to begin with and something else will take it's place. That's simple human behaviour.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I can't see the future so I'm not so sure how people will think. Heck I don't even know what events may happen. If the only religious books left are of those religions then I guess it could happen. However, there are some forms of religion that do believe the events of Greek mythology. Not all religions are just sets of answers. And christanity isn't the oldest religion. How do you know that future generations won't be Pagan? How do you know that they won't see mythology as truth and the Bible as fiction? And what does your major have to do with this darn question anyway?

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think religion was a way for people to deal with their insignificance, but that is another story. In another 4000 years, it may be a footnote, but I don't think so. The problem with Christianity now is people are upset with Rome/Pope/backwards attitude. I know, I was raised Catholic. If we get beyond that, the messge is quite good. But then most major religions say the same thing, excepting the existence of an afterlife in some.

    I remember when I went to college and took a class where a professor of classics said that there were many who were crucified like Jesus and that other "resurrection" beliefs existed before and during Jesus' time. Far from upsetting me, it electrified me. I had not heard that befoer. It made more sense to me not because it made Jesus seem less unique but it put it into perspective. Otherwise, the whole event sounds SO strange...

    I am sure Jesus was someone extraordinary and that does tend to stay in the collective mind a long time.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You think religious doubters/arguers came along with the advent/ascension of Judaistic-based religions? A little bit of cultural myopia is occuring here, I think.

    The 'official' story we all know and love wasn't even official at the time it was written down. There were just as many "is Zeus really Zeus and why is Zeus Zeus" arguements going on afterwards as there were before. Christianity didn't invent theological debate.

    As with many things being taken over, a sort of retro-nostalgia gripped people who might have otherwise argued just as much against their culture's set of beliefs as before. Nothing like the 'death of Zeus' to make one break out the bubbly and talk about what a really great guy he was, even if you doubted his existence the very night before.

    Religions that tie themselves to a culture die when that culture dies. And most cultures are self-destructive. A good rule of thumb is: the more grandiose the cultural beliefs, the greater the rot beneath it. We still admire Galileo from a distance while snubbing future Galileo's (Paul Krugman, anyone) within our midst. The great only become so in their passing. And that means something else just as grandiose and dark and blind to its own failings will probably come along and take its place. We didn't learn in ancient Greece and Rome, we aren't learning now, doubtful we'll learn in the future. Thinking that we have moved (or can move) past and become 'civilized' usually means drawing ever closer towards its demise.

  • 1 decade ago

    mythology was a period and time some of those people missed it and some overcame just like today. Because they did not believe in the only son of God only one person died for are sins and only one Got up From Death Hell and the Grave with all power in his hands. Sorry cant follow no God that is still in the Grave Jesus is sitting on the right hand of God right now. It is so easy Just believe in the only Son of God. And ask Jesus to come in your life and to forgive you of you're sins don't go to hell when he already paid the price. Religion is man made But my Bible says that we may know him like a man knows his wife. J Not ten of these things and ten of those. that's man maid stuff religion. knowing Jesus is a personal relationship.Romans 10,9 says if you confess you sins he is faithful and just to forgive you of all your sins. ll timothy Chapter 3verse 16,17says all scripture are give by God and IS profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction and instruction in righteousness.that the man of God might be perfect through furniture unto all good works. Find a Holy Ghost Bible believing Church and then, Look as your life Be Blessed Jesus Loves You. He is the only one that came from heaven to lay down his life for us no good lying killing stealing, mother hating, child abusing,murders. That is love. Especially even if you know they want believe in you. And yet he still came down to die for you and me. If that is not Love what is..

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, people already do that with early aspects of judeo-christianity. for example, many people joke about the weird restrictions and beliefs in leviticus, like not sitting on a couch that a menstruating women sat on to avoid infection. already some catholics are joking about pre-vatican II practices. my point is that religions EVOLVE, and it's possible in 4000 years that christianity will be around in a different form.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    truthfully i think so.. i at first was going to say no that christianity is to widely spread and that there is to many ppl believe in it but then again back then greek mythology was the same way .. widely spread and a lot of ppl have faith in it .. so yes i think in the future historians will think that what we believed was crazy or weird and wonder why we did the things we did in the name of religion .. like historians look back at the romans and think what they did was weird and crazy .. and even more so because it was in the name of their religion

  • 1 decade ago

    I've thought about your question quite a lot and to be honest I have no idea. I mean the Greek civilization eventually collapsed along with their religion, so would the whole Christian World have to collapse before it disappears? I have no clue. Hmm...I guess I didn't really answer. Sorry. :P

  • 1 decade ago

    I am spiritual, love your question and history is history. Those who are different and outspoken have prevailed....we know who they are. I just can't stand to see the extremism some people go to, life's short and beautiful, why can't we all get along and respect other points of view. I say don't do unto others what you don't want do unto you. We'll get further that way. Do I make any sense?

    Source(s): My life!
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