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halestrm asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

New baby dog digging?

Hi, have a newly (15 days) adopted 57 dog that is 4 months old and is doing really well in our house except for...

He digs. Since we have had him, he has only dug when no person is in the house. He has only been left without human contact for a total of 8 hours since we adopted him. One time for 3 hours and the other times have beenless than 1 hour each (a mom must shop for groceries!)

According to the humane society he is a Rottie; Airedale; Afghan mix. According to my vet he is a Afghan; Aussie Cattle dog; Rottie; Collie plus mix... a true Heinz 57 mutt!

His playmate is a 2 1/2 year old Aussie Cattle dog that keeps the baby very busy! (Baby is a UFC champion with the bear Wrestle move.) There are 7 bone roast bones; pig ears; raw hide bones; tug ropes; balls; kongs; and various squeaky toys outside. Outside toys are outside and the same variety are inside.

We live in AZ and it has been high temp and high humidity (for us) lately. They have a 30 x 20 covered porch, a kiddies pool with 3 inch of water, ceiling fans to circulate the air under the porch as well as 3 water dishes (one is filled with a bag of ice; one is ice plus water and one is just water because the puppy hates ice). A neighbor suggested cutting back on water bowls but I cannot stand the thought of them being short.

Even in the house, the puppy paws the water, getting his front paws completely wet. Today was the 3 hour day and he obviously managed to move water dish 3 near the grass to loosen it (I say this because we water the grass every 3 days for 40 minutes and ground was soaked although watered 2 days ago).

While I am worried about the digging, my main concern is the fact that ALL of the water dishes where to the point that drinking would not occur. They where filled with mud and grunge. When I got home, I washed and refilled all and 2 where nearly emptied within a 40 minute period. It has been between 118 and 104 with a humidity level of 30%-60% since we got puppy.

Puppy loves being with CC (other dog) but does not seem to care much about humans. Vet said she is setting her place in the pack with the other dog, and will show more interest in us soon.

I would love to get some input.

I might see the hot and wants to cool off reason; but he doesn't do it if I am not here and is outside the same amount of time since I work outside.

Cannot imagine bored since the 2 dogs either play together or play alone.

Escape does not seem approx since this is not near any fence or gate or door.

Lonely... well, he does not come to us unless CC does. Even then, he would rather play with CC than get loved from us.

Excess energy. Both dogs get 2 walks a day. I spend 45 minutes per dog starting at 10 pm playing fetch. He isn't great at it but...

Lawn is old and well established so no manure.

PLEASE, help me. Do not want to do the Tabasco or other ideas that hurt the do. LOVE an idea that I can do starting in 30 min. increments of "just the 2 of us...."


6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I know I remembered reading about a product that attaches to the hose faucet that allows dogs to drink from it. Something like that might work for you. Or maybe get a heavy dish or weigh down the bowls with some big rocks. For the digging, I recommend a sandbox, or get another kiddie pool and fill with sand. We have a rather large sandbox that was here when we moved in, and my dogs love digging in it. Plus they no longer dig in other areas of the yard.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Try a couple of things. For pure entertainment, put him/her in socks. It might stop the digging.

    Second, catch them in the act. Get a soda can, put some change in it and tape the top, so it is a shake-can. When you see them do it, shake the can real loud, and it will startle them.

    Some dogs dislike water, so if you are outside, you can hang out on the roof and wait till they dig, and spray them with the hose (it's summer!).

    My dog did this a lot when he was a puppy. Now he doesn't do it as much, and we keep him inside much more- he's 18 months.

    Good luck!

    Source(s): Happy dog owner
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some dogs dig and lay down because its cooler in the dirt, my dog does the same. You might want to get a higher water bowl where the pup can't step in, just in case he is thirsty. Perhaps he stepd on the pavement, and its really hot. Since he can't sweat, he tries his best to cool off. Its also possible that the water in the pool is too warm, so he seeks comfort somehwere else. i find that most dogs will pay more attentiont to their canine companion than humans, since they are the same species and easier to communicate :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Keep the puppy tied up in the house close to a water bowl and food bowl whenever there is nobody there.

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  • 1 decade ago

    be careful cuz my dog fluffy chihuahua mix had worms cuz of dirt that he kept on digging! i have to dogs

    so watch out!!! also mosquitos can cause worms too

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Too long to read.

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