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Did you see Keith Olbermann's show exposing some in Congress who get huge donations from medical providers?

Influence peddlers from insurance corps. and pharmaceutical corps. have many politicians just where they want NO against health care reform! And, they are not all Republicans. They are "blue dog" Democrats, too. It'll be interesting to see how they vote, after being exposed as fodder for lobbyists hired by greedy corporations. Is there another side to this?


Enigmatic smile (great avatar) I think it does matter WHO is President...many have made an effort to change health care and have failed. Nixon introduced HMO's, (predators of the elderly). At least President Obama is really trying. Idiots prefer the status quo!

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    special interest groups are nothing new ... the fact is that something HAS to be done about health care, but each side wants some sort of kick back or free pass ... and until the special interest groups are stopped it wont matter who is president or what political party is in power

    add: I agree he's trying, I just hope he gets it done, because he's getting opposition from both sides ... if ever we needed to get behind a president like him or not, its over this issue of healthcare ... in the USA we pay 3x as much as other countries for health care, and we get worse care ... that simply cannot continue

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, but Olbermann failed to mention that GE was made a monopoly by Obama. They got billions for propaganda of Obama.

    Google General Electric monopoly obama stimulus

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your question brought out a few deaf messenger shooters.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The answer to this question from everyone should be NO, we didn't see it, because NO ONE watches Keith Olberdouche.

    I mean, have you seen his ratings!!?? O'Reilly triples his viewship on a nightly basis.

    There are more people watching sonograms at any given time that people who watch Olberdouche on a nightly basis.

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  • 1 decade ago

    He still has a show?

    Thought that he was gotten rid of by ESPN.

    Oh wait that is right he is now on the lowest rated cable company called MSNBC!

  • 1 decade ago

    can you honestly say your surprised?

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