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Lv 5
Dan asked in SportsAuto RacingFormula One · 1 decade ago

Does this not vilify 'Mad' Max's points totally!?!?

Max was berated when he said that manufacturers, in particular Ferrari, were not the lifeblood of Formula 1 as they tend to come and go as they please.... Seems like he had it right after all!?! Hopefully the Sauber boys being the real racers they are will re-take over the team and carry on as they were, picking up the pieces after another of the 'vital' manufacturers decide that they can't justify poor results... and the fact that private teams like Brawn, RBR and Williams have wiped the floor with them this year.

People talk about the McLaren being a dog this year, but as it's now a winning car is the BMW really the worst car on the grid??? I think so...


I understand that Max's negotiation methods were more ham than iron-fisted, but his ultimate goal is applaudable, and hopefully either Papa Smurf (Todt) or the Max-lookalike Vatanen can keep this direction but with better execution!

Now we have another team slot to fill... Who's gonna step up to the mark? Or will Peter Sauber bring back the team as a private concern!?!

8 Answers

  • rosbif
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's why I've been backing the FIA in the spat with FOTA (and getting a lot of sh/t thrown at me in the process), big manufacturers are only interested in motorsport if it helps them sell cars. The way Renault has yo-yo'd in and out of F1 for the last 30 years is more typical of the manufacturers than the way Ferrari has been almost ever-present. Constructors have always been the lifeblood of F1, not manufacturers.

    Hopefully Max is feeling vindicated now.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the justifying poor results part is just an excuse. In this environment, I don't see how any carmaker can justify an F1 programme to their stockholders. Renault F1 reported the highest costs ever. If you have been a Renault Group stockholder, that racing expense is pretty hard to stomach.

    Max had some very valid points and I even supported his budget cap plan because costs are just too high, in my opinion. It seems quite a few F1 fans are backing off their criticism of Mad Max and now saying that they did not have a problem not his plans but hated his negotiating style.

    The FIA statement about how motor sport cannot ignore the economic crisis is spot on. Maybe some F1 fans that keep going on about how F1 have to keep spending like there is no tomorrow should go read the statement themselves.

    Looks like Max had it right all along, with regards to how "vital" carmakers are and about the costs. Like I said, poor results or not, I don't know that BMW Group would have quit if costs were a lot lower.

  • 1 decade ago

    I feel im getting good at this premonition malarkey. .;_ylt=Ai...

    Ahem! ha!

    It is the privateers who keep this sport going. I recall the jealousy Renault made pretty clear when the FW19's were dominating the field and not a lot of PR came their way until the engine blew up and well ALL knew it was Renault! They can't have it both ways; either they are in the sport for good a' la Ferrari and Mercedes or they aren't.

    I could see BMW's fate coming a mile off, it is a shame. I can only presume if their partnership with Williams had gone the way that satisfied both, they would have been winning something by now.

    Kubica is too good a driver to be left begging for a seat and Heidfeld seems to be heading in the Fisichella route. I wish them all well, i'm just counting the days before we get the next press conference saying Toyota say ta-ta!

  • 1 decade ago

    You make a good point about Sauber - the team is called BMW-Sauber (even though it is owned entirely by BMW and Peter Sauber is only a "consultant"). BMW is out, but Sauber, hopefully, will remain. Someone will have to come and take over the Hinwil squad and get an engine supplier (couldn't BMW stay in F1 as an engine supplier? Just to keep one foot in the sport? Or will they be obligated to run Cosworth engines?). I hope the name Sauber will be retained by whoever buys out the team.

    Yes, Mad Max....I think his ideas are little bit ahead of the times sometimes. People just didn't get it. They weren't ready. I'm sure Max is saying to himself "I told you so!"

  • 1 decade ago

    I hate to say I told you so.

    But then again everybody with a bit of common sense knew something like this would happen, they just chose to ignore it driven by their sentiments against Max or Bernie.

    Manufacturers are run by boards, not F1 enthusiasts.

    They have different obligations and commitments.

    I was bitterly disappointed when FIA backed down and now that I've read these news all I could think goes a bit like: EAT THIS

    Trouble is that I'm eating it too.

    Well, what can you do, can't go against the majority now can you?

    So the only thing that just might save F1 right now is that the rest of them A- holes of FOTA follow BMW through the door.

    Even better would be that they backed down and worked together with FIA on this but it ain't gonna happen.

    Good riddance!

  • 1 decade ago

    I thought ferrari was the lifeblood of F1? :S

    i feel sorry for BWM, i didnt even see this coming. Sure they have a rubbish car, but i thought they can improve it but i see no point now as they wont be in next years championship and i feel even more sorry for nick as he hasnt won a race yet where as kubica has.

  • 1 decade ago


    I think that Caterham should take over with Ansar Ali at the helm - the only problem is that they would again be banned for being "Too Fast To Race" as seen in the 60's(US), 70's(UK) and 2000's(Germany)....!!


  • 1 decade ago

    yes and no,

    i never had one complaint about the proposals max was putting on the table, it was the my "way or the highway" attitude in which he did it,

    and yes dollar for dollar bmw is the wost car on the grid

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