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Scott B asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

You want our "government" to be in charge of our health care?

The same government that chose to approve an economic stimulus bill that lead to people trading their cars in, getting up to $4500.00 for their "gas guzzling" vehicle and buying a new car. Right now it's reported that the 1 billion earmarked has dried up and their is still a back log of people applying for the program of some 20,000. Why in the world would I want the same government to be in charge of my healthcare?


Hater police: Several billions of dollars of our tax money went to a program that is now suspended. Did people buy cars? Sure? But the ones they turned in were destroyed, not for scrap, just destroyed. In some cases perfectly working vehicles that someone could have driven that can't afford another, and you think that is a "success"? Wow.

Update 2:

Healthy person: then why does Obama want to give more money to Africa for AIDS? What a ridiculous argument, but I know you have nothing better.

Update 3:

John Gibson: please explain how buying 250,000 cars, and losing 250,000 cars that normally would have been re-sold help to stimulate the economy? Short term benefits doesn't equal success.

Update 4:

Cthulhu: What an absolute joke. The money came from the "stimulus" plan so yes it is for the economy, but the libs thought they would "help the environment" at the same time. Of course, global warming is the biggest farce of the 21st century, but hey you'll learn that soon enough.

Update 5:

Kevin A.R.T. Who says we only have two options and what exactly is the "lower middle class"? What a bunch of B.S. People like you claim that, but can't back it up. I don't anyone denied healthcare in the US now. If you think it's bad now, let the government take over, but why are Canadians and their doctors coming by the thousands to the US for their healthcare?

Update 6:

Mikal_19: keep drinking that liberal kool aid. I don't have to morgtage my house, and I'm as middle class as they come. But then I believe in taking care of myself and my family, I don't need the government's help. You stay in line with your hand out while people like me pay for you to live.

Update 7:

Phil M: Because this country is my home... and constitutionally the government isn't supposed to intervene to the extent they are trying. We have a "free" economy, now I know you libs don't really care much for anyone's freedom but your own, but I have the right to NOT have the government interfere with my "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happyness..." try reading the constitution before you lecture me you twit.

Update 8:

Dickn: We don't run from problems like you whiny libs do. We just make too much sense for you. But you've confirmed one thing, liberals are only happy when people agree with them.

Update 9:

Bullwinkle: You mean like Canada who has no military (they have a small force but rely on our military to protect them), far less of a population, and our still waiting hours in lines, and months for treatements? Yeah, I'll pass.

Update 10:

Carol: You claim "I'm listening to politicians" while you are having them take charge of health care. Of course it's "politicians" who are saying the program is still thriving, of course they'll keep is going, WITH MORE MONEY!!!! You do know it really is coming from us don't you? Stop being so naive and try "thinking" for yourself.

31 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    And it works so well now! You would rather have a clerk making a bonus for denying coverage, be in charge? 1/2 of your health care dollar goes to bonuses now. You'd rather have that?

  • Sean
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The government so derided in the question is the same government that runs the VA, a world class health care system. I would be fine if we were all covered under this system or the one that covers the Congress.

    And apparently facts are made up here in this question: "Several billions of dollars of your tax money went to a program that is now suspended." It wasn't "several billions," but one billion dollars. And global warming isn't a farce, it is a reality. Quit listening to Rush Limbaugh et. al. and get some real facts.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Rationed, withheld, denied and often economically impossible. that is why our current health care system leads the world in cost but in no other meaningful category. EDIT: Correction for moose. Mexico does not have the health care system we are proposing. Mexico and the United States are two of only three industrialized countries that do not have a government health care system. Always good to get your facts before you start typing!

  • 1 decade ago

    No one has proposed "the Government" be in charge of health care. What i like about Obamas plan is that if you have insurance and like it you keep it. All on Medicare, 80 million, will keep that. All government employees that have great health care will also keep that. Who told you the Government would be in charge? Was it Rush or Glen Beck?

    BTW, get your facts straight. All trade ins will be sold for scrap, they just can not be resold as used cars.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama is not enviromental friendly president. He smokes. But that is insignificant to what is really going on. Most of the people behind the cap and trade bill(enviroment bill) have investments in it. If it passes they make millions. One of them is the big dork Gore, Pelosi is another and then a couple of of not well known sentators also have invested money. They just want to make money off you. This is the biggest government take over to rape America of it's wealth. Or whatever is left of it. China now owns our debt.And Obama is trying to convince them to buy more of it and they are pissed off. Their investment has gone south.

    We're printing money like its going out of style. Congress wants to audit the federal reserve(the place that prints the money) and see whats really going on with American's money. But Obama's goonies keep stopping them from doing so.

    As far as health hahahaha, This country is going to hell in a hand basket and the guy hasn't even been in office that long. I never thought a president can destroy a country in such a short amount of time. But it's happening. Government Health Care is going to control you. I will give you an example of a true story that happened in Britian.

    There was this young man 23 years old who had been drinking since he was 13. He quit drinking finally but there was an issue with his liver. The boy needed a liver transplant. The government denied him because the law says you have to be sober for at least 6 months in order to have a transplant. The guy had only been sober for 10 weeks. Oops sorry too bad about your liver. The guy never lived to see the age of 24. Is this what you want America? Do you want the government telling you whether you can live or die?

