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Why do people think it is so wrong to hit a girl?

I smell a double standard.

Here's my logic, if your bad enough to hit somebody, then your bad enough to be hit back and that's the way it should be, and anyone who disagrees with this are just uneducated traditionalist.

If you think you shouldn't hit a girl then let me do a comparison. Why is it ok for a black person to say the word "N-i-g-g-a" but not a white person? if it's ok for a black person to say the word "N-i-g-g-a" then it would be ok for a white person to say the word "N-i-g-g-a".

I'm using these examples because they're similar double standards, if you agree with one, then that means you agree with both or vice versa or else that makes you a hypocrite.


So amy, if you shouldn't use the N-word if you're black or white shouldn't that mean a guy shouldn't hit a girl and a girl shouldn't hit a guy?

Smelling a hypocrite...

Update 2:

I'm against hitting people period, all I'm saying is, i don't like the idea of someone hitting you for 'free' and getting a free pass to walk all over you because they're pressumply 'weaker'. Well i guess you were so weak that you had to hit someone huh?

But anyways i like to be treated how i treat others, no Free passes. I dont hit nobody, so i demand the same behavior and it doesn't matter what gender.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I love this question, and your reasoning.

    It's a kind of question I would have wanted to ask but had to take some time to find the right words to explain.

    my answer is regardless of who is hitting who men and women are equal so i agree with what you said if one hits the other why can't the other hit back?

    but i understand people with a traditional way of thinking,

    but in conclusion to tons of explanations i could offer for what I think in the end i think hitting in the first place is wrong anyways, but okay for a girl to hit a guy and not ok for a guy to hit a girl? no

  • 1 decade ago

    I totally see what you are saying, but i disagree. i would say its not ok for a girl to hit a guy either though. I think people see it differently because women tend to be smaller and weaker physically than a man and therefore have a harder time fighting back. plus, there is a history of women being demeaned and oppressed through physical violence. physical violence is never a good solution no matter what and we should not try to put ideas out there that justify it - whether its hitting your girlfriend or some guy at a bar.

  • 1 decade ago

    in both cases, theres a BUT, you see if a girl hits a guy, it usually will not actually hurt the guy, because it many cases the guy is quite sturdy.

    and if this sturdy guy hits the girl, joke or not it usually hurts. Sometimes the guy may use more strength than he thinks he did and often girls dont joke around with each other by physically attacking one another as many guys do.

    African americans can use the 'n-word' themselves because they will not use that word to insult themselves so it perfectably acceptable, but when another person uses the word, it may have other meanings.

  • 1 decade ago

    We don't hit females because generally speaking they are not as strong. Its not a fair fight.

    I did slap a girl who slapped me for no reason. Literally it was just out of the blue and we were both adolescents - maybe 14. Then she said "You can't hit me because I'm a girl". With my cheek still stinging (she really hit me) I slapped her as hard as I could.

    Looking back I think it was just a brain fart on her part. I.e. kids of that age really don't know what they're doing some of the time.

    So in my opinion the rule does not have the word "never" but "extremely rare and only if in self protection.

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  • 1 decade ago

    First, don't assume that since anyone disagrees with you means that their uneducated. Second, hitting someone doesn't make you "bad" it is simply a bad action that is brought about by intense feeling. And the answer to your question, at least from my perspecitive, is old fashioned chivalry. There are rules and mannerisms that apply when it comes to interacting with women, hitting a woman is regarded as a huge infraction. Only if shes attempting to kill or injure you should you then try to use physical violence. And i don't see why you would bring this up, Do you hit women on a regular basis? It seems like your trying to justify something you did.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok well, i dont understand alot of that cus u use big words haha sorry.

    But mostly i think it's wrong to hit a girl cus they are seen as more like fragile and delicate and guys are more portaryed to be like masculan and could take a hit.

    Like an example is like if a guy and a girl were in a fight and the girl beat the guy up he'd be known as the "guy who got beat up by a girl" If it was the other way around he'd be known as the "guy who beats up girls" just because girls are more portrayed as innocent things who can't protect themselves and the guy would be taking advantage of his

    obvious "muscles" and whatnot.

    and as for the black person white person thing, It may be classed as offensive if a white person says that to a black person. but hey my brother is white and he says it!! then again... he thinks hes gangsta.. hes not.. but he likes to think he is, so haha. yeh..

  • 1 decade ago

    No one should lay a hand on anyone else.

    A man is much stronger than a woman, and more bodily damage can be done.

    No, you are not a racist for asking that question. I agree with you, if it so defensive, then no matter what your race is, it should not be said.

    We are living in a world of double standards.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well it is a fact that guys are stronger than girls. Not all of them though. But the majority. I don't agree with guys hitting women, but if a female hits a guy more than a few times, he should defend himself. There's a difference between defending yourself and abuse.

    And for the whole "n!gga" thing, to me is just a word. If you take it as racist, it will be racist. I'm white and I call my white friends "my n!ggas". My black friends say to me "n!gga, please". I think I've called them "my n!ggas" once or twice. They didn't care.. cause they know I'm not racist and wasn't saying it to be ignorant.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A guy is a long stronger than a girl so his hits will be way harder. How about we put you in the ring with a professional boxer and see who comes off second best. Then you'll know why it isn't fair to fight a girl.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    One, it's not okay to do either of those.

    You shouldn't hit a girl, or anyone at that.

    And you shouldn't be using the N, word, if your black or white.

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