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Why are conservatives so anti-abortion?

Not to say that all conservatives are, but a greater majority seem to be. I mean maybe I am absolutely wrong on this, but if somebody can give me a valid answer to my question or change my stance then maybe they'll have the chance to earn some points.

So my question is, why do conservatives care so much about before we are born, but after the fact they don't seem to give two hoots about what happens? I mean, when I look around all I see from the conservatives seems to be pro-death penalty, pro-war anti-welfare, anti-single mothers, pro-taxing the poor, anti taxing the rich, anti-minorities, anti-gun control anti-immigrants, etc. It just seems odd to me that you guys care so much about us before we're born, but don't seem to give a hell about us after we're birthed. Based on their views if anything I would think conservatives would be first when it came to being ok with abortion.


So you guys say the "baby" has the right to live, but shouldn't that same child have the right to thrive? How can that happen when a mother doesn't have the means to do so, and can't get a good education or welfare?

Conservatives seem to hate the poor the most (IE trailer trash, welfare families, project people), but doesn't abortion help solve that problem?

Also, we just went from under 1 billion to 7 billion people in under 200 years. That's crazy, and the world is over-populated past the sustanability of Earth. How are we to solve that issue if the population rate is only going to rise?

Update 2:

Abortion: It really brings the kid out in you! ;-)

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think your question is being asked from a predetermined point of view. In other words, I think you have already decided what you think of conservatives and their views. But I'll give it a shot anyhow.

    I'm not a conservative spokesperson. I refuse labels. I hate party politics and the tendency for people to put other people into little squares and stick labels on them.

    That being said. You have covered several varying topics in this one question. So let's try to go through them one at a time:

    1) Abortion. For the most part, I see this as a religious issue for most (not all but most) conservatives. They see unborn children as alive, they react to the bleach or saline used in abortions, they apparently feel pain so they are alive, by conservative standards. Thus that whole "thou shalt not kill" side of things comes into play. For me, and I'm not a strict conservative, it is more of a question of fairness. Why is it up to a doctor or even a child's mother to decide if the next Beethoven, Einstein, or President Kennedy will be born? What human has the right to determine that? Its pretty fundamental and logical to me.

    2) Pro-death penalty. It goes back tot eh "eye for an eye" tradition. For me its pretty simple once again and logical. Bullets are cheaper than jail cells. Once you purposefully take another's life (not in self defense or in defending your country) then you have given up your own right to live in my opinion.

    3) War. I have to say as a country we are fairly stand backish on war. We generally don't retaliate until someone screws with us. I also have to point out that Obama hasn't abandoned Iraq yet. Why didn't he just bring everybody back on his first day in office if he is so against war?

    In most cases, I am proud of my country's attempt to be diplomatic about issues with other countries. If we had poisoned a number of China's children I wonder if they'd been as forgiving as we have been. In the case of 9-11, I don't think trying to go and "talk to the terrorist" would have gotten us very far. So accusing any American of being "pro-war" is probably not very fair. I doubt there's many people that say "Yes! I want to go kill people in another country and get our own people killed! Let's do this thing!"

    4) Welfare. I am not against welfare to help people who need it. I am against people who live off of it or manipulate it purposefully. I am against people who use welfare as a means to not even try to support their family on their own.

    5) If we have more single mothers, who is working to support those kids? Oh wait. We have welfare for that...If you want to e a single mother fine, just don't expect me the taxpayer to pay for the choices you make. And I don't mean women who get dumped by deadbeat boyfriends who split as soon as a crib is involved. I mean the women who "just want to have a baby" and then find they can't bring themselves to be separated from that baby long enough to work. Not to sound cold, but why should I pay for this? I can barely support my own family.

    6) Who is for taxing the poor? And which tax are we talking about? Income? Sales? Home? If you have a home, an income, and buy stuff you pay taxes. If you make less than a certain amount a year then you typically get money back. Personally I'd rather see 10% sales tax across the board and get rid of all other taxes (and yes, I'm sorry...the tax jobs would have to go to).

    7) I don't remember anyone saying that the rich shouldn't pay taxes. I just think that someone who applies themselves, works themselves from the ground up and makes a name for themselves should not have to pay more taxes than someone who sat around smoking pot through their high school days. How is that fair?

    Refer back to 10% across the board...get rid of everything else.