    Oh and then there's the elderly. Consider them a government discount. They call it end of life care. You don't get any life saving surgeries after 65, they will just give you pain killers. Once your dead the government does not have to pay for you anymore.

    Then you got the obese. Because your not living according to the government they are going to tax you for being over weight.

    And to the poster above that calls us haters, give me a freakin break. Your just another idiot that is a waste of space. Dam right I hate this freakin president. He is destroying America! But don't give me the race card bull because there are plenty of black republicans and black democrats that are against Obama. So get a better escuse for your sorry president.

  • Phil M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Considering the CARS program is completely different in application, ideology and basis I don't see why you would use that as a comparison.

    If our government is so piss poor at running things, why in the hell do you live here? All I've heard during my short 27 years on this earth from the GOP is how bad the government is at doing things...

    Well, after 27 years I suppose I could ask "well why would you still reside in such a poorly run country?"

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, you are wrong on just about everything. On cash for clunkers, Gibbs says the administration is working to find and develop ways to continue funding the program. Right now, he says, the program is "up and continuing to run."

    "We feel confident that we'll have a solution...and that the program continues," he says.

    For those wishing to buy a car this weekend, Gibbs continues, "the program will be in place." (9:55 a.m.)

    As for Health care, as of right now, the insurance companies are in charge of your health care, not your doctor. Health care reform is about putting the decisions back in you and your doctors hands, and taken out of the hands of the "for profit" insurance and drug companies.

    You are listening to politicians that are being paid by these companies to scare you. It's all false, you are being lied to. You really and truly are being lied to.

    EDIT: The point is the GOVERNMENT won't be in charge of health care. You republicans want everyone to believe that you will have no longer have choices. You will, you can keep your current insurance if you are happy with it. If that's the case, it won't effect you. Wait, it will, your premiums will go down. Those that aren't happy because their insurance company consistently denies them coverage or denies them coverage altogether when they become ill, can get affordable coverage and they won't be denied treatment or the medication they need, like they do with the current insurance companies. This will, however, force the current providers to be more truthful and to provide better service to their customers. Isn't that what the free market is all about? Competition? What are they so afraid of?

    Medical decisions will be made by doctors in accordance with what is best for the patient, instead of what the insurance company says they will or will not cover or what the drug companies will pay a doctor in kick backs to prescribe the newest drug.

    I'd rather my health care be about my health, instead of what is more profitable for the insurance companies and the drug companies.

    The members of congress, the Blue Dogs and the Republicans, should be wearing t-shirts that have the logo of the insurance and drug companies they are representing in their negotiations concerning health care reform. Because they certainly aren't representing the people of this country.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Fist, the govt is not in charge of all health care. They will be one of many options.

    Second; Every country that has the public option pays at least 40% less than we do in the USA for the same medical services.

    Third, there are already govt options for Veterans and the elderly. They have 2% overhead while private industries have 30%. They would pay less for subscriptions but the lobbiest for the health care industries and medicine got laws through not allowing it.

    Why are conservative free market people so afraid of competing with the govt? Why are they so anit-free market?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    TO: RUSH LIMBAUGHS DRUG DEALER - Quit smoking your own CRACK... YOUR liberal CONGRESS got us into this ******* mess you idiot. Do your research and stop drinking the Pelosi, Reid coolaid. They lied their way into the mess and then they turn aroudn and say it isn't their fault. This whole mess started when YOUR/ our congress decided to SPEND SPEND SPEND.... DUMB *** !!!!!

    and CAROL .... you are an idoot too. All of you "believers in change" just re-state what the government tells you to believe. Look at the facts people... We are losing jobs, out of money, about to be tied to a helath care system that literally will decided when you live and die, and being completely lied to by our own congress for their own good. Global warming isn't the biggest farce of the 21st century as stated eralier... it is our own Governent right now. Thank God I live in America though... at least I can express my own opionon, Oooops ! I forgot???? If you diagree with the current administrations policies you are instantly labled a HATER, RACIST, REPUBLICTARD whatever... labels suck and so do all of you. Do what is best for our country not for yourselves.

    I hope you all give me as many thumbs down as you can for this post. YOU SUCK !!!! and show me where GOLBAL WARMING IS CREATED BY HUMANS AND NOT JUST A CYCLICAL CHANGE IN THE ENVIROMENT.

    ONE LAST THING; To Robyn in the post above this one... You are truly "hot" . Just reading your post is a turn on for my mind. AWESOME !!!

    Source(s): ONe more thing- several of you asked " why do you live here" and " if yo udon't like it get out"... This USED to be a free country where people could speak their minds. I heard that same shit from conservatives about liberal freaks for years so why don't you stick it up your ass... THis is my country too and I have every intention of fighting and bitching for my rights as an American. I just hope there are some rights left after your done with it... I hope there is an America to be PROUD of and not some friggin socialsit state like all of the E.U. and much of South America. FREAK !!!! You have no idea how good you have had it until you travel abroad and see just how Fucked up the rest of the world is in comparison. I've seen it first hand.... YOU ????
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think the new poll showed 80% of Americans do no want the Gov in control of our health care. This 80% is happy with their Insurance but want the costs lowered.

    It's the far left democrats that want this and their followers. Neither of these groups are the bulk of Americans.

    So I hope their plan fails and a new one with real reform and zero gov control steps up.

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