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KAY G asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Why do people get on their soapbox about breeding "mutts"?

I know I'm probably going to attract a lot of people who want to "have a go" but if a person chooses to breed their dogs then it is their choice. This site is set up to offer advice and help NOT to point out if a person can't spell or show snobbery that only "the best bloodlines of dog" are allowed to be bred from.


This question is not a rant, i'm just pointing out that SOME people use these sites to get at some of the people asking questions about dog pregnancy.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    all they care about is purebreds being bred...designer dogs are taking over..i'm a breeder of the designer dog breed..i breed pom dogs are being destroyed by health problems and will soon be purebreds will just be a word because they are going to die i'm all for mixed breeding..i know over 15 people that breed and sell designer breeds...

    Source(s): byber :)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey I get on my soapbox when ANY person who has no business breeding comes on here wanting to breed their dog mutt or purebred when they have NO clue what they are doing, are breeding for the wrong reasons, and when they seem to think that breeding is just something you wake up one day and decide to do.

    Yeah its their choice to risk the life of their female, but its MY choice not to help them do it. Guess what 99.9% of the people who ask about breeding have ZERO interest in learning how to do it the right way. They want quick satisfaction for a selfish urge.

    Jesus christ we have people wanting to breed when they don't even understand that dogs don't have menstrual cycles. And I am supposed ot hold that person's hand and pat them on the head? No thank you.

    "show snobbery that only "the best bloodlines of dog" are allowed to be bred from." The whole point of breeding is to improve the bloodlines. You tell me what good it does to breed and animal with a questionable background that will more than likely lead to pups who will HAVE to be put down to spare them a painful death or will at some point in their lives develop an issue than will severely dampen that quality of life and in the end lead to an early death.

    Bad breeding is NOT to be encouraged PERIOD.

  • anne b
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well it really all depends on how you view your dog.

    If you could give a cr** about the health and welfare of your pet, and want to use it as an ATM, then you aren't a "snob"?

    And if you could care less that millions of dogs are euthanized in this country every year, then you aren't a "snob"?

    And if you have absolutely NO respect for life other than your own, so you breed your dog, you aren't a "snob"?

    To answer the "their choice" remark. If someone is so callous and heartless that the life of a helpless animal in their care means nothing, then they should NOT own animals. Chances are these are the same people who have no integrity in the workplace, no commitment to their relationships, and don't teach their children any values.

    Creating life of any kind comes with an awesome responsibility.

    I am proud to be considered a "snob".

    Source(s): owner of mutts-rescuer of dogs
  • gemma
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It's not about that really, although I agree breeders can be really rude about mutt breeding.

    The problem is that there is no background information on the "mutts" like, health records showing any genetic defects such as bad hips, eyesight, bad temperament and so on.

    With purebreds there is a paper trail and it can be studied to eliminate these problems.

    Many "mutts" are great dogs, I've owned them myself, but breeding can be risky.

    And breeders believe in good bloodlines as they have been proved not to be carrying and poor traits. Although it does happen, nothing's perfect!

    As long as you take care of your dogs and pups, you're not doing anything wrong. Just a little risky, that's all. Get your mutts tested for hips/eyesight/general health issues/temperament. That's the best you can do.

    GSD- Somebody, likely a reputable breeder, bred your GSD! What do you want? No dogs bred? So then what?

    Source(s): Breeder of purebreds.
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  • 1 decade ago

    your right no one should be telling you that its wrong. its your right to do as you want. but this is not a site that will help you if you want answers on dog pregnancy. yeah many dogs/puppies are euthanize but all of you got to think about is without all those breeders you wouldn't have the wonderful pet. my dog isn't from ch bloodlines nor does she even meet the standards for show nor did the mom or dad. but i would thank her breeder every day for her.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because thousands apon thousands of mix breed dogs are killed every year in shelters due to the fact that irresponsible breeders just breed willy nilly any dog that they think will make "cute pups". Its unethical, and irresponsible. Thats why we get upset. Why should people be breeding horribly bred dogs when thousands of those same types of horribly bred dogs are getting killed in shelters?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Have you ever had to kill a puppy?

