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Can anyone one tell me, "What is 'Nothing'"?

Not even the most intelligent scientist can come up with this answer!

It only proves one point............?


I Didn't Vote For Bush!

Update 2:

Doesn't anyone know the Answer?

My Goodness! I know some of you guys know!

Update 3:

Kaye--your on the right track!

Kermit--you are silly!

The answer IS--there is no such thing as Nothing.....How can you get something out of "nothing"?

29 Answers

  • Kaye B
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Something that they don't understand themselves or don't want people to know. Or maybe everyday people would understand and the scientists don't know because they don;t deal with every day stuff.There is a old saying a smart person doesn't mean they are wise

  • Jeff D
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Ok, well this question is pretty ridiculous, but I will answer it just so i don't get my answer kicked off before I throw in my two cents. If you are looking for a denotative definition then it is simply the absence of "something," but if you are trying to figure out what the substrate is in which we exist, what is the universe in a sense, then I would recommend you google "M Theory," that is the field in which we are likely going to find answers to those questions. But, I really want to know what the "one point," is you think it proves. This is a huge failing of people who espouse faith because most things can be interpreted in multiple ways and our lack of knowledge of the basis of existence really just proves that we don't know anything. It doesn't say ANYTHING about anything beyond that. But, people with faith based ideas tend to push our lack of knowledge to show that in some way their demented ravings must be correct. It is faulty and offensive logic.

  • 1 decade ago

    i'm sorry what? who exactly is the most intelligent scientist? And why would he want to answer a dumb question like this. And what point does it prove? Heres a short answer for you: Nothing is the absence of something. Do i consider myself a scientist? I wouldn't say so. Check your facts and stop being 9

  • Max
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    1. absence of everything: the absence of life, existence, and all discernible qualities

    2. vacuum: space with nothing in it

    3. complete worthlessness: complete worthlessness or insignificance

    4. somebody or something completely worthless: somebody or something without any worth or significance

    5. philosophy lack of apparent meaning: the condition of lacking any apparent meaning

    Being and Nothingness, an extended essay (1943) by French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. The fullest expression of Sartre's existential philosophy, it suggests that humans can be distinguished from the simple being or "thing-ness" of objects and other creatures by their consciousness or "no-thingness." This awareness provides humans with their freedom, but it also leaves them searching for meaning in life

    Source(s): encarta
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  • 1 decade ago

    If you are talking about the concept of Nothing, then you have gone into a very deep philosophical concept. One can not define nothing as it has no form or function.

    Nothing exists as a negation of something or everything. Once can relate nothing to the concept of zero being the negation of 1 in formal logic.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    A word used to describe what cannot be found.... A scapegoat word.

    A cop out so to speak.

    Scientists actually say there is not one spot of nothing. It is either Illuminated matter and energy. Or Dark matter and energy? Sound odd.....Look it up. It is true.

    Source(s): The History Channel: The Universe.....I am serious.
  • 1 decade ago

    The translators had this same dilemma. They called it the Abyss, A Bottomless Pit or Hades.

    We call it The Grave: Nothingness!

  • 1 decade ago

    Nothing is the result of opposite forces being in total harmony. It cannot be observed at any point where a force exists without opposition.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    noth⋅ing  /ˈnʌθɪŋ/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [nuhth-ing] Show IPA

    Use nothing in a Sentence

    –noun 1. no thing; not anything; naught: to say nothing.

    2. no part, share, or trace (usually fol. by of): The house showed nothing of its former magnificence.

    3. something that is nonexistent.

    4. nonexistence; nothingness: The sound faded to nothing.

    5. something or someone of no importance or significance: Money is nothing when you're without health.

    6. a trivial action, matter, circumstance, thing, or remark: to exchange a few nothings when being introduced.

    7. a person of little or no importance; a nobody.

    8. something that is without quantity or magnitude.

    9. a cipher or naught: Nothing from nine leaves nine.

    10. (used in conventional responses to expressions of thanks): Think nothing of it. It's nothing. Nothing to it.

    –adverb 11. in no respect or degree; not at all: It was nothing like that. Nothing dismayed, he repeated his question.

    –adjective 12. amounting to nothing, as in offering no prospects for satisfaction, advancement, or the like: She was stuck in a nothing job.

    —Idioms13. for nothing, a. free of charge.

    b. for no apparent reason or motive.

    c. futilely; to no avail: They had gone to a great deal of expense for nothing.

    14. in nothing flat, in very little time: Dinner was finished in nothing flat.

    15. make nothing of, a. to treat lightly; regard as easy.

    b. to be unsuccessful in comprehending: He could make nothing of the complicated directions.

    16. nothing but, nothing other than; only: We could see nothing but fog.

    17. nothing doing, a. Informal. emphatically no; certainly not.

    b. no activity, inducement, advantage, etc., present to the eye: We drove through the town but there seemed to be nothing doing.

    18. nothing less than or short of, absolutely; completely: She was used to nothing less than the best.

    19. think nothing of, a. to treat casually.

    b. to regard as insignificant: He thinks nothing of lying to conceal his incompetence.

    That's what had

  • 1 decade ago

    It's alright if you don't understand the concept of "not anything". Zero? Nada? Zilch?

    But even if you don't understand something, it does not mean it proves a point.

    Even if we couldn't explain it, all it would prove is that we can't explain "nothing".

    Source(s): Fourteen year old atheist
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