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Which car should I buy?

My requirements: Quiet, 4 door sedan, dual air conditioning, 30 mpg, large trunk (my wife's requirement), 6 or 8 cyl, ABS, side air bags, child seat restraint, under $26,000

3 Answers

  • Evgeni
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Most sedans with 6-8 cylinders will get less than 30 MPG. If you want a sedan with a good balance of power and fuel economy, look at the Honda Accord LX V6, Ford Fusion V6 or a Nissan Altima 3.5SE. They all perform well and start about $26,000 or less. If you want the best fuel economy, look at a Toyota Prius or VW Jetta TDI.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ford Fusion Hybrid. 41mpg

    A regular Fusion comes with a 6 cylinder engine.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pontiac G6 or G8, both look really nice and the quality in Pontiacs have improved significantly.

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