    8) I like to think (and I could be wrong) that most people do not have anything against minorities based on whether they are conservative or not. Now, if I think people should be treated equally, period, and not be given special considerations just because they are a minority then am I "anti-minority"? If I think its a two way street and ALL Americans should be treated equal, not any race, religion, sexual preference, sex, political affiliation, economic class, regional location, etc should get more consideration than another then am I "anti-minority"? If so I guess I'll have to wear your label.

    9) I am in-between on guns. I don't have issue with the right to bare arms. I have the same problem that Robin Williams did in the 80s "Why does a hunter need armor piercing bullets? How many deer wear a bullet-proof vest?" I think there is a middle ground there if both sides would meet at it.

    10) Again. People tend to take this out of context. Most Conservatives that I know are not against immigrants who come to this country and become citizens the proper way. They are against illegal immigrants. As am I. If you award people who break the law then how is that fair to those who came here legally.

    As for not caring...would you prefer they didn't care for you before you were born? Kind of putting the cart before the horse isn't it?

  • NSA
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    "Why are conservatives so anti-abortion?" Because Murder is both immoral and a capital crime.

    "anti-immigrants," Incorrect. It is anti Illegal Alien. Illegal Aliens are not immigrants.

    "anti-minorities" Incorrect. It is anti preferential treatment of minorities.

    "pro-war" Incorrect. We understand that sometimes War is the only answer. War is nothing more than Aggressive Diplomacy.

    "pro-taxing the poor, anti taxing the rich" Incorrect. All citizens should pay the same percentage. Increasing the tax on the wealthy is penal tax.

    "anti-welfare" Incorrect. ANti abuse of welfare.

    "pro-death penalty" When warranted.

    "anti-single mothers" Incorrect. Just take some responsibility. If you a re a single female, and are sexually active, then you are responsible for your pregnancy, not the government. In other words Single parents need to get jobs!.

    "Also, we just went from under 1 billion to 7 billion people in under 200 years. That's crazy, and the world is over-populated past the sustanability of Earth. How are we to solve that issue if the population rate is only going to rise?" So, by your additional mini rant, should we knock off a couple of cities and small countries? Who should we kill off? Should we just sterilize a generation, or two?

  • 1 decade ago

    I consider myself a Conservative, yet I don't believe that the government should be involved in decisions between doctors and patients.

    Regarding the rest of your question, you couldn't be more wrong. Its not that Conservatives "don't give a hoot" about people after they are born. This is suggested by the FACT that self-described Conservatives give far more to charity than self-described liberals. FACT.

    Not believing that the use of government force to redistriubte property from one who earned it to one who didn't is in no way the same as "not giving a hoot", regardless of how your side tries to spin it.

    Pro-death penalty - Although I'm against the death penalty, it seems a stretch to compare the life of a convicted murderer to the life of an unborn child.

    Pro-war - Again, very much against war, but it has to remain on the table if any other measures are to be taken seriously by our "enemies"

    Anti-welfare - You actually support a system that perpetuates poverty by promoting dependency??? Also, see above about redistribution

    Anti-single mothers - Of course. Do you want MORE single mothers? Single motherhood is the number one cause of poverty in America. Why would one be pro-single mothers???

    Pro-taxing the poor - I am against any form of forced taxation, preferring voluntary cooperation. However, being a realist, I understand that some taxation needs to exist. But you should realize that the poor don't pay income taxes. FACT. In fact, the bottom 50% of this country, many of which are not poor, pay less than 3% of the nation's income taxes.

    Anti- taxing the rich - If you are being honest, you would realize that your statement here is pretty silly, considering the top 20% pay over 85% of this country's income taxes. Maybe its just that Conservatives are smart enough not to buy into the blanket "tax the rich" approach to affording every pipe dream program a Democrat can think up.

    Anti-minorities - This is a case by case issue. Isn't a Democratic Senator an ex-member of the KKK?

    Anti gun control - Read the 2nd Amendment

    Anti- immigrant - Got me there. But there is something to be said about distinguishing between "immigrants" and "illegal immigants"

    Again, maybe you should educate yourself.

  • 1 decade ago

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life...

    Only when you have life do you have the ability to make choices that will affect your life.

    Pro death penalty for people who choose to break the most horrible of crimes.

    Pro war as a last resort or self defense. It is still a choice.

    Anti welfare for people unwilling to help themselves. Teach them to fish instead of tossing them a can of tuna.

    Anti single mother because all pediatricians agree two parents are better for the child and because birth control works 99% of the time.

