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Where to live, where to go? Is there a place where I can live my 'essential meaning' - together with others?

Asking myself about the sense of life, I found answers that let me doubt what is offered and lived in our society. I had to realize that most established concepts have created a 'fake reality' that serves in the first place to keep people in dependency, following a dump consumer society that do, buy, think and believe what strengthens the system so that all have a kind of frame they can follow and stay in it, guided and manipulated from a few who know a little bit more than the mass and using their power...

I stepped out of this dirty game some time ago and I'm very critical in every thing, I even question myself and so I got rid of most of my false concepts about life and found what might be the real meaning of it. My self image has changed and is not manipulated any more and I don't want to fulfill common images to feel good. I do what makes sense to me and I trust my own judgement.

Seeing that it is necessary to do something about the still primitive level of awareness of people, that obviously brought our living space the Earth into danger, - searching about it I have found various effective ways, but alone I can do very little, just for myself and the people I encounter in my daily life. I believe that living with a group of people, uniting our energy, we could do something that has an impact. That could be a positive result, coming out of living in a creative and healthy environment, our intention to work on ourselves, not being sucked by false goals, but relating and responding to what shows up in our daily life, without rigid concepts how one should behave or how things should be...

I visited quite a number of existing groups and communities, but I found out, that they all are living out of concepts, trying to realize these. Depending on the attraction of their concepts, the group has followers who can identify themselves with them. What I could see is that all those concepts and beliefs are still based on the need of people in this society and that is by satisfying their personalities.

That's not what I'm looking for!

So where can I live, where can I go? Anybody knows a place or has heard about one? I know about a few people who tried to make a place, but after a few years they gave up, frustrated and disappointed. I don't want to make my own place, I want to join an existing group, but I don't want to join a leader or guru and I also don't want to join any kind of religious belief system.

Please tell me about your experiences...



@Einstein: Next time stay away from my questions. No wonder that your answers are deleted. You are answering the same way to other questions. So about 3.000 answers like this only from you and there are more like you filling up the precious space here at Yahoo. You should have stayed in Denmark making cheese...

Update 2:

@MeSaG: Thank you for you intelligent answer, although this is not answering my question. If I would be one of the woman you are describing, then probably I would be impressed, but actually I'm a 'cave woman' and have left behind most of it. I can be a 'cave woman' where ever I am and I don't depend at all from others, but I believe we must find a new life style and form to be more effective in our intentions. If there is a wagon stuck in the mud, then a group of people can get it out, pushing into the same direction... Right? Clever words might give a hint, but action will do it... Thanks anyway for your intention.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I know exactly how you feel. I too have sought the same.

    It's very frustrating watching this pseudo life pass by knowing

    there is a better way to live.

    I myself joined a group called Higher conciousness, what a joke they turned out to be. I left after 2 visits. Science of Mind..unreal. I even thought of going to seek out a Buddhist community.

    But then I ask myself "what would that enviroment offer that I can't have now?"

    How about real Loyalty, trust, knowledge..etc.

    How about not having a bunch of cowards around me that are afraid to stand up for "right."

    I'm tired of being around phoney Christians, phoney niceness, phoney love, phoney play...etc..

    But the truth of the matter is Awareness is rare.

    So a group would be quite a task to accomplish. I've been seeking a long time. It doesn't take many comments to find the person you "thought" was aware is not.

    So there is no answer to your question. I'm in VA. I'm in hell. The people are zombies, the food is low quality. The courts are ruled by idiots. It's a very scary place. But I seem the be the only one who feels that way. So don't come here is all I can say.

  • 1 decade ago

    I also thought about the possibility to live in a group with 'kindred spirits', but the places I checked out had all a kind of guru who felt 'spiritual', looking nearer it seemed to me that these guys were supported by their followers because they offered a strong ideology that people could join and with this being happy. With other words: The usual personality game. No thank you!

    I also feel that I don't want to make a group where then I can live. I prefer to join an existing group, - if there is one. I am waiting for answers her for your question, from people who are living in such a place and group...


  • 1 decade ago

    This technology, language, clothes you wear(may) all are results of continuous contribution of this society, which is being cursed. You may know that, cut throat competition, break through products or superb concepts are one or other way emerged because of various feelings of defeating, high margin gaining etc.

    If you want to loose all, loose your self from this society, and be dependent on this very nature and your self. Be only person, who connects your each needs with nature.

    Be a 'Cave Wo/Man'. Or dependency on other will always be there, and those things will be related to many unwanted vibration to u.

    Hope it's a way to filter your self from all social pollutes.

    Best of luck.

    Source(s): Experience and love for Discovery Channel, Movie:In to the wild
  • 1 decade ago

    Life is the reference point for meaning.

    It has no meaning by itself.

    If you want a 'simpler' society Join the Amish or the 12 Tribes.

    And Einstien is right. No one has time for your essay. Get to the point.

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  • 1 decade ago

    A group or union of people can't do anything.a few days can go peacefully not at all times.Difference of opinion will crop up sooner or later.It is your inner strength that can help you.

    Generate the power within yourself,it is tremendous that can make change the way you want.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Of course the need to find a place to escape defeats the trust in your own judgment. :-))

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Next time, keep it short.

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