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Who else thinks Obama is the worst president ever?

From before the time I heard Obama wouldn't produce his birth certificate I knew he wasn't the one to lead our country. It shows he has a secret he wants no one to see, for fear he wouldn't get elected.

America is still the best country in the world, but if it continues in the path Obama wants it, we will be under his rule. We are free, and we should keep it that way.

The casual way he talks about murdering babies is horrible. Abortion is murder.

He was in a church that preaches hate against whites, doesn't that prove that he is racist?

Now he wants to take all our free rights away. Right out of the gate he started throwing money away that wasn't even in any account to begin with, so now we owe more. We had no say. When people are down, he's going to waste more money?

He's telling banks and the auto industry what they can and can't do, who's next?

He strong armed congress to sign a wasteful bill that they now regret, (they work for us and should do their jobs by reading, understanding and approving only what's best for us, no matter what party they're in) then tried again for the health scam, but hopefully they will read and understand it this time. Some things may be good in it, but what if they signed it and the funds aren't there to pay for it. They will then decide who will be able to receive benefits from it.

So their choice may come down to, do we pump a lot of money into saving this old person, handicapped child, cancer victim so they can live a little longer, or pay for the persons that will be able to contribute to the tax pool? He's already shown he doesn't care about human life. Who do you think he'll pick?

If you care about our nation, let your voice be heard.

Contact and pick out your state officials and contact them. You want to keep the option of having private insurance, cause when his plan fails, you'll still have insurance. They work for YOU, not Obama. If they worked for him, they would have signed it already.


I'm not a racisit, but what do you think would have happened if McCain was discovered to have gone to a church that preached hate against blacks. It would have been all out caas

Update 2:

And for the comment about abortion, I wouldn't try it. I don't believe in murder.

Update 3:

And, I don't want one penny of my tax dollars going to abortion.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I didn't vote for him, but I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. He did seem genuinely concerned about the needs of our country and I respected that.


    He's clearly a racist fool who has no clue about running a country. When your in debt, you don't blow your cash on **** you don't need, you save it. Someone should tell him that. Luckily, people from all parties are finally waking up and realizing that this guy's bad news. He's not the worst president ever, yet. Let's see how he's doing come the end of his term.

    And Jong, how does criticizing someone's political stance make you a racist? That just makes no sense.

  • Diana
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I for one do! To many questions have been brought up about his legal right to be president. McCain went through the same thing and produced what was needed and all was quiet. With Obama lets see. I still don't have a clear picture on the truth yet. I wonder why that is.

    The latest being cash for clunkers, come on folks there is something wrong with this picture.

    Obama's feelings with regards to the elderly is shocking, ok so they no longer can work and pay taxes, they earned the right to have care. Besides who else would be willing to stand for hours helping the needy in soup kitchens and food pantries, Mrs Obama she did it once haven't seen her back since. I know I do twice a week

    Source(s): Watch every news channel with what is going on
  • Tug
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Jong, sorry you seem to think disagreeing with you is racist. Also, sorry you can't realize your remarks are racist.

    Maybe when you see racism flows both ways, three fools won't need a beer delivered to them on a silver platter for a photo op to save a failing presidency!

    - Tug

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it is hard for some people to realize that neither parties seem to be helping us, all they want to do is line there pockets and the more jobs lost the more the ones doing it seam to be showing there ugly faces.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dont forget about Jimmy Carter and the 444 days.

    Truman was basically a soviet spy. I do believe that Obama is the worst because of the scale of his corruption and ambition.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Judging by the ones in my life, I still think Carter was worse, but Obama seems determined to catch up and surpass him. I never thought I would see a person in the WH that would make me miss Bill Clinton.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He's copying the mistakes of the top 2 worst Presidents.

    Cater; everyone will be my buddy

    FDR; spend money to get out of debt

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you know what i think?

    i think YOU are racist

    1. OBAMA is a DEMOCRAT not republican

    2. do you know how much he has done for america's health bill

    imagine you got cancer, and your'e going to die because you cna't pay for your sutpid billsl ike my relative, and who will you blame then?

    obama? no i didnt' think so

    3. do you knwo why he's telling the auto industry and banks what to do?


    america can not match the competition of Japan and other auto giants, and Obama is hoping to save them not order them

    you act as if presidents never make mistakes

    4. Bush did so much for this country, and yet millions hate him for no reason, and they didnt' even vote he served two terms

    5. do you think obama is running a hospital here?

    he's try to solve the problems millions of americans face today

    6. who saids we're only saving old, handicapped, and cancer

    you break your arm without insurance, and your medical bill comes out to a thousand dollars

    7. the recession isn't helping, obama has worked hard to bring us out of this financial crisis

    8. stop being racists and realize the pros of what obama has done

  • 1 decade ago

    Thank you for your opinion. But my opinion is the complete opposite of yours.

    Obama has already accomplished more in 6 months then Bush did in 8 years.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    with out a doubt the worst president ever

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