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Ever wish your long time partner would Die?

I can't believe I'm admitting this, I think I may be going crazy, but lately I've been wishing/ hoping that my partner would die. Yes, I'm gay, if it's not your thing, don't need your closed minded judgment right now, serious answers PLEASE! Sorry this is so long, I'm pissed, too.

Background: We're coming up on our 7th anniversary and he just seems to keep getting worse... at everything. He won't do ANYTHING around the house- he only has 2 responsibilities now, cut the grass (he fired the landscapers because he said that cutting the grass was "his time" to think and be alone and get some exercise) and take out the trash/ recycling once a week. He hasn't done either in over 3 weeks and to get him to do it before, I had to constantly nag him. I have to do EVERYTHING else- take care of the cars, dogs, housework, laundry, cooking, home repairs (alone), cleaning the pool and I work from home 30-45 hours a week. He will only shower twice a week, I hid his toothbrush in February and he still hasn't asked about it (eww). It's like living with a teenager, not a 45 year old. His "excuse" is that he works 70 (or 80, depending on the hyperbole) hours a week. I worked with him for 5 years and to him, being out of the house means that he's "working"- whether he is there or not or being productive. He was told that he has to take off 2 days a week by his company, but he still goes in 6 days a week, even though he's not getting paid extra and makes it sound like he's behind even though I know from experience that he's either just driving around, socializing or on an extended break for a majority of the time. On his one day off (Sunday) he sleeps until noon, plays online games for 2 hours then has SOME errand that he just HAS to take care of that he's gone for the rest of the day- when he was cutting the grass he would make sure that he would get home an hour before dark and make a big production out of having to cut the grass, get the front done and stop because it's too dark. On work nights he shows up whenever the hell he feels like it from 9 until midnight and expects to be fed, eats, watches CNN, plays with the dogs and falls asleep within an hour of getting home. In the 2 hours that he's home and awake he manages to create 3 hours of work for me between leaving clothes, coke cans, dog toys and anything that he has touched laying around. He's 12 years older than me and looks even older. He's gained a lot of weight and is unattractive. "Relations" are nonexistent. By the time that I clean up his messes and get drunk enough to do him (yeah, it's that bad), he's asleep and no longer interested. We don't go out anymore together and when I thought about it last weekend, everytime for the past 5 years we did, I planned, arranged and paid for it. I know that he's been unfaithful at least once and I think that he may be fooling around again but this time I don't feel "hurt", I feel sorry for the other person (because he's "lazy" in bed, too). I honestly don't think there's "love" anymore, just codependency. I've tried everything that I can think of to get him to care- went on strike- stopped cooking, cleaning up his messes, doing his laundry- he ate cereal and left the milk in the bowls to sour (that the dogs couldn't get too), dishes and cans everywhere until they drew ants, made paths through the stuff he left on the floor, eventually washed his clothes when he was out (all at once) and put a red shirt in and got red stains on everything, then went out and bought all new clothes because he ruined his old clothes and didn't pay his part of the bills that month! I tried not showering- went a week and was making myself ill, no response from him. Stopped doing dishes and he filled up the kitchen sink and counters, then the laundry sink- ran out of dishes and he washed 1 bowl to eat cereal out of and said "Do you plan on doing dishes anytime soon?" The grass is so tall the dogs won't go to the bathroom outside, so I have to keep cleaning up messes inside. He just doesn't seem to care and uses the house as a place to flop and expects me to do everything. When I say anything he ALWAYS says "I work 80 hours a week" and I just want to punch him in the head, because that excuse is so BS and I don't know how to put into words how much of a lie it is and he works in an office, not like he's a coal miner or something.

***So the QUESTION is: Has anyone else genuinely wished that their spouse would die, like in a car accident or something? I find myself daydreaming of different ways that he could die, or just not come home one night or wishing that he would just burst into flames. Is this psychotic?

And no, I can't "just leave"- we are over 40k upside down in the house that we co-own and I consider it "my home". I looked into counseling when he was caught cheating before (was playing "sugar daddy" with MY money!, series of lies, trick beat the Hell out of his car when he found out he had no money, and DH was stupid enough to put h


And no, I can't "just leave"- we are over 40k upside down in the house that we co-own and I consider it "my home". I looked into counseling when he was caught cheating before (was playing "sugar daddy" with MY money!, series of lies, trick beat the Hell out of his car when he found out he had no money, and DH was stupid enough to put his address in the GPS that I gave him for his birthday and he was too stupid to realize that it saves destinations...) and the area marriage counselors "don't do same-sex counseling" and he won't make the time anyway. When I try to talk to him he "turns off" and it doesn't sink in, starts drinking again and makes it known that he's taking his mood stabilizers again, trying to guilt me.

Update 2:

1) He can't afford the mortgage alone- house will go to foreclosure- we will be jointly resp. for loss and I will have a foreclosure on my credit- I sold my house and put equity in DP and improvements for this one. Lot's of other financial "issues", but I would be making myself homeless. I don't have friends that I would go to and if my family found out that I was broke, they would disown me for being so stupid & they nvr liked him. I've burned through a LOT (3M+) of money in the last 7 years with him and made too many bad investments to the point that I'm barely keeping my head above water as it is (financially). No, I'm not thinking of killing him- I'm used to the thought of basically "housemates" now. I'm the type that will make sure that I live to a certain standard with or without his help, it's just annoying. I was just wondering if I was the only person that had thoughts of someone dieing that they once loved. I CAN'T be the only 1!???

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wow. I think it's time to rethink the relationship here guy.

    I've done some pretty fcuked up **** in my relationships none of which I'm about to say on here anonymous or not. (I'm Italian)

    Okay, time to revamp not only this relaitonship but your outlook as well. Time for a new Bill and it's time for you to kick your partner's @ss and remind him who's the man of the house. You don't or can't leave him, fine then this is a mess you are going to be forced to clean. Only you know how your partner is and only you can make this work.

    And you know something, you know what you have to do (no, killing him doesn't and wouldn't solve anything.)

    I'm going to be mean here so be prepared:

    Grow a pair of balls and crack your fcuking whip on this pathetic sap of a human being.

    I'm telling you now, if you don't get some form of control over this issue it is you who is going to snap and it is you who I will be reading in the papers.

  • john w
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Walk away- house or no house. When he can't make the payments it will have to be sold anyway.

    You are miserable, and there is no point living your life that way.

    Don't wait for him to change since he obviously doesn't care about you or the relationship.

    It's a sad situation, but there really isn't anything else to suggest.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, I have never wished that my partner would die. And yes, you most certainly can leave regardless of the debt you both have. Frankly, it seems like that is your only choice. Sell the house, or have him buy you out. But whatever you do, get out of that situation.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here... you're unhappy, he's unhappy... when you genuinely wish someone would die rather than continue your relationship, you need to get OUT fast, regardless of that 40k debt or whatever it is.


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  • Ben
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Wishing death on others is terrible, please try not to.

    Maybe you can see a therapist solo and take it from there.

    Maybe he can see one solo too.

    & also it is very possible to leave him even w/ the money situation,

    you both can pay separately.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I did not read this, just the title and it is horrible. Imagine how he would feel if he read this?

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