    Pro taxing the poor is something you just made up. The poor pay no taxes.

    Anti taxing the rich. Nonsense. They can and have paid more during good economies when we had manufacturing jobs unhindered by whacky environmental lawsuits. Raising taxes during a recession will only hurt the economy.

    Anti immigrants. Not true. That's why America has legal immigrants entering the country every day.

    Anti gun control. It's a constitutional right and I will not give it up. Ever!

    Anti minorities. America has the greatest mix on the planet. America does not practice ethnic cleansing.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Why do you guys always you the same argument that nobody cares about them after they are born so why not just be for abortions.....What the heck kind of mentality is that?? Let me ask you....if someone does not want a baby, then why do they go out and make a baby????? What is So wrong with being Responsible for Yourself and practicing safe sex by using some form of birth control. There should not even be a reason for there to be so many abortions in the first place.

    Source(s): common sense
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The first three protections in order when it comes to freedom are life, liberty, and property. Just as slaves were once only considered property, unborn children are mere property of women. The Supreme Court once upheld slavery and the property rights of slave owners over the life and liberty of slaves, just as the Supreme Court upheld women's property and liberty rights over the life of an unborn child

    But as the protections of freedom dictate, the property rights of one do not supersede the life or liberty rights of another. Slavery was wrong, as is abortion.

    To answer the second part of your question, YOU should care about what YOU do after once you're allowed to be born, which is the second tenant of freedom... liberty. The beauty of liberty is choosing your own path in life, to succeed or fail on your own merits. It is not your neighbor's responsibility to care for your mistakes and failures, nor reap the benefits of your successes.

    The rest of your rant is meaningless because if the three tenants of freedom are followed, plus following the Constitutional mandates of border protection, the guarantee of gun ownership, equality under the law (meaning equal taxation, not a progressive tax system meaning the more you make, the higher PERCENT you pay), we wouldn't have to be against these things.

    If people took care of themselves and didn't expect me to pay for them by voting for politicians to tax me, I wouldn't have a problem with anyone. Just because my not wanting to have my income confiscated "affects" a single mom or a minority from having it given to them doesn't mean I'm against them. I'm against legalized theft.

  • Abox5
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Because a baby cannot defend or protect itself. After you are born you have the means and opportunity to educate yourself and get a job and make a living for yourself and family. Do you think the unborn baby has any protections from the abortion clinic?

    By the way, I'm not against Abortion rights. I think it is a personal decision. But I do see both side of the argument.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    - Who favors mutilating tiny humans to death? Oh, yeah. Liberals do.

    - You have a lesser price you consider adequate for the most egregious criminal homicides? It's about setting "what does it cost?" to do this crime.

    - We are NOT pro-war, we are pro-defense. Pacifism is long-proved to GUARANTEE war will be brought to your doorstep.

    - Welfare is proved to INCREASE poverty, so we oppose it.

    - We oppose actual promotion and ENCOURAGEMENT of deliberate single parenting since these children have roughly a 4 in 5 chance of living in poverty their entire lives and/or going to prison.

    - We favor LOW taxes for EVERYONE.

    - We oppose making separate legal classes based on skin color.

    - We oppose limiting arms to ONLY government and criminals.

    - We believe LEGAL immigration should be easier and unlawful entry should be harder.

    Now, setting aside my own biases, it is empirically true that liberals claim about THEMSELVES that they hold the opposite views on ALL of the above.

    You think conservatives don't care about you because that's what the lying liberals on your TV keep telling you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Okay so I am pro war only when there is a risk for the U.S. to be attacked by those terrorists. Like we were in 9/11.

    I am NOT pro death penalty.

    I am pro taxing everyone the same.

    I am anti-illegal-immigrants who come here to kill. I don't mind if they come here to have a good job and have a good life. I am an immigrant myself. (not illegal -- I got my American citizenship in February.)

    I am against abortion because it kills innocent babies and it's not the baby's fault if the mother didn't use protection.

  • 1 decade ago

    What you are doing is lumping pro-lifers with conservatives. Pro-lifers are what they do, that is fight for the dignity and rights of the human person prior to birth. Many of the pro lifers are conservative because the conservative supports things that are in the intrest of prolifers, such as personal property, among other things, because most of the prolifers are in fact, christians. whose bible supports most of what the conservative upholds. some christians arent conservative, however, but more often than not, the issue of life is the deal breaker with them.

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