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? asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

Why is there such a double standard between mental and physical health?

A mental or mood disorder can be just as damaging and crippling as a physical one. Why don't people understand this?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because the physical is visible. The mental is invisible and sometimes debatable. Also, especially in men, mental illness is seen as a sign of weakness. Mental illness scares people because the media portrays it as "nutters" who go round stabbing strangers and wearing silver foil on their heads.

    The more people distance themselves from mental illness the more they feel they're safe and can't have it in their peers eyes.

    Plus bones and colds heal. Mental illnesses are usually for life.

    Simple as that really.

  • wfy24
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Because even though people think that they know every thing and have experience of life and that "they have done PHD in every thing"

    There are still ignorace in this world, and people think if you are in bad mood or tired or going through some stress then there must be some thing wrong with you, wrong as in it must be the person's own fault for having to feeling all moody.

    Mood disorder and mentally unhealthiness is same as and as serious as physical health. Ignorant ppl just do not understand that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It primarily has to do with the fact that mental disorders are intangible to the eye. If they do exude from someone, it generally is a psychotic killer who feels the need to satiate their hunger by killing someone. Generally they are sociopaths. Or they are people who jump off a roof or kill themselves and family/friends/innocents.

    There is alot of social stigma and unacceptability with the general public largely because of the ignorance that is preached and experienced.

    "Why not shrug it off" people will also ask. "It can't be that hard." If you try to explain that a broken leg is as bad as depression, they'd say "A broken leg prevents you from running. You can go about your daily life with depression." And mental disorders are for the weak-willed, many believe, because you "shouldn't let anything get you down unless you're not strong."

    To many people, a great many, physical health and mental health are as different as apples and oranges, and mental health is a hoax.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is so much negativity around mental health. People often have the very ignorant impression that people need to just 'pull their socks up and deal with it'. For some reason some people think that the state of your mental health is in the power of the beholder....untrue, to a degree.

    Stigma will never go away.

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  • 5 years ago

    I can understand where you are coming from. I don't agree with any type of racism. I am white, by husband of 14 yrs is black and we have four bi-racial children. I voted for Hillary because I feel a strong connection with her, not because Obama was black. If he wins the nomination I will vote for him. I don't think that he is a racist. I understand that when a group of people collectively feel injustice they are going to voice their opinion, however I don't feel that it is appropriate for a pastor to preach this from the pulpit. I have been to many black churches and I have never heard anything like this. I do hope that if Hillary does get the nomination that you would look at the big picture,we truly don't want McCain to appoint any truly conservative supreme court judges! How is it possible for Obama to hate white people when he is half white. It would be like hating himself. My husband said it is truly ashamed that we have put these two minority's up against each other to duke it out like this - I totally agree.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well now people are being coming equally heartless about physical difficulties saying it is all in your head.

    people are seriously lacking empathy - however everyone at some time in their lives will eat dirt when trying to deal with something that is over powering.

    some of us are very sensitive and pick up on other peoples difficulties and true nature - that can be crimp ling to those who feel and live with those who cannot and do not acknowledge their own feelings or feel entitled to but deny others.

    we live in a crazy world that controls others by demanding denial.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think a lot of people wonder why people with mental disorders can't control what they are going through.

    A person with BiPolar cannot control their mood swings.

    A person with Schizophrenia cannot control their delusions.

    A person with OCD cannot control their intrusive thoughts.


    People who do not experience mental illness will have a hard time understanding and believing in it.

  • 1 decade ago

    most people havent seen a mental disability that is that damaging and there for dont understand y it is such a big deal

  • 1 decade ago

    You can't "see" a mental disease, so mentally healthy people don't believe it exists. You can see the effects of a broken leg or pneumonia, but nobody knows what's in another person's mind.

  • 1 decade ago

    Like everyone else says.They can`t see what the`re felling so its not there to them.

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