    I have. I am a shelter volunteer, and I am a veterinary technician student. Because of this, I am one of the main euthanasia techs. I have to put down roughly 50 dogs a week. I have, in my time working there, put down over a thousand dogs, probably close to two thousand dogs. I have KILLED over 200 puppies. Happy, pudgy, wiggly little puppies, with their excited little antics, that puppy breath. Perfectly healthy, happy, and cute. But because there are 7 puppies born for every human born, there are NOT enough homes. So I have to sit in a cold room and inject a puppy with a lethal pink poison, and then wait for that puppy to die so I can toss it in a pile and bring in another one.

    So, you tell me why people SHOULD breed their mutts. It is their choice. Their choice to be the WORST pet owner out there. With so many animals dieing, mutts shouldn't breed.

    I think EVERY person wanting to breed their dog, BYBer and Reputable breeder alike, should have to go to a shelter and euthanize a happy, healthy puppy first.

    EDIT: I'm NOT against breeding by ANY means. I love my purebred german shepherds, and I purposefully purchased purebreds because I wanted to work with them, so I needed to know temperment, health history, have health gurantees, etc... I'm against BYB and Puppy Mills. And I am against people breeding MUTTS. I think the only dogs that should be bred are dogs that are bettering their breeds. That means health tests, titles, championships, etc... Some german shepherd kept in a back yard by some random owner should NOT be bred. Why? What if it's genetically unhealthy? Has hip problems? Has bowed legs and can't run properly, therefor wouldn't be able to herd and work properly? That dog should not pass on it's genes. But a Sch III german shepherd that passed OAF with an Excellent and passed all eye, skin, and other genetic tests, you betcha that that is a GREAT representation of that breed, and I would pay thousands for a pup from that dog.

    Reputable breeders understand the overpopulation problem. That is why they breed a very limited number of litters (most only breed 1 or 2 a year, if that), that is why they do all genetic health tests, and show or work all their dogs, and have a written spay/neuter contract for all pet quality pups, and have a written contract saying they will take that dog back at any time in it's life.

    And losing out on money? You, my friend, have NO idea what you are talking about. On average shelters spend about 500$ on every dog that walks through that door. They only ask for 100-200$ for the adoption fee.

    Let's take a look at the shelter I volunteer at. There are approximately 150 dog kennels, a large shelter. We get in approximately 30-50 dogs a day, either owner abandoned, lost and found, or animal control drop off. We adopt out roughly 20-30 dogs a day. You do the math on how quickly we fill up. Every dog has exactly 7 days to get adopted before we must euthanize to clear room for more dogs to be brought in. Many times we get mothers and litters, or pregnant mothers. The owners didn't want to spay, but when their b*tch became pregnant, they didn't want to deal with it any more. Should we let puppies stay longer and kill other dogs in only 2-3 days? That's not exactly fair, now is it. We try our best. We try to get as many adoptable dogs in foster homes as we can, young and old alike. But there is not enough government funding, not enough private donations, and too many bills. Because reality is, most dogs brought to shelters are sick and have temperment problems. Again, we spend 500$ on each dog, on average, in medical bills. We adopt adults out for 100$, puppies out for 135$, because they require extra shots. You say that's over charging? If you can't afford that, you shouldn't own an animal. I've seen abused and neglected animals come in, and the shelter has had to spend THOUSANDS of dollars on these animals. Yet they ask a 100$ rehoming fee.

    ANYONE who says shelters are in it for the money and over charge needs to pull their head out of their as$, stop expecting everything for free, study and research into how things are REALLY run, and realize that we volunteers and employees shouldn't have to pay for this stuff out of our own pockets (and yes, I've supplied food and toys for the shelter I VOLUNTEER at out of my own pocket).

  • 1 decade ago

    why do people feel the need to risk their pets lives to contribute to the over population problem?

    There are people who work hard to save dogs from shelters.. its discouraging to hear of more unwanted dogs coming into this world that will most likely end up euthanized in a shelter.

    This "question" sounds more like a rant.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because millions die in shelters...and guess who pays for it?

    Yes thats right...if we had to pick up less dogs and less non-profit shelters could exist less tax money would have to go to it

    Thats just an overall thing though.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because some of us work at shelters and are tired of killing "mutts" thanks to people who feel the need to breed their mixed breed